Final Exam Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam Review

2 Final Exam - Writing worth 15% of your final grade
Friday, May 31 in our classroom units 6, 7, 8 short answers use the CD from the back of your book to practice

3 Final Exam - Speaking Pair conversation worth 15% of your final grade
Your partner will be randomly chosen at the exam Have a conversation about one topic which is related to units 6, 7, 8 Continue your conversation for 8 turns using the grammar and vocabulary from the unit

4 Speaking Exam Evaluation
Target Language (Vocabulary and Grammar) 20% accuracy and range of grammar and vocabulary from class Pronunciation and Intonation volume, clarity, individual sounds, question intonation Fluency pace, pausing, confidence Comprehension understanding of partner's comments and understanding of exam questions Conversation Dynamic use of conversation strategies, ability to contribute (quantity and quality) 4 4 4

5 Final Exam If you cannot come to the exams, you must contact the instructor BEFORE the exam by . You must supply an official Dong-A document of absence. If you miss the exam without contacting the instructor, you will receive a grade of 0. There will be no re-writes. 5 5 5

6 Speaking Exam Times GEN001-127
Tuesday, June 4 G8206 1 9:30am 김웅휘 김종현 김보윤 최현경 2 9:40am 최민기 박현정 현창윤 주수민 3 9:50am 오보영 황원 서혜인 황희정 김충수 김나현 4 10am 오경욱 오승훈 윤준

7 Speaking Exam Times GEN001-128
Tuesday, June 4 G8206 7 1:30pm 김현주 정보덕 전창석 문지원 4 1:40pm 박민지 조현우 고규형 유지은 3 1:50pm 김가영 이지현 이영한 엄지윤 1 2pm 김성환 이현진 안동규 김윤희 2 2:10pm 최은화 안휘재 오연경 박민지 5 2:20pm 박혜인 이세은 송이송이 백다흰 6 2:25pm 박유경 박진우 김영화

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