이정훈 전한배. 1. What is Image Processing? 2. Image Making 3. Application 4. OpenCV Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "이정훈 전한배. 1. What is Image Processing? 2. Image Making 3. Application 4. OpenCV Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 이정훈 전한배

2 1. What is Image Processing? 2. Image Making 3. Application 4. OpenCV Outline

3 What is Image Processing?


5 Image Processing 사용자가 컴퓨터를 이용하여 용도에 맞게 영상을 처리하는 기술

6 12356543651421234123412341324512341234123412341234132412311 12431234123432412341324132412341234124321414123412341324123 12341324123412341234123412341234123412341231234123412341214 15465413244345132432143231234132414132432412341324132412432 13232432432432132432432321243345325435`1324234`3411023401341 01324900910884129384198401928341082342342384109283401983240 90128490183241092834019820951098241092834018234018238410843 90182410298340182340192834018233841298350918529084019238409 41982412058947509184018235234265856756975689090810928734897 12398479187234987417987479817238947189237498712389478316578 91658716237568716176576574981084320198324018923841241092834 18902340198234328410928349183201983240183240192834018234018 13248718923471289051984028301928340890958908410928348018320 12347189023471092834123472938752843091823489104810328430183 41028430192835743051894309283401983248132048109019832475001 19032840123841890327132841903259843782405184985098431840980 89710283904305918489437051823489041902884309471890470480124 89173247918234897932401932408234907239017401283401832840081 13487987349172394791490843507437598741324703284832409127312 HumanComputer

7 Image Making Image Making Sampling Quantization

8 Sampling 아날로그영상을 바둑판 모양으로 쪼개서 디지털 데이터를 뽑는 것 16 X 1664 X 64 256 X 256

9 Quantization Binary Image Gray Image RGB Color Image

10 Binary Image 0 0 0 0 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 0 255 255

11 Gray Image 138 183 134 189 139 154 114 145 129 148 124 166 144 155 150 152 160 165 166 162

12 RGB Color Image 128 138 172 112 129 121 132 134 123 142 134 124 132 131 124 143 131 126 132 120 R channel G channel B channel 124 135 146 125 152 112 134 132 122 142 134 125 135 136 122 123 133 125 119 120 130 125 113 112 123 112 123 135 124 145 121 124 132 123 126 141 112 122 137 120

13 Application 공장 자동화 위성 영상 생물학 분야 바코드 의학 분야

14 Application


16 OpenCV

17 What is OpenCV? Open Source Computer Vision Library

18 What is OpenCV? 1999 년 Intel 에 의해 개발 현재 Willow Garage 의 지원하에 개발이 진행중임 오픈 소스 C, C++ Windows, Linux, MacOS Release version 2.0 2009. 9. 30

19 OpenCV OverView General Image Processing Functions Matrix Math Image Pyramids Camera calibration, Stereo, 3D Machine Lear ning: Detection, Recognition Segmentation FeaturesGeometric descriptors TransformsUtilities and Data Structures FittingTracking

20 Structure CV Image Processing & Vision Algorithm MLL Statistical Classifiers & Clustering Tools HighGUI GUI, Image & Video I/O CvAux Experimental or less used routines CXCORE basic structures and algorithms, XML support, drawing functions CV Image Processing & Vision Algorithm MLL Statistical Classifiers & Clustering Tools HighGUI GUI, Image & Video I/O CXCORE basic structures and algorithms, XML support, drawing functions CvAux Experimental or less used routines

21 CvArr CvMat IplImage typedef void CvArr; Structure typedef struct CvMat { int type; int step; /* for internal use only */ int* refcount; int hdr_refcount; union { uchar* ptr; short* s; int* i; float* fl; double* db; } data; } CvMat; typedef struct _IplImage{ int ID; int nChannels; int alphaChannel; int depth; char colorModel[4]; char channelSeq[4]; int dataOrder; int origin; int align; int width; int height; struct _IplROI *roi; struct _IplImage *maskROI; void *imageId; struct _IplTileInfo *tileInfo; int imageSize; char *imageData; int widthStep; int BorderMode[4]; int BorderConst[4]; char *imageDataOrigin; } IplImage;

22 Links OpenCV 공식 사이트 http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki 해외 커뮤니티 사이트 http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/opencv 한국 커뮤니티 사이트 http://www.opencv.co.kr 레퍼런스 http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation https://code.ros.org/gf/project/opencv

23 Open CV Install OpenCV 2.0 다운 - 설치 http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary Cmake 다운 - 설치 http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html

24 Cmake 경로설정 Conpigure 클릭 옵션 설정 Configure 클릭 Generate 클릭 Open CV Install

25 openCV 프로젝트 실행 Release 모드로 빌드 포함파일 경로지정라이브러리 파일 경로지정 ( 끝에는 lib\release 로..) Open CV Install

26 프로젝트 속성 추가 추가종속성 입력 DLL 파일 추가 New Project

27 Example

28 Thank you!!


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