1 Ch 17. Adverb Clauses 1 정샘 영어 Academy Understanding and Using English Grammar.

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1 1 Ch 17. Adverb Clauses 1 정샘 영어 Academy Understanding and Using English Grammar

2 정샘 영어 Academy 2 Context Adverb & Adverb Particles Positions of Adverbs Adverb Clauses: Introduction Adverb Clauses: summary table Showing Time Relationship Showing Cause and Effect Relationship Showing Contrast (Unexpected Result) Showing Conditions Summary of ‘If’ Clauses Summary of Conditions Showing Purpose Appendix 1: Adverb or Adjectives?

3 정샘 영어 Academy 3 1. Adverb & Adverb Particles He completely forgot my birthday.// 부사 + 동사 They were talking very quietly. // 부사 + 부사 It's terribly cold today.// 부사 + 형용사 This steak is very badly cooked.// 부사 + 형용사 ( 과거분사 ) // 부사란 how 에 대한 답 Jim speaks English fluently. ( How does she speak English? ) Anna drinks too much coffee. (How much coffee does she drink? ) She listened to him carefully. (How did she listen to him?) 부사란 ? : 동사, 형용사 또는 다른 부사를 수식하 거나 추가적인 의미를 부여하는 역할 을 하는 단어 ( a word which describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, adjective or another adverb) - 부사란 how 에 대한 답 // preposition ( 전치사 ) I ran down the road. He's in his office. Something's climbing up my leg. // adverb particles Please sit down. You can go in. She's not up yet. adverb particle vs. preposition - down, in, up 같은 단어는 전치사로 서 목적어를 가진다. - down, in, up 같은 단어가 목적어를 가지지 않는 경우 전치사가 아닌 부사 로서 기능 // phrasal verbs Break down, Put off, Give up // adverb particle with be Why are all the light off? The game will be over by 2:00 PM. I’m glad you are back. Phrasal verbs - adverb particle 는 동사와 결합해서 동사구를 이루며, 이 경우 완전히 다른 의미를 가진다 adverb particle with be - adverb particle 이 be 동사와 결합하 면 형용사역할을 하며, be 동사의 보어 가 된다.

4 정샘 영어 Academy 4 2. Positions of Adverbs 일반적인 위치 I often get headaches. (I get often headaches. (X)) She speaks English well. (She speaks well English. (X)) 부사는 일반적으로 - 동사 앞 - 목적어 다음 Could you switch off the light? // 부사위치 : 목적어 앞 ( 일반명사 ) Could you turn it off? // 부사위치 : 대명사 다음 phrasal adverb 인경우 부사는 동사와 목적어 사 이. 단 목적어가 대명사 면 전치사는 대명사 다음 에 부사의 순 서 She sang beautifully in the town hall last night. Put the butter in the fridge at once. ( at once in the fridge. (X)) Let's go to bed early. ( early to bed. (X)) I worked hard yesterday. 부사는 adverbs of manner, place and time 부사 순으로 장소시간방법

5 정샘 영어 Academy 5 2. Positions of Adverbs (Cont.) 문두에 오 는 경우 However, not everybody agreed. I worked until five o'clock. Then I went home. Next, I want to say something about the future. Suddenly the door opened. however 같은 transistor 또는 connecting adverb 는 문두에 올 수 있음 : then, next, besides, anyway, suddenly, however. Fortunately, she has decided to help us. Stupidly, I forgot my keys. comment adverbs: fortunately, surprisingly, Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps her train is late. Adverbs of certainty: - maybe, perhaps 는 문두에 - probably, definitely, certainly 는 문중앙에 Today I'm going to London. In June we went to Cornwall. Yesterday morning something very strange happened. Afterwards we sat round and talked. Soon everything will be different. Every week she has a new hairstyle. 시간부사 (Adverbs of time): - today, afterwards, in June, so on, every week - weekly, daily 는 문미

6 정샘 영어 Academy 6 2. Positions of Adverbs (Cont..) 문두에 오 는 경우 Here comes your bus. Here it comes. (Here comes it. (X))// 진주어가 대명사면 도치 안됨 There's Jim. There goes our train! There she is. (There is she. (X)) 장소부사 (Adverbs of place): - There, here 장소의 부사 ( 구 ) 가 문두에 오면 도치 - under ~ - along ~ - at ~ - on ~ - down ~ At the end of the garden stood a very tall tree. On the grass sat an enormous frog. Down came the rain. Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen. Under no circumstance can we cash cheques. At no time was the president aware of what was happening. Directly in front of them stood a strange man. Along the road came a strange procession. Sometimes I think I'd like to live somewhere else. Usually I get up early. 빈도부사 :Usually, normall y, often, frequently, someti mes, and occasionally 부정형 빈도부사 또는 부 정형 부사가 문두에 오면 도 치 Never was he silly. Never have we seen her sing a song. Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. (BrE) Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature. Little did he realize the danger he faced. Only then did I understand what she meant.

7 정샘 영어 Academy 7 2. Positions of Adverbs (Cont…) 문 중앙에 오는 경우 My brother completely forgot my birthday. I have never understood her. 문중앙에 오는 경우는 주로 동사 와 결합한 phrasal adverb 인 경우 주로 동사 앞에 오는 경우 이를 문 중앙으로 판단 My boss often travels to America. I've definitely decided to change my job. 빈도부사 와 adverb of certainty 인 경우 문 중앙에 We all thought she sang very well. Everybody was extremely annoyed with Tom. I'm terribly sorry about last night. I'll see you in the pub just before eight o'clock. He threw the ball almost over the house. I'm really tired today. She walked right past me. 강조하는 부사는 항상 강조하는 단어 앞에 옴 :very, extremely, terribly, just (meaning 'exactly' or 'a short time'), almost, really, right. She danced happily into the room. She sang badly in the hall. I don't remember him very well. (very good. (X)) Adverb of manner 는 동사 다음에 옴 : happily, terribly, fast, badly, well. It's terribly cold today.// 부사 + 형용사 This steak is very badly cooked.// 부사 + 형용사 ( 과거분사 ) He was madly in love with her. // 부사 + 부사구 They're playing unusually fast.// 부사 + 부사 Adverb + 형용사 구조 Adverb + 형용사 ( 과거분사 ) 구조 Adverb + adverbial phrase Adverb + adverb

8 정샘 영어 Academy 8 2. Positions of Adverbs (Cont….) 문미에 오 는 경우 I go there occasionally. We see her quite often. I get very depressed sometimes. 빈도부사가 문장의 핵심인 경우 문 미 가능 : usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes and occasionally 빈도부사는 주로 문중에 She brushed her hair slowly. // manner - how John works really hard. She angrily tore up the letter. I slowly began to feel better again. Manner 부사 (how): angrily, happily, fast, slowly, well, b adly, nicely, noisily, quietly, hard, s oftly. 매너부사가 문장의 핵심이 아닌 경 우 –ly 형태의 부사는 문 중앙에 올 수 있음 The children are playing upstairs. I called Jim this morning. Tomorrow I've got a meeting in Seoul. Come and sit here. Don't throw orange peel out of the window. She's sitting at the end of the garden. At the end of the garden there was a very tall tree. // 문두 가능 At the end of the garden stood a very tall tree.// 도치 가능 장소부사 (where) 는 주로 문미에 : upstairs, around, here, to bed, in Seoul, out of the window. 장소의 부사구가 문장의 핵심이 아 닌경우 문두 가능 I'm going to Seoul today. What did you do afterwards? She has a new hairstyle every week. 시간부사 (when): today, afterwards, in June, last year, finally, before, eventually, already, soon, still, last, daily, weekly, every year.

9 정샘 영어 Academy 9 3. Adverb Clauses: Introduction We played several types of gambling when we were in Las Vegas. When we were in Las Vegas, we played several types of gambling. Because he was sleepy, he went to bed. He went to bed because he was sleepy. I'll call you tomorrow.// 부사 I'll call you when I arrive.// 부사절 - 시간 부사절이란 ? 문장에서 종속접속사 (Subordinating Conjunction) 의 해 연결되는 절이 부사의 역할 을 할때 이를 부사절이라 함. 부사절의 종류 - 시간의 부사절 - 원인과 결과의 부사절 - 기대의 반대의 부사절 - 조건의 부사절 - 목적의 부사절

10 정샘 영어 Academy 10 4. Adverb Clauses: Summary Expressi ng 부사절 ( 종속절 ) - Subordinating Conjunctions 부사절 ( 독립절 )- Coordinating Conjunction Transitions (= connecting/ conjunctive adverbs,) AdverbPreposition Time After,Before,once When,While, As, Until as/so long as,whenever every time (that), Since the first/last/next time (that) As soon as by the time (that) Afterward, beforehand Cause and effect Because,so (that), Since Now that(~ 이기때문에 ) Seeing that ( 이므로, ~ 고려하면 ) Given that So, for Therefore Consequently Because of Due to Contrast ( 대조, 양보 ) Even thoughWhile Althoughwhereas Though But (…anyway) Yet (…still) However Nevertheless Nonetheless On the other hand Despite In spite of Conditions ( 조건 ) If, Even if, Only if Unless,What if Whether or not In case (that) In the event (that) providing/provided (that) Or (else)otherwiseIn case of In the event of Purpose So (that)In order to

11 정샘 영어 Academy 11 5. Adverb Clauses Showing Time Relationship afterAfter she finishes the project, she will have a vacation. After she finished the project, she had a vacation. 시간의 부사절에서 현제시 제가 미래 시제를 대신. 부사절이 문두에 오면, comma 를 사용해서 주절과 연결 Afterward 는 부사로 절을 이 끌지는 못하지만 그 의미는 later, after that * afterward ( 그 이후로 ) She finished the project. Afterward, she had a vacation. They lived happily ever afterward. // 부사 before I will leave before she comes. // 현재시제가 미래표현 I (had) left before she came. beforehand ( 미리, 사전에 ) I had made some questions beforehand. whenWhen I arrived, Anna was talking to him. When I got there, Anna had already left. When it began to snow, I sat on a bench. When I was in LA, I visited Hollywood When I see her tomorrow, I will ask her. // 현재시제 While, as While I was studying, it began to rain. As I was studying, it began to rain. = during that time by the time By the time he arrived, we had already left. ( 과거완료 ) By the time he comes, we will already have left. ( 미래완료 ) // 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래를 표현 = one event is completed before the event of ‘by the time’ 주의 : 주절과 동속절의 시제 차이 since I haven’t seen her since she left. // 현재완료 사용 I have known her ever since I was a child. = from that time to present

12 정샘 영어 Academy 12 5. Adverb Clauses Showing Time Relationship (cont.) Until, tillWe stayed there until we found the missing boy. I’ll wait until she gets here. Not until that evening was she able to finish her assignment. I had waited her until 6 o’clock, but she didn’t show up. Until = to that time and then no longer Not until = before Not until 로 문장이 시작되면 주어와 동사 가 도치됨 As soon as, Once, No sooner~, than, Hardly~, than (when, before), Scarcely~, than (when, before), As soon as it stops raining, we will leave. Once it stops raining, we will leave. No sooner had they seen the police, than they ran away. = As soon as they saw the police, they ran away. = Hardly had they seen the police, than (or when) they ran away. No sooner said than done. // 말이 떨어지기가 무섭게 실행되었다. = when one event happens, another event happens soon afterward ~ 하자마자, ~ 하면 곧 바로 No sooner, hardly 절은 과거완료 ( 도치됨 ) As long as So long as I will never forget her as long as I live. I will never forget her so long as I live. = during all that time = from beginning to end ~ 하는 동안 Whenever Every time Whenever he sees me, he says hi. Every timer he sees me, he says hi. The first time, The last time, The next time The first time I went to America, I visited Las Vegas. The second time I went to America, I visited Chicago. I met Anna the last time I visited America. The next time I go to America, I am going to see Anna. the next time 은 미 래표현

13 정샘 영어 Academy 13 6. Showing Cause and Effect: using subordinating conjunctions BecauseShe failed the exam because she didn’t study. Because she didn’t study, he failed the exam. 원인 : didn’t study 결과 : failed the exam sinceShe failed the exam since she didn’t study. Since she didn’t study, he failed the exam. = because Now thatNow that she fails the exam, she will need another exam. Now that the semester is over, Anna is going to go home. = because now Now that 은 현재와 미래 시제에만 사용 왜냐하면 지금 ( 현재 ) asShe failed the exam as she didn’t study. As she didn’t study, he failed the exam. = because As long as So long as As long as I am not busy, I can help you.  Because I am busy, I cannot help you.  Because I am not busy, I can help you. = because ~ 하는 한, ~ 한다면, ~ 하지 않는다면 Inasmuch asInasmuch as the leader of North Korea doesn’t want to give up the nuclear bomb, the security of S. Korea is still in danger. very formal 한 용어 = because Seeing (that) Given that ( 이므로, ~ 을 고려 하면 ~ 을 보면, ~ 이므로 ) Seeing that he is only 19 years old, his poems are outstanding. Seeing you are opposed to the plan, I will give it up. = since

14 정샘 영어 Academy 14 6. Showing Cause and Effect Relationship: using Coordinating Conjunctions So The weather was so cold, so we stayed home. // 등위 접속사 Transition 단어는 종속절의 여러포지션에 올 수 있지만, 접속사 (so) 는 절과 절 사이에 만 가능. So + effect( 결과 ) for I will not go out, for it is raining. //for 는 등위접속사 I will not go out because it is raining. //because 는 종속접속사 전치사 for 가 등위접속사 용 도로 사용되면 because 의 의 미 For + 원인 (cause)

15 정샘 영어 Academy 15 6. Showing Cause and Effect Relationship: using Preposition Because ofBecause of the cold weather, we stayed home. Because the weather was so cold, we stayed home. because of + noun Due toDue to the cold weather, we stayed home.Due to + noun Due to the fact that Due to the fact that the weather was cold, we stayed home. Due to the fact that + 명 사절 = because

16 정샘 영어 Academy 16 6. Showing Cause and Effect Relationship: using Transitions ThereforeBecause the weather was so cold, we stayed home. =The weather was so cold. Therefore, we stayed home. =The weather was so cold. Consequently, we stayed home. =The weather was so cold. As a result, we stayed home. Therefore = As a result 결과적으로 The weather was so cold. Therefore, we stayed home. The weather was so cold. We, therefore, stayed home. The weather was so cold. We stayed home, therefore. It was hot; therefore, we went swim. It was hot; we, therefore, went swim. It was hot; we went swim, therefore. Transition word 는 두 문장 의 사이에 나타나 두 문장을 연결하나, comma 를 사용해 서 연결 가능 Transition word 는 Period 대 신에 ; (semi-colon) 사용 가 능

17 정샘 영어 Academy 17 6. Showing Cause and Effect: using other ways Such …that Because the weather was so cold, we stayed home. = It was such cold weather that we stayed home. = The weather was so cold that we stayed home. It was such an interesting book (that) I couldn’t put it down. It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down. Such + 형 + 복명 (or 불가 산 ) + that 절 = So + 형 ( 부사 ) + that 절 : Such +a+ 형 + 단명 +that 절 = So + 형 +a+ 단명 + that 절 너무나 (Adjective) 한 (Noun) 이기에 (that 이하 )~ 하 다 It was such a rainy day that we stayed home. // 단명 Cause: It was a rainy day Effect: we stayed home. They are such beautiful pictures that everyone wants one. // 복명 This is such difficult homework that I will never finish. // 불가산명 So…th at I was so hungry (that) I couldn’t wait for my friend. // 형용사 He walked so quickly that I could not follow him up. // 부사 너무나 (Adjective) 하게 (verb) 해서 (that 이하 ) 하다 She made so many mistakes that she failed the exam. She has so much money that she can afford anything. He has so few friends that he is always lonely. It’s a so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors. So + 수량형용사 + 명 + that 절 So + 형 + a + 단명 + that 절

18 정샘 영어 Academy 18 6. Cause and Effect: Summary 부사절 : 종속 접속사 (subordinating conjunction) Because Since Now that As As long as Inasmuch as Seeing that We stayed home because the weather was so cold. She failed the exam since she didn’t study. Now that the semester is over, Anna is going to go home. She failed the exam as she didn’t study. As long as I am not busy, I can help you. Inasmuch as the leader of North Korea doesn’t want to give up the nuclear bomb, the security of S. Korea is still in danger. Seeing that you are opposed to the plan, I will give it up. 부사절 : 등위 접속사 (Coordinating Conjunction) So for The weather was so cold, so we stayed home. I will not go out, for it is raining. //for 는 등위접속사 TransitionsTherefore,The weather was so cold. Therefore, we stayed home. The weather was so cold. We, therefore, stayed home. The weather was so cold. We stayed home, therefore. The weather was so cold; therefore, we stayed home. The weather was so cold; We, therefore, stayed home. The weather was so cold; We stayed home, therefore. 전치사구 Using Prepositions Because of Due to We stayed home because of the cold weather. Due to the cold weather, we stayed home. Because of 이하는 전치 사구 기타 It was such cold weather that we stayed home. The weather was so cold that that we stayed home.

19 정샘 영어 Academy 19 7. Showing Contrast (Unexpected Result): 양보, 대조, 반대 부사절 ( 종속절 )- 종 속 접속사 (subordinating conjunction) Even though Although Though Even though the weather was cold, we went swimming. Although the weather was cold, we went swimming. Though the weather was cold, we went swimming. Whereas while // 정반대의 의미를 강조하기때문에 부사절이 뒤에 와도 comma 사용 Jim is poor, whereas Anna is rich. Whereas Anna is rich, Jim is poor. Jim is poor, while Anna is rich. Anna is rich, while Jim is poor. 부사절 ( 독립절 )- 등위 접속사 (Coordinating Conjunction) But…anyway But…still Yet…still The weather was cold, but we went swimming anyway. The weather was cold, but we still went swimming. The weather was cold, yet we still went swimming. ButJim is poor but Anna is rich. Anna is rich but Jim is poor. Transitions Nevertheless Nonetheless However On the other hand The weather was cold. Nevertheless, we went swimming. The weather was cold. Nonetheless, we went swimming. The weather was cold. However, we went swimming. Jim is poor; Anna, on the other hand, is rich. Anna is rich; Jim, on the other hand, is poor. 전치사 (Preposition) Despite + N In spite of + N We went swimming despite the cold weather. We went swimming in spite of the cold weather.

20 정샘 영어 Academy 20 8. Expressing Conditions If 절 If it rains tomorrow, (then) the road will get wet. // 현재시제가 미래표현 If it rains, (then) the road gets wet. If 조건부사절은 가 능한 조건들에 대한 언급. 주절에서는 그 결과가 표시 // If 조건부사절에서 will 를 쓰는 경우 1) if 절이 결과로서 나중에 발생할 경우 (result 일 경우 ) I'll give you $100 if I win the lottery. (condition) I'll give you $100 if it'll help you to buy a gift for your friend. (result) We'll go home now if you get the car. (condition) We'll go home now if it will make you feel better. (result) 2) if 절의 조건내용이 정말로 확실할 경우 (if it is true now that, if we know now that 인 경우 ) If the price of a Hyundai car will really come down in a few days, I'm not going to buy one now. If Ann won't be here on Thursday, we'd better cancel the meeting. If stock price will really come down in a few weeks, I'm not going to buy the stocks. 3) polite requests. // 이 경우 미래를 의미하는 조동사가 아님 If your mother will fill in this form, I'll prepare her ticket. If 가 이끄는 조건의 부사절에서 현재형이 미래를 대신 그러나 If 가 이끄는 조건의 부사절에서 will 를 쓰 는 경우도 존재 조건의 부사절을 이끄는 단어 Ifin case (that)whether or not only if in the event (that)even if,unless, Providing that/Provided that

21 정샘 영어 Academy 21 8. Expressing Conditions (cont.) I will go swimming unless the weather is cold. = I will go swimming if the weather is not cold.  If the weather is cold, I will not go swimming  If the weather is not cold, I will go swimming unless = if … not 만약에 ~ 하지 않은 다면, ~ 하지 않은 이상 I will not go on the picnic only if it rains.  If it snows, then I will go on the picnic.  If it is cold, then I will go on the picnic.  If it is windy, then I will go on the picnic.  If it rains, then I will not go on the picnic. Only if 오직 ~ 하는 경우에만 Only if it rains will the picnic be cancelled. Only if it rains the picnic will be cancelled. (X) Only when the teacher dismiss us can we stand and leave the room. Only after the phone rang did I realize that I had fallen asleep in my chair. Only in my hometown do I feel at ease. only if 가 문장을 이끌면, 주절이 도치가 됨. Providing that it rains, the picnic will be cancelled. Provided that it rains, the picnic will be cancelled. = If or only if You can use my notebook as long as you do not install any programs. You can use my car as(so) long as you drive carefully. As long as, so long as 는 if 또는 only if 와 같은 의미 ~ 한다면, ~ 하기만 한다면

22 정샘 영어 Academy 22 8. Expressing Conditions (cont..) Whether or not I am going to go swimming whether or not it is cold. I am going to go swimming whether it is cold or not.  If the weather is cold. I am going to go swimming.  If the weather is not cold. I am going to go swimming. Whether or not: 조건이 ~ 이든 아니든 간에 = neither this condition not that condition matter // 명사절 whether or not I wonder whether or not Anna will come. I wonder whether Anna will come or not. whether or not 이 명사절 인 경우 Even if Even if the weather is cold, I am going to go swimming. If Anna studies hard, she will pass the exam. Even if Anna studies hard, she will not pass the exam. If 조건절은 expected result 가 따라 오나, Even if 절은 unexpected result 가 옴. In case (that) & in the event (that) You can reach me at 010-9905-6009 in case you need. In the event you need to reach me, you can call me @ 010-9905- 6009. You can reach me at 010-9905-6009 in case of emergency. In the event of emergency, you can call me @ 010-9905-6009. = something won’t happen, but it might 만약에 ~ 하면, ~ 하는 경우에 in case (that) + 주어 + 동 사 in case of + N in the event of + N 위 둘은 전치사로 명사를 수반하면, 부사절과 같은 의 미

23 정샘 영어 Academy 23 8. Expressing Conditions (cont...) I practice English everyday. Otherwise, I feel uncomfortable.  Otherwise = If I don’t practice English You better hurry up. Otherwise, you will be late.  Otherwise = If you don’t hurry = if the opposite is true, then there will be a certain result. Otherwise = Or else Otherwise 는 transition Or (else) 는 conjunction I practice English everyday, or (else) I feel uncomfortable. You better hurry up, or (else) you will be late. Or (else) 는 conjunction

24 정샘 영어 Academy 24 8. Expressing Conditions: Summary 부사절 IfIf it rains tomorrow, (then) the road will get wet. If it rains, (then) the road gets wet. Whether or not Even if I am going to go swimming whether or not it is cold. Even if the weather is cold, I am going to go swimming tomorrow. In case (that) In the event (that) You can reach me at 010-9905-6009 in case you need. In the event you need to reach me, you can call me @ 010-9905-6009. UnlessI will go swimming unless the weather is not cold. Only if Providing (that) Provided (that) As long as So long as I will not go picnic only if it rains. Only if it rains, will the picnic be cancelled. //only if 가 문두에 오면, 도치 Providing that it rains, the picnic will be cancelled. Provided that it rains, the picnic will be cancelled. You can use my notebook as long as you do not install anything on it. You can use my car as(so) long as you drive carefully. Preposition In case of + N In the event of+ N You can reach me at 010-9905-6009 in case of emergency. In the event of emergency, you can call me @ 010-9905-6009. Transition OtherwiseI practice English everyday. Otherwise, I feel uncomfortable. Conjunction Or (else)I practice English everyday, or (else) I feel uncomfortable.

25 정샘 영어 Academy 25 9. Summary of ‘If’ clauses 일반시제사용하는경우일반시제사용하는경우 용도 1. 불확실 한 event 나 si tuations 표현 ( 명사절 ) // 불확실한 상황이나 사건들에 대해 언급 할때 (talk about uncertain events and situations: things which may or may not happen, which may or may not be true) Ask John if he's staying tonight. (He may or may not be staying.) 용도 2. 조건의 부사절 - 선행조건 - Real situation - Future possible 한 경우를 표 현 ( if 는 다른 접속사로 대 체 가능 ) // if 절과 주절의 시제는 일반적으로 일치 또는 주절의 시제는 제한 없음 // 선행조건일경우 if 는 when, because, as 와 같은 접속사로 대치가능 If I see Anna, I'll give her your love. (I may or may not see Anna.) If you get here before eight, we can catch the early train. // 선행조건 Oil floats if you pour it on water. // Iron goes red if it gets very hot.// 선행조건 If John didn't come to work yesterday, he was probably ill. If you didn't study physics at school, you won't understand this book. // 조건의 부사절에서는 현재가 미래를 대신 I'll give her your love if I see her. (NOT... if I will see her.) = I'll give her your love when I see her. (NOT... when I will see her.) If we have fine weather tomorrow, I'm going to paint the windows. = As soon as we have fine weather, I'm going to paint the windows. 특별시제경우특별시제경우 용도 3. 가정법 : Unreal Situation 을 표 현 If I had enough time, I would watch TV every evening. If I were you, I would accept the invitation. If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped you.

26 정샘 영어 Academy 26 9. Summary of ‘If’ clauses (Cont.) 명사절 I wonder if Anna will come or not. // 올지 안올지 I wonder if he needs help. // 도움이 필요할 지 안 할지 if 가 명사절인 경우 동사의 목 적어 역할 부사절부사절 과거과거 If Jim didn't come to work yesterday, he was probably ill. If Jim didn't come to work yesterday, he needs to explain the reason why. If Jim didn't come to work yesterday, he will have twice much work today. If you didn't study physics at school, you won't understand this book. 가능한 조건을 표현하는 if 절이 과거이면, 주절은 현재, 과거, 미 래 모두 가능 if + 과거, S+ 과거 if + 과거, S+ 현재 if + 과거, S+ 미래 가능한 조건을 표현하는 if 절 이 현재이면, 주절은 현재, 과거, 미래 모두 가능 if + 현재, S+ 과거 if + 현재, S+ 현재 if + 현재, S+ 미래 if 부사절에서는 현재형이 미래 를 대신 현재현재 If I see her, I'll give her your love. If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. If we have fine weather tomorrow, I'm going to paint my room. If it's raining now, then it was raining on the West Coast this morning. If it's raining now, then your laundry is getting wet. If it's raining now, there will be mushrooms to pick next week. 미래미래 If it rains tomorrow, the streets will get wet. // 현재가 미래시제 대신 If it rains tomorrow, I’m going to stay home. If it rains tomorrow, let’s go swimming. 가정법 If I have enough time, I watch TV every evening. If I have enough time, I will watch TV every evening. true/factual condition in the present and future true 가정법은 부사절 if 와 동일 If I had enough time, I would watch TV every evening. If I were you, I would accept the invitation. Present Untrue conditions - Be 동사 -> were - 일반동사 -> 과거형 If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped you. Past untrue conditions

27 정샘 영어 Academy 27 9. Summary of ‘If’ clauses (Cont..) if 절에 will 사용 // 주절의 event Y 가 먼저발생하고 ( 되고 ), if 조건절의 event X 가 Y 의 result 가 될 경우 I'll give you $5,000 if it will help you to buy a gift for your sister. // 비교 We'll go home now if you get the car. //(condition) We'll go home now if it will make you feel better. //(result) // if it is true now that, if we know now that 인 경우 If Ann won't be here on Thursday, we'd better cancel the meeting. If stock price will really come down in a few weeks, I'm not going to buy the stocks. // polite request 인 경우 If you will come this way, I'll show you your room.

28 정샘 영어 Academy 28 10. Showing Purpose In order to In order that ~ 하기 위해 서 I turned off the TV in order to enable my roommate to study in silence. // 부사구 I turned off the TV in order that my roommate could study in silence. // 부사절 I turned off the TV so that my roommate could study in silence. // 부사절 So that my roommate could study in peace, I turned off the TV // So that 부사절이 주어로 쓰임 In order to + V = In order (that) + S+ V = so that + S + V So that 부사절이 주어로 쓰이는 경우도 가능 ( 매우 드문 경우 ) So that + 주 어 + can/could So that + 주 어 + may/might I am going to call him so that we can go shopping together. I got my car fixed so that we could go shopping with my car. I got my car fixed so that we might go shopping with my car. // can / could 대신에 may/might 도 사용 가능 So that + can/could Can 은 현재 및 미래의 의 미 Could 는 과거시제의 경 우 So that we can = in order us to be able to buy So that + will/would So that + 현 재시제 I’ll take my umbrella so that I won’t get wet. // 미래 I’ll take my umbrella so that I don’t get wet. // 현재 Yesterday I took my umbrella so that I wouldn’t get wet. So that I won’t get = in order to make sure that I won’t get So that + 현재시제 가 미 래를 대신 가능

29 정샘 영어 Academy 29 Appendix1: Adverb or Adjectives? She gave me a friendly smile. (O)// friendly 는 형용사 She smiled friendly. ( X) // friendly 는 부사 자체가 존재하지 않음 He gave a silly laugh. (O) He laughed silly. (X)// silly 라는 부사 없음 Her singing was lovely.// lovely 는 형용사 -ly 로 끝나는 형용사 : costly, cowardly, deadly, friendly, likely, lively, lonely, lovely, silly, ugly, unlikely. It's a daily paper. // 형용사 It comes out daily. // 부사 I took an early train. // 형용사 I got up early.// 부사 형용사 와 부사가 같은 폼인 경우 : Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, early and leisurely I had a late dinner yesterday. // late 형용사 : ‘ 늦은 ’ I arrived late for the train. // late 부사 : ‘ 늦게, 늦게까지, 지각하여 ’ I arrived lately. (X) I haven’t seen Anna lately. // lately 는 형용사의미 없으며, 부사 : ‘ 최근에 ’ 라는 의미 Many Indian languages become dead languages. // dead 형용사 : ‘ 죽은 ’ He’s dead in love with her. // dead 부사 : ‘ 전적으로 ’ It’s a deadly weapon. // deadly 형용사 :’ 치명적인 ’, I’m deadly tired. // deadly 부사 : ‘ 몹시, 매우 ‘ 부사가 2 가지 폼으로 존재하 는 경우 : 이 경우 의미가 다름 - late & lately - dead & deadly Go easy! (= Not too fast!) Take it easy! (= Relax!) Easy come, easy go. The plane goes direct from LA to NY without stopping. 50% cheaper - order direct from the factory! To play fair, to fight fair, to hit something fair and square 형용사가 부사적으로 사용되 는 경우 - easy - direct - fair

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