My father's favorite theme was that life has its (a) ups and downs and that each person has to come to terms with his own share of (b) misery. "You've.

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Presentation on theme: "My father's favorite theme was that life has its (a) ups and downs and that each person has to come to terms with his own share of (b) misery. "You've."— Presentation transcript:

1 My father's favorite theme was that life has its (a) ups and downs and that each person has to come to terms with his own share of (b) misery. "You've got to accept a little sorrow in life," he'd tell me when I was upset about some disappointment. "You'll never really know what happiness is unless you have (c) something to compare it to. In other words, you can feel what is happy only after you overcome your own (d) unhappiness." 1. 밑줄 친 (a) ~ (d) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은 ? □ favorite □ theme □ life □ ups and downs □ each□ person □ come to terms with □ own □ share□ misery □ accept□ a little □ sorrow□ when □ upset□ about □ disappointment □ really □ what□ happiness □ unless □ something □ compare □ in other words □ can□ only after □ overcome □ unhappiness ① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d)

2 from Monday through Friday I drove near to work, left my car in a church parking lot, and walked to my office building. Getting back to my car one evening, I noticed a church bulletin on the windshield. On its back page the minister had penned a note “You are also invited to park in this lot on Sundays.” 2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 시사하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ from □ through □ drive (drove) □ near □ to □ work □ leave (left) □ church □ parking lot □ office □ get back □ one evening □ notice □ bulletin □ windshield □ minister □ pen □ note □ invite □ park ① 일요일에는 공원에 주차하라는 것 ② 일요일에는 다른 곳에 주차하라는 것 ③ 교회에 예배 보러 오라는 것 ④ 평일에는 주차하지 말라는 것

3 from : John Smith To : Tom Jason Thank you very much for your email of March 10 and the attached system design documents. We appreciate your cooperation and hope to get your continued support. Best regards, John Smith 3. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ attached □ document □ appreciate □ cooperation □ hope □ get □ continued □ support □ request □ thank □ notify □ explain ① To request ② To thank ③ To notify ④ To explain

4 There are more than a million people with the last name Smith in America. The name Smith was for a person who worked with metal. A blacksmith worked with iron, a tinsmith worked with tin. The name Miller was for a person who ground up wheat, corn or other grains into flour. Taylor was a person who made clothes. Carpenter was the name for a person who worked with wood. Therefore we can see that English names were often taken from _______________________. 4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ more than □ million □ with □ last name □ metal □ iron □ tin □ grind (ground) □ wheat □ corn □ grain □ flour □ clothes □ carpenter □ wood □ therefore □ taken from □ kind ① the father's name ② the husband's name ③ the place a man was born ④ the kind of work a man did

5 If you are going to build a radio receiving set, do you start working without a diagram or a blueprint? Do you start to make a dress without knowing how many yards of material you need and without having a pattern? You must know what you are trying to do and plan a way to do it. When you have planned what you want to do, you must learn how to do it. When you have discovered what you must know, you should set yourself to learn it. In other words, to do anything successfully and to be happy, you must ______________. 5. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ if□ be going to □ build □ receiving □ start □ working □ without □ diagram □ blueprint □ make □ know □ how many □ material □ need □ pattern □ must □ try to □ do □ plan □ way □ how □ discover □ should □ set □ yourself □ in other words □ anything □ successfully □ enough □ make a plan □ be willing to~ □ advice ① have enough money to do what you want ② know what you want to do ③ make a plan for your work ④ be willing to others' advice

6 In the United States orange juice is one of the most popular cold drinks. Most of the oranges for juice grow in Florida. In many homes around the country, orange juice is always served at breakfast time. It is also a favorite snack at any time of the day. When there is bad weather in Florida the whole country knows about it. Bad weather in Florida means fewer oranges. And that means _____________________. 6. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ popular □ drinks □ most □ grow □ always □ served □ breakfast □ favorite □ snack □ at any time □ weather □ whole □ mean □ fewer □ expensive □ cheap ① more expensive orange juice! ② more cheap orange juice! ③ that orange juice is served at breakfast time. ④ that orange juice is a favorite snack

7 Jim and Alex had been friends since childhood, but as adults their lives went in different directions. Jim achieved great success in business, while Alex worked as a clerk in a department store. Although Alex was basically happy with his job, he would often think that "___________" when he considered Jim's success. Alex thought that his friend was much better off and in a more advantageous position than he was. What Alex did not know was that Jim was not happy with his job and that his health was suffering because of the constant stress. 7. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ since□ childhood □ adult□ different □ direction □ achieve □ success □ business □ while□ as □ clerk □ department store □ although □ basically □ job □ often □ consider □ success □ better off □ advantageous □ position □ suffer □ because of □ constant □ honor□ thief □ trick□ grass □ always□ fence ① There is no honor among thieves. ② When the cat's away the mice will play. ③ You can't teach an old dog new tricks. ④ The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

8 One morning Helen woke early. She could not see the daylight, but she smelled bacon and eggs. She knew it was time to get up. Her mother hurried Helen through breakfast and dressed her carefully. Helen did not know what was happening. Still she felt excited. When her father lifted her into the carriage she wondered where they were going. 8. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ? □ one morning □ wake (woke) □ can (could) □ daylight: □ smell □ it is time □ get up □ hurry □ dress □ carefully □ happen □ still □ feel (felt) □ lift: □ carriage: □ wonder ① Helen 은 화가 나있다. ② Helen 은 행선지를 몰랐다. ③ Helen 은 총명한 편이 아니다. ④ Helen 은 외출하기를 싫어했다.

9 Before leaving for my first day at work after many years as a homemaker, I prepared six brown-bag lunches. After marking the five children's sacks with their names, I wrote “Mom” on mine. At the office, I opened the refrigerator provided for employees' lunches. The top shelf was full of brown bags, all marked “Mom.” 9. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? □ before □ leave for □ at work □ after □ as □ homemaker □ prepare □ lunch □ mark □ sack □ write (wrote) □ mine □ office □ open □ refrigerator □ provided for □ top □ shelf □ full of □ all ① 글쓴이에게는 5 명 이상의 자녀가 있었다. ② 글쓴이가 동료들의 도시락까지 준비했다. ③ 글쓴이는 오랫동안 가정 일을 하다가 직장생활을 하게 되었다. ④ 글쓴이가 다니는 회사는 가정을 가진 주부가 많았다.

10 [Most states of the United States have very strict laws to limit the hunting of deer.] (A) The robot looks and acts just like a real deer, but if a hunter tries to shoot it, the police come out from the woods and check his hunting license. (B) So, the forest services have developed a robot that looks and acts just like a deer. (C) Some hunters, however, do not obey the laws and try to kill too many deer. 10. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ most□ state □ strict□ law □ limit□ hunting □ deer□ act □ like□ real □ hunter□ try to □ shoot □ the police □ from the wood □ check □ license □ so □ forest □ forest service □ develop □ however □ obey □ too many ① (B)-(C)-(A) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (C)-(A)-(B) ④ (C)-(B)-(A)

11 In reading for self-improvement, you should cast a critical eye on what the author says. ① Unfortunately, however, too many readers read only at a literal level. ② Too many, without knowing it, are slaves to other people's ideas. ③ They tend to doubt what the author says. ④ The trouble with this is that such people misread because they do not distinguish fact from opinion, make inferences or sense the author's bias or tone. Reading critically means to be aware of these things as we read. 11. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은 ? □ in V-ing □ read □ self-improvement □ should □ cast□ critical □ what□ author □ unfortunately □ literal □ level□ slave □ tend to □ doubt □ trouble □ such □ misread □ because □ distinguish □ fact □ opinion □ make inferences □ sense □ tone □ bias: □ aware of ① ② ③ ④

12 The patient, sitting on the examining table, told the doctor, “Those oysters I ate don't seem to be agreeing with me.” “Were they fresh?” the physician asked, as he felt the man's stomach. “I'm not sure.” “Well, how did they look when you opened the shells?” “Opened the shells?” 12. 다음 글에서 환자가 병이 든 이유로 추론할 수 있는 것은 ? □ patient □ sit □ examining table □ tell (told) □ oyster □ eat (ate) □ seem □ agree with □ fresh □ physician □ ask □ stomach □ sure □ open □ look □ shell ① 평소에 위장이 좋지 않아서 ② 상한 굴을 먹어서 ③ 굴을 너무 많이 먹어서 ④ 굴을 껍질 채로 먹어서

13 Dear Mom and Dad, We have some exciting news for you. I'm going to be a father! We didn't tell you right away. At first the doctor said Maria might have some trouble with the baby. Now he says she is just fine. She's very healthy and happy. She still works on her paintings every day. But she stopped teaching art classes. She gets tired more quickly now. We're planning to visit you next month. See you then! Ted 13. 다음 편지에 언급된 Maria 는 누구인가 ? □ exciting □ be going to □ right away □ at first □ may (might) □ trouble □ healthy □ still □ every day □ stop □ art class □ get tired □ quickly □ plan □ visit □ next month □ niece □ aunt ① Ted's sister ② Ted's niece ③ Ted's aunt ④ Ted's wife

14 A fox one day found a beautiful bunch of grapes hanging from a vine. The grapes seemed so nice that the fox decided to get them. The bunch was too high, and the fox had to jump to get it. He tried many times, but he could not reach it. At last he was quite tired out. He sat down and looked at the grapes angrily, and said, “What a fool I am! These grapes are sour and not good to eat.” And he walked away. 14. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ fox □ find (found) □ a bunch of grapes □ hanging □ from□ vine □ seem □ decide □ too high □ have (had) to □ jump□ try □ many times □ can (could) □ reach □ at last □ tired out □ look at □ angrily □ fool □ sour □ eat ① 실패에 대한 변명② 무능함에 대한 한탄 ③ 불굴의 정신④ 자신의 능력 자각

15 On American television there are many ads about kinds of soap. They show soap for washing clothes. They also show soap specially for washing dishes. Some ads show soap only for washing floors. Other ads are about soap for washing cars. Television ads show soap for washing people too. Often the ads tell about special soap for washing your hair. American television seems very interested in cleaning! 15. 다음 글에 언급된 비누의 종류가 아닌 것은 ? □ ads = advertisements □ about □ kind □ soap □ show □ wash □ clothes □ also □ floor □ often □ special □ hair □ interested in □ cleaning ① 세탁용 비누② 설거지용 비누 ③ 가구세척용 비누④ 자동차 세차용 비누

16 A man was trying to explain to a blind friend what a white color is. “Well,” he said, “it is like snow.” “Oh,” the blind man said, “then it must be a wet sort of color.” “No, no,” the man said, “it is also the same color as cotton or wool.” “Oh, yes, I understand. It must be a fluffy color.” “No, it is also like paper.” “Then, it must be a fragile color,” said the blind man. 16. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ try to □ explain □ blind □ white color □ like □ must □ wet □ sort □ cotton □ wool □ understand □ fluffy □ paper □ fragile ① 경험의 중요성 ② 색깔의 다양성 ③ 사물에 대한 관찰의 필요성 ④ 흰색이란 무엇인가 ?

17 The little boy said to his mother, "I wish Great Face would speak to us. I imagine its voice would be pleasant. If I were to see a man with such a face, I should love him dearly." His mother replied, "Ernest, an old prophecy says that someday we may see a man with a similar face." 17. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ say (said) to □ wish □ face □ speak to □ imagine □ voice □ pleasant □ such □ dearly □ reply □ prophecy □ someday □ may □ with □ similar □ wonder □ disagreement □ influence □ expectation □ fulfillment ① Wonder of an old prophecy ② Disagreement of a prophecy ③ Influence of prophecy ④ Expectation of prophecy fulfillment

18 Doctors often spend many hours with a patient. There are usually more patients waiting. So doctors do not have much free time during the day. They often have to work all night in hospitals too. Or they may have to go somewhere suddenly when someone is ill. A doctor's decision may mean life or death for the patient. Even when doctors are very tired, they have to think very carefully. 18. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ often□ spend □ patient□ usually □ waiting □ so □ free time □ during □ have to □ all night □ hospital □ somewhere □ suddenly □ ill□ decision □ mean□ life □ death□ even □ carefully □ job □ take care of □ important □ easy ① Doctors' job is to take care of patients. ② Doctors' decision is very important. ③ The job of a doctor is not easy. ④ Doctors have to think very carefully.

19 Anything that contributes to stress during mealtime can interfere with the digestion of food. For that reason, humans have evolved rituals of eating, such as a drink before dinner or the saying of grace, that have survived for thousands of years. These rituals put the body in the right condition to receive food. They relax the body and get the proper juices flowing for the digestion of food. 19. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ anything □ contribute □ stress □ during □ mealtime □ interfere with □ digestion □ food □ for that reason □ evolve □ ritual□ such as □ drink□ grace □ survive□ condition □ receive□ relax □ proper□ flowing □ hunger□ sauce □ at table □ bread ① Hunger is the best sauce. ② Relaxation is best at table. ③ A hungry man is an angry man. ④ To the hungry no bread is bad.

20 Some universities remain silent on the important issues of the day, justifying their silence on the grounds that universities are neutral and should not become involved. Such unwillingness to participate turns off many students and members of the community who look to universities for wise leadership. Campuses should serve as marketplaces for ideas. By participating in their community, they should provide a genuine service, even to many who believe that universities are academic in the worst sense of the term. 20. 다음 글의 글쓴이가 대학에 대해 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ university □ remain □ silent□ important □ issue□ justify □ silence □ on the grounds that □ neutral □ involved □ unwillingness □ participate □ turns off □ member □ community □ look to □ leadership □ serve□ as □ marketplace □ provide □ genuine □ academic □ worst □ sense □ term ① 정치적 중립을 지켜야 한다. ② 현실과 거리를 두고 학문에 전념해야 한다. ③ 장학 기금을 충분히 확보해야 한다. ④ 지역 사회의 문제에 참여해야 한다.

21 “Have you seen the new guy they hired as coach of Commodore High's football team? He's so short. He hardly looks like a football coach to me.” “Listen, Don't judge a book by its cover. from what I hear, that guy is one of the best. His (A) _________ has nothing to do with his (B) _________ to produce a winning team.” “How do you know that?” “I was talking with one of the players on the team. He said that the new coach is a genius at strategies on the football field, and he put the team through some of the roughest training they've ever had.” 21. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B) 에 가장 적절한 것은 ? □ guy□ hire □ as□ so □ hardly□ look like □ judge□ by □ cover □ from what I hear □ have nothing to do with □ produce □ winning □ talk with □ genius □ strategy □ field □ through □ roughest □ popularity □ ability □ appearance ① (a) popularity(b) ability ② (a) size(b) appearance ③ (a) size(b) ability ④ (a) popularity(b) appearance

22 [However, the lands south of the equator are entering the early days of winter.] May is the fifth month of the year and has 31 days. May was the third month of the ancient Roman calendar. ① May's name probably comes from Maia, Roman goddess of spring. ② During May, the weather is usually pleasantly mild, trees and grass become green, flowers burst into bloom, fruit trees blossom, and many garden crops start to sprout in May. ③ In most northern parts of the world, May is the last month of spring. ④ 22. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은 ? □ however □ land □ south □ equator □ enter □ ancient □ calendar □ probably □ come from □ goddess □ weather □ usually □ pleasantly □ mild □ grass □ burst into bloom □ fruit□ blossom □ garden□ crop □ start□ sprout □ northern □ part

23 Dear Mom, How are you? I am really enjoying my tour of the museums of Europe. I have been to the Louvre in Paris. It was really exciting seeing the real Mona Lisa, but I was disappointed because it was so small. Right now I am in Spain. I have visited Madrid, and now I am in Barcelona. There are so many museums to visit that I don't know where to begin! The admission fees are much more expensive than I expected, so I can't see everything I wanted to see. I have to choose between having lunch and going to a museum! I want to go to Florence in Italy next. I hear that it has the best art of any city in Europe. Next time I will call you. Sincerely yours, Jack ※ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.(23~24) □ really □ enjoy □ tour □ museum □ have been to □ disappointed □ because □ small □ right now □ visit □ so many □ where □ admission fee □ expensive □ expect □ choose □ between A and B □ next

24 23. Where does the writer want to visit next? ① Louvre in Paris ② Madrid ③ Florence in Italy ④ Museums in Barcelona 24. What is the writer's impression of museums in Spain? ① There are fewer museums than the writer. ② The admission fees are too expensive. ③ The size is too small. ④ There is no restaurant around museums.

25 Park Min-su March 2, 2010 Date of Birth July 17, 1985 Address 31-2 2-ga (Second Street) Eulchi-ro, Chung-gu, Seoul Education 1997-2000Changdo Middle School, Seoul, Korea 2000-2003Jungbu High School, Seoul, Korea 2003-2007Jeil University, Seoul, Korea Business Experience 2007-2008Worked at the Customer Service Department at Korea Electronic Co. 2008-2009Worked at the Marketing Department at Good Trading Co. Reference Prof. Kim Yun-young, Jeil University, Mr. Lee Chang-hyeon, Manager of the Customer Service Department at Korea Electronic Co. I hereby declare upon my honor the above statement to be true and correct. Park Min-su ※ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.(25~26) □ date □ birth □ address □ education □ university □ business experience □ customer □ Service Department □ reference □ hereby □ declare □ honor □ above □ statement □ true □ correct

26 25. 위 글은 어떤 종류의 글인가 ? ① 이력서 ② 취업신청서 ③ 추천서 ④ 자격증 26. 박민수는 몇 년 동안 직장생활을 했는가 ? ① 1 년 ② 2 년 ③ 3 년 ④ 4 년

27 Dong-moung is a new student at Liberty High School. This is his fourth day in the United States. Dong-moung takes his English dictionary everywhere he goes. Today he is buying a soda at the snack bar. “That's a half a buck,” says the cashier. “Half a buck?” Dong-moung is confused. He quickly finds the word buck in his dictionary. Then he looks even more confused. “I don't see any deer here,” he says. Dong-moung's classmate Ashley is in line behind him. “The cashier means you 50 cents,” Ashley explains. “A buck is a slang name for a dollar.” Dong-moung smiles and says to Ashley. “I guess I can't learn everything about English from a dictionary.” “You are right about that. But don't worry. I'll take you under my wing.” Dong-moung looks confused. He reaches for his dictionary again. “Oh, put away your dictionary!” Ashley laughs. “I'll teach you all the English you need to know.” ※ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.(27~29) □ student □ take □ dictionary □ everywhere □ today □ soda □ buck □ cashier □ confused □ quickly □ find □ word □ then □ classmate □ in line □ behind □ mean □ explain □ slang □ guess

28 27. 밑줄 친 “I'll take you under my wing.” 의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① 차를 태워주겠다 ② 숨겨주겠다. ③ 도와주겠다. ④ 사전을 빌려주겠다. 28. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ① buck 은 달러의 속어다. ② 사전에 영어의 모든 단어의 의미가 실려 있다. ③ buck 의 사전적 의미는 사슴이다. ④ 동명이는 영어에 익숙하지 않다. 29. Ashley 가 “Oh, put away your dictionary!” 라고 말한 이유는 ? ① 가지고 다니기에 사전이 너무 무거워서 ② 사전이 오래 전에 발행된 것이라서 ③ 사전에 나와 있지 않은 많은 속어들이 있어서 ④ 더 좋은 사전을 구매하라고 □ can't = can not □ about □ worry □ under □ wing □ reach for □ laugh □ teach

29 In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell was working on his new creation, the telephone, with his assistant Watson. Bell and Watson were in different rooms on different floors of Bell's house, when Bell unexpectedly dropped some acid on his pants and said aloud, "Watson, please come here. I want you." (A) This time he was on the East Coast and Watson was over 3,000 miles away in California. Bell repeated the same words but obviously Watson could not do as he had done in 1876. (B) Almost 40 years later, in 1915, when the first telephone line was set up from one end of the country to the other, again the first man to speak on the line was Bell. (C) Watson heard the call on the instrument that the two men were working on. Thus, "Watson, please come here. I want you," were the very first words spoken on their new invention. ※ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.(30~32) □ creation □ assistant □ different □ floor □ unexpectedly □ acid □ aloud □ this time □ over □ repeat □ word □ obviously □ almost □ later □ telephone line □ be set up □ from A to B

30 30. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① (B)-(A)-(C) ② (B)-(C)-(A) ③ (C)-(A)-(B) ④ (C)-(B)-(A) 31. 밑줄 친 “Watson, please come here. I want you.” 이 의미 하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① 새로운 기계를 발명했다는 것 ② 화재 위험이 있다는 것 ③ 도와 달라는 것 ④ 산을 가져오라는 것 32. 밑줄 친 Watson could not do as he had done in 1876 의 이유로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① 새로운 기계가 성능이 좋지 못해서 ② 두 사람이 너무 멀리 떨어져 있어서 ③ Watson 이 Bell 을 돕고 싶은 마음이 없어서 ④ Bell 을 도울 수 있는 도구가 없어서 □ end □ the other □ again □ speak □ on the line □ call □ instrument □ thus □ the very first □ spoken □ invention

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