Stanford-Berkeley 친선 체육대회안 Aug 20 th, 2005 Stanford Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Stanford-Berkeley 친선 체육대회안 Aug 20 th, 2005 Stanford Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stanford-Berkeley 친선 체육대회안 Aug 20 th, 2005 Stanford Campus

2 제 1 회 Stanford-Berkeley 친선 체육대회 Sat, Aug 20th 10:00am – 6:30pm ( 우천시, 전날 11:59am 에 call off 통보. 21 일로 reschedule) Stanford Campus ( 농구는 예약된 경기장에서 이후 행사는 모두 축구장에서 하는 것을 기본으로 한다 ) 08:00 – 10:00 Setup 10:00 – 11:30 Basketball 11:30 – 01:00 Lunch 01:15 – 02:15 피구 02:30 – 03:00 수박 빨리 먹기 대회 03:15 – 04:15 팩차기 04:30 – 06:00 Soccer 06:00 – 06:30 경품 추첨

3 GAMES - Soccer Game Format –Two 30 minute-long half times. –15 minute-break in between. Number of Players –11 players in each team : 1 goal keeper & 10 field players –Unlimited substitutes – 주심 1 명, 부심 1 명, 대기심 1 명 ( 각 학교당 심판 2 명 모집 ) Half Time: Ladies’ Penalty Kick contest –Up to 5 women kickers, 1 male goal keeper (turned around) –Two opportunities of penalty kick against the opponent team’s goal keeper will be accorded to each kicker. –Each successful goal will count as 1/5 goal and will be added to the final game score –Each female participant will be given a small gift

4 GAMES – Basketball Game Format –Four 10 minute-long half times. –5 minute-break in between. Number of Players –5 players in each team –3 substitute players, but with an unlimited number of substitutions. – 각 학교당 심판 1 명씩 : 시간, 3 점슛, walking 등 판별 – 반칙은 기본적으로 self-call 제 –3 second violation 과 공격자 시간 제한은 없는 것으로 한다 Half Time: Ladies’ Free throw contest –Up to 5 women gets 2 tries –Each success counts as one point –Each female participant will be given a small gift

5 GAMES – Dodge ball ( 피구 ) Game Format –One game until no more females are left ( 여왕벌 게임 ) –Men throw with non-dominant hand Number of Players –Up to 10 females and 20 males on each team –Each team need to have same number of male and female – 각 학교에서 심판 1 명씩 Player recruiting –Team will be recruited on spot

6 GAMES – 수박 빨리 먹기 대회 Game Format –Each player will be given 1/4 of a watermelon –Whoever finishes it first (no sign of red), wins the game Number of Players –Up to 10 from each school –Each team need to have same number – 각 학교에서 심판 1 명씩 Player recruiting –Team will be recruited on spot Prizes –Prizes will be given to two fastest players –Winning points will be given to the school with the fastest player

7 GAMES – 팩차기 Game Format –The player responsible for dropping the 팩, steps out of the game –On stepping on the 팩, he and one of his team members steps out –Whoever is left wins the game Number of Players –Up to 10 from each school –Each team need to have same number – 각 학교에서 심판 한명씩 Player recruiting –Team will be recruited on spot Prizes –Prizes will be given to two last players –Winning points will be given to the school with the last player

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