의료관광: Business Venture I

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1 의료관광: Business Venture I
Professor Hwang Medical Administration Youngsan University Prof.ysu.ac.kr/mjhwang

2 Review: Unit 1. First Meetings
Greetings - Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Hello / How are you? - How do you do/ Glad to meet you./ Pleased to meet you./ Nice to meet you. Personal Information I’m I’m from I live in I work for / I’m with I’m a/an Simple Questions - 고향: Where are you from? - 사는 곳: Where do you live? - 직장: What company do you work for?/ Who are you with? - 직업/업무: What do you do? Phone Numbers : six-five-one, three-eight-seven, two-four-two-four (twenty four-twenty four)

3 Unit 2. You and Your Company
** 직무에 대해 대화하기 A: What do you do? B: I’m an office clerk. I do the photocopying and answer the telephone. How about you? A: I’m a web-site manager. I design web pages. 직장 묻기 What company do you work for? Where do you work? --- I work for Samsung. What company does she work for? Where does she work? She works for Samsung. 회사 활동 What does your company do? (1) Provide : for service      ex. Citibank provides banking and investment services. (2) Produce : for goods      ex. Adidas produces sporting goods. (3) Develop : for goods      ex. Daewoo develops cars. (4) Sell : for goods      ex. McDonald’s sells fast food.

4 Unit 2. You and Your Company
Occupations marketing manager (마케팅 매니저) secretary (비서) sales representative (외판원, 판매원) personal assistant (개인비서) office clerk (사무원) Job-related activities organize (조직, 운영하다) demonstrate (시연하다) plan (계획하다) answer telephone (전화 받다) visit (방문하다) photocopy (복사하다) manage (관리하다) check (확인하다) Department customer service sales R&D (Resource & Development) human resources personnel marketing

5 Culture File - Socializing
Unit 2. You and Your Company Reading Numbers 13 vs. 30  (1) Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…..nineteen 등은 장모음 ee에 강세가 온다. (2) Thirty, forty, fifty……ninety 등은 첫 음절에 강세가 온다. Culture File - Socializing In many Western countries, ‘OK’ topics might include the weather, travel, hobbies and interests, and sports, ‘not OK’ topics would be politics, religion, and money.

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