Outlines of Korean Industrial Standards Type of Standards : De Jure Standard, Voluntary Standard Number of standards : 22,058 (2006) Fields : all fields.

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3 Outlines of Korean Industrial Standards Type of Standards : De Jure Standard, Voluntary Standard Number of standards : 22,058 (2006) Fields : all fields of chemical, mechanical, electrical etc. exclusive of medical field (16 fields) Chemical, Clothing, Ceramics (24%) Machinery (18%) Electricity (14%) Steel, Mining, Construction (13%) Transportation, Shipbuilding, Aircraft (11%) Information Industry (8%) Others (Health, Fod, etc. (7%) General (5%) ’62 ’70 ’80 ’90 ’00 ‘06 300 1,846 7,029 8,552 10,845 22, 058 unit : type


5 1966~: 한일 경제장관 회담 1961: KS (National Standards) 1969~ : 산업표준심의회 운용 Export/ Dom. Dem. Quality level up Nat’L W/M system Infra-structure Q/C 5-year Plan Ind’l Dev. 산업화 초기 60-70 년대 국가표준의 목적 Reliability

6 1988~: 적합성 평가 포함 1981 국장급 표준회의 시작 일본공업기술원 경제산업성 한국공업진흥청 기술표준원 Safety. Quality Man. Env./Soc. Infra-structure Q/C Inc. Service Ind’l Dev. 정례표준회의 80 년대 이후 국가표준의 목적 Reliability





11 Technology Economics ImprovementAcademics eco-friendly threshold value susceptibility. Stefan-Boltzmann's law emission lines thermal spectrum quantum coherence homogeneous equation linear acceleration 2006 2001 resonance trapping strain-hardening profit graph. stochastic model Lindhard dielectric function orthonormalization spontaneous disintegration spin resonance ligand field theory

12 1. 고도화된 신기능 창출, 응용 강화 2. 양산기술화, 저가격화, 장수명화 Technology Economics Improvement Academics 2006 2001 2006

13 Mandatory Informative QualityDisposal Mandatory Informative QualityDisposal reduction ratio general requirement quality assessment permeability quality assurance complete admittance report form biocompatibility 2001 2006

14 3. 신뢰성 강화, 환경 친화, 재활용 Mandatory Informative QualityDisposal 2006 2001

15 - 정보교환 차원에서 논의 -partner - 중점 협력 사항은 시험 방법 - 상호인정 - 다양화된 요구 사항 – 일반적 주제 - 삶의 질과 관련된 표준 - 글로벌 마켓 - 비교우위가 달라 상호 보완이 가능한 품목 표준


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