명성황후  Queen of 고종  Abolished closed-door policy - 강화도 조약 수교  Used Russia’s power - v. 흥선대원군 ’s Japanese power.

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Presentation on theme: "명성황후  Queen of 고종  Abolished closed-door policy - 강화도 조약 수교  Used Russia’s power - v. 흥선대원군 ’s Japanese power."— Presentation transcript:

1 명성황후  Queen of 고종  Abolished closed-door policy - 강화도 조약 수교  Used Russia’s power - v. 흥선대원군 ’s Japanese power

2 Important Events 1876 강화도 조약 1882 임오군란 1884 갑신정변 1885 거문도 사건 1889 방곡령 1894 동학농민 운동 감오개혁 1895 삼국 간섭 을미사변 / 개혁 1896 아관 판천 독립협회 1897 대한 제국 광무 개혁 1904 러일 전쟁 한일 의정서 1 차 한일 협약 1905 2 차 한일 협약 ( 을사조약 ) 1907 한일 신협약 ( 정미 7 조약 ) 1910 국권 피탈 ( 경술국치 )

3 일제강점기 Japanese Imperial Period

4 Japanese Rule: 1910’s  Limited education  Media heavily censored  Limited economic activities  Real estate clarified

5 Japanese Rule: 1920’s  Prevented movements for democracy  Allowed Korean to be taught  Selected pro-Japanese Koreans as officials

6 Japanese Rule: 1930’s  Voluntary military service  dr aft  Donga/Chosun shut down  Built military bases  Prepared civilians for military actions

7 Park Yong Man  One of the leaders of Korean American Society along with 안 창호 and 이승만  Conflict with 이승만, 김구 ( 창조 파 )  Formed an army in the US  Murdered by 의열단 due to rumors and conflicts

8 Hasegawa Yoshimichi  2 nd governor of Chosun (1916~1919)  Served in Japanese embassy in France  Fought in Russo-Japanese war  Five-star General in 1915  Suppressed 3.1 movement  Suppressed Christians  Taken down for harsh rule

9 광복 Independence

10 After Independence ( 광복, 光復 ) Independence (1945. 8. 15) U.S. Army Military Gov’t in Korea (1945. 9. 9) 반민족행위특 별조사위원회 ( 반민특위, 1948) 얄타회담 국회프락치사건, 6.6 반민특위 습격사건

11 Vestiges of Japanese Colonialism

12 (Video Unavailable)

13 Vestiges of Japanese Colonialism  Language 우겔겔 ! 너 양말에 OO 났다 !

14 Vestiges of Japanese Colonialism http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LPOD&mid=tvh&oid=055&aid=0 000259207 (2’20)http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LPOD&mid=tvh&oid=055&aid=0 000259207

15 Cleaning Up the Vestiges


17 “ 먼저 가신 분들이 우리에게 남겨준 소중한 이 땅에서 마음껏 연애하고, 마음껏 행복 하십시오.” - 경성스캔들 엔딩

18 Food for Thought - Do you agree on confiscating the wealth of descendants of pro-Japanese Korean? - Is it possible to eradicate vestiges of Japanese colonialism now, 69 years later? - Japanese words vs. English words

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