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2017-03-07 Gale Database 국립중앙 도서관 2013년 10월 ㈜엔라이브미.

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1 Gale Database 국립중앙 도서관 2013년 10월 ㈜엔라이브미

2 목 차  Gale Publisher소개  전자 자료 소개
_TERC(Testing and Education Reference Center) _DDRS(Declassified Document Reference System)

3 Gale 소개 Gale®, part of Cengage Learning, is a world leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Best known for its accurate and authoritative reference content as well as its intelligent organization of full-text magazine and newspaper articles, the company creates and maintains more than 600 databases that are published online, in print, as eBooks and in microform. Major brands include InfoTrac, Gale Virtual Reference Library — the company's eBook platform — and the unparalleled Gale Digital Collections such as Eighteenth Century Collections Online

4 TERC란? TERC(Test & Education Reference Center)는 불투명한 미래의 자신이 달려가고 만들어가야할 경력과 필요한 교육 자료를 제공하고 있습니다. 최신의 직업 교육에 관한 정보를 수록하고 있습니다. ACT, SAT, PAST, TOEIC, TOEFL등을 준비할 수 있습니다. Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

5 TERC Screen Shot 2017-03-07 Positioning:
Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

6 TERC Screen Shot 2017-03-07 Positioning:
Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

7 DDRS란? 20세기, 전세계의 정치적, 군사적, 사회적 그리고 경제적 성장에 관한 외교 보고나 외교 정책의 의사결정을 확인할 수 있는 최종적인 자료입니다. 1967년 7월 4일 발표된 정보공개법 (Freedom of Information Act )에 의거 정부 비밀자료를 일정 기간이 지난 후 공개하게 된 자료를 바로 이 자리에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 100,000건 이상의 문서 수록 – 550,000페이지 이상 수록되어 있습니다. Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

8 DDRS 수록 컨텐츠 정치적, 군사적 문제에 대한 특별 보고서 사회경제적인 문제에 대한 통계와 연구 자료
DDRS 수록 컨텐츠 정치적, 군사적 문제에 대한 특별 보고서 사회경제적인 문제에 대한 통계와 연구 자료 해외 정부 관료와의 즉석 인터뷰 법원 소송 절차와 다른 법률 문서 외교 서신 문서 각료회의의 상세한 자료 미 국가 안전보장회의 정책 보고서 CIA정보국의 연구 자료와 보고서 대통령 회의 군사, 외교정책 및 지역에 대한 합동참모본부 문서 기타... Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

9 DDRS 정보원 National Security Council CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
DDRS 정보원 National Security Council CIA - Central Intelligence Agency Justice Department FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation Joint Chiefs of Staff Commerce Department Agriculture Department Documents listed as “Administratively Classified” from the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies (restricted sensitive documents by the Office of the President) Bureau of the Budget Trade Administration Foreign Assistance Agencies U.S. Information Agency NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

10 DDRS 기본검색 2017-03-07 ① ② DDRS 초기 접속 화면이자 기본 검색 화면 입니다.
① 키워드 입력 박스에 검색하고자 하는 문서의 키워드 혹은 구를 입력하여 검색할 수 있습니다. ② Keyword Search : 입력 단어를 문서의 키워드 혹은 주제어에 부합한 문서를 검색 Full-text Search : 입력한 단어가 문서 원문에 포함한 문서를 검색 Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

11 DDRS 고급검색 2017-03-07 ① ② DDRS 고급 검색 화면입니다.
① 검색하고자 하는 자료의 주요 키워드를 다양한 검색 필드로 조합하여 문서를 검색할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. 각 조합 키워드는 and, or, not의 연사자로 각 키워드를 제한할 수 있습니다. ② Advanced Search Limiters에서 제공하는 항목을 통하여 좀 더 다양하게 검색하는 문서를 제한할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

12 DDRS 제한검색 Advanced Search Limiters는 좀 더 다양하게 검색하는 문서를 제한할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. ① Issue Date : 특정 이슈가 발생한 시점의 관련 문서 검색 ② Date Declassified : 요청하여 문서로의 열람이 가능하게 된 시점의 문서 검색 ③ Document Type : 인터뷰, 분석자료 등 문서의 형태를 제한하여 검색 ④ Source Institution : 문서의 제공 기관을 제한 ⑤ Classification Level : 문서의 기밀 등급을 제한 ⑥ Sanitization : 삭제된 부분이 있는 문서 검색 여부 ⑦ Completeness : 관련된 문서 전체가 존재하는 문서 검색 Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

13 DDRS 검색결과 2017-03-07 ① ② ③ ④ DDRS 검색 결과 리스트 화면입니다.
① 검색된 문서의 천제 숫자를 보여 주고 있습니다. ② 검색 문서를 이슈 일자 혹은 입력한 키워드와 가장 연관성 있는 리스트로 재 배열 가능 ③ 다른 결과 리스트 페이지로 바로 이동 지원 ④ 간단한 문서 제목과 이슈 일자, 열람가능 일자 등 확인할 수 있으며, 문서 제목을 클릭하시면 문서의 원문을 이미지 형식으로 확인할 수 있습니다. Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

14 DDRS 화면보기 2017-03-07 DDRS 문서 보기 화면입니다.
① Print View PDF : 원문을 PDF형식으로 제공되면 복사 혹은 저장 할 수 있습니다. ② View Text 버튼을 선택하시면 이미지 원문 자료를 Text로 변환하여 제공합니다. ③ 문서의 페이지를 입력하여 바로 이동할 수 있습니다. ④ 이미지를 원래 크기는 100%로 까지 확대하여 볼 수 있습니다. ⑤DDRS에서 제공하는 문서는 기본적으로 원문 그대로를 보여주는 이미지 형식입니다. Positioning: Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections.

15 Demonstration! DDRS 2017-03-07 Positioning:
Gale has moved eBooks to a new level of usability by delivering reference content in a database format. This new interface and delivery system is different from any eBook platform you’ve used before. GVRL brings unique Gale content online for the first time – including titles that are not in Gale Resource Centers or on netLibrary. Our business model was designed to meet library needs for content availability and for customization of their collections. Demonstration!

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