통문장 TEST 솔트 레이크 시티는 유타 주의 수도이다 / 미국의 주에서

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1 통문장 TEST 솔트 레이크 시티는 유타 주의 수도이다 / 미국의 주에서
많은 사람들은 궁금해 한다 / 왜 도시가 그러한 이름을 갖게 되었는지 이것은 흔하지 않다 / 도시가 그것의 앞에 “Salt“라는 단어를 갖는 것은 그 도시는 그것의 이름을 얻었다 / 유타에 있는 위대한 솔트 레이크에 아주 가까이 있다는 것에서 초기 개척자들이 그 지역에 도달했을 때 / 그들은 그것의 위치와 날씨에 좋아했다 그들은 결심했다 / 그곳에 도시를 짓기로 그들이 알았을 때 / 그곳이 소금기가 있는 호수와 가깝다는 것을 / 그들은 그것의 이름을 지었다 솔트 레이크 시티는 원래 "위대한 솔트 레이크 시티"로 불렸다 단어 "Great"는 빼졌다 / 1868에 그 이름에서

2 이 땅에서 되는 영어 Level 7 Unit 1. Zaha Hadid

3 Step 1 Shadow Speaking! Step 2 Shadow Speaking Step 3

4 Step 1. by meaning group (영->한)
1. Zaha Hadid was a well-known architect. 자하 하디드는 잘 알려진 건축가였다 2. She was born / in Iraq. 그녀는 태어났다 / 이라크에서 3. She began her own firm / in 1980. 그녀는 그녀 자신의 회사를 시작했다 / 1980년에 4. She taught architecture / all around the world. 그녀는 건축학을 가르쳤다 / 전 세계에서 5. Zaha won / a lot of competitions. 자하는 수상했다 / 많은 대회에서

5 Step 1. by meaning group (영->한)
6. She designed / 그녀는 설계했다 / a community in Singapore and a casino in Switzerland. 싱가포르에 있는 지역 사회와 스위스에 있는 카지노를 7. In 2004, / 2004년에 / she was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. 그녀는 프리츠커 건축상을 받았다 8. It is a very preous award. 그것은 매우 명망 있는 상이다

6 Step 1. by meaning group (영->한)
9. Many museums displayed her works. 많은 박물관들이 그녀의 작품들을 전시했다 10. Zaha’s other works included / 자하의 다른 작품들은 포함했다 / a library, an opera house, and a bridge. 도서관, 오페라 하우스, 그리고 다리를 11. She also painted and drew. 그녀는 또한 페인트칠을 했고 그림을 그렸다 12. Zaha Hadid was an inspiration / to many people. 자하 하디드는 영감을 주었다 / 많은 사람들에게

7 Step 1. by meaning group (한->영)
1. Zaha Hadid was a well-known architect. 자하 하디드는 잘 알려진 건축가였다 2. She was born / in Iraq. 그녀는 태어났다 / 이라크에서 3. She began her own firm / in 1980. 그녀는 그녀 자신의 회사를 시작했다 / 1980년에 4. She taught architecture / all around the world. 그녀는 건축학을 가르쳤다 / 전 세계에서 5. Zaha won / a lot of competitions. 자하는 수상했다 / 많은 대회에서

8 Step 1. by meaning group (한->영)
6. She designed / 그녀는 설계했다 / a community in Singapore and a casino in Switzerland. 싱가포르에 있는 지역 사회와 스위스에 있는 카지노를 7. In 2004, / 2004년에 / she was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. 그녀는 프리츠커 건축상을 받았다 8. It is a very prestigious award. 그것은 매우 명망 있는 상이다

9 Step 1. by meaning group (한->영)
9. Many museums displayed her works. 많은 박물관들이 그녀의 작품들을 전시했다 10. Zaha’s other works included / 자하의 다른 작품들은 포함했다 / a library, an opera house, and a bridge. 도서관, 오페라 하우스, 그리고 다리를 11. She also painted and drew. 그녀는 또한 페인트칠을 했고 그림을 그렸다 12. Zaha Hadid was an inspiration / to many people. 자하 하디드는 영감을 주었다 / 많은 사람들에게

10 Step 1 Shadow Speaking! Step 2 Shadow Speaking Step 3

11 Step 2. by sentence Zaha Hadid was a well-known architect.
She was born in Iraq. She began her own firm in 1980. She taught architecture all around the world. Zaha won a lot of competitions. She designed a community in Singapore and a casino in Switzerland. In 2004, she was awarded Pritzker Architecture Prize. It is a very prestigious award. Many museums displayed her works.

12 Step 2. by sentence Zaha’s other works included a library, an opera house and a bridge. She also painted and drew. Zaha Hadid was an inspiration to many people.

13 Step 1 Shadow Speaking! Step 2 Shadow Speaking Step 3 > <

14 Step 3. without script Without script

15 Comprehension Questions
[Main Idea] What is the main idea of the listening passage? A brief story of a famous architect A history of architecture and how it started Why Pritzker Architecture Prize is so famous Zaha Hadid’s childhood

16 Comprehension Questions
2. [Finding the Facts] When was Zaha awarded Pritzker Architecher Prize? 1980 2000 2004 2016

17 Comprehension Questions
3. [Recalling Details] Which of the following is NOT something Zaha designed? A library An opera house A museum A bridge

18 Comprehension Questions
4. [Making an Inference] What can you infer from the passage? Zaha did not win any of the competitions she was in. Zaha was a very creative person. Zaha’s reputation was not known to the world. Zaha was the worst architect in the world.

19 Listening Mini Test M: Grace, what kind of movies do you watch most often? W: Science fiction. I watched 5 science fiction movies last year. M: Really? What about horror movies? W: I don’t like them very much. I didn’t watch any last year. M: Then what is your second favorite? W: Action movies, but I like comedies as well. Last year, I watched 3 action movies and 1 comedy.

20 What is NOT true according to the conversation?
Listening Mini Test What is NOT true according to the conversation?

21 Sandra is my best friend. She really loves reading books.
Listening Mini Test Sandra is my best friend. She really loves reading books. She takes two books with her everywhere she goes. Science fiction books are her favorite. She has a great interest in science. She wants to be a scientist when she grows up. She can answer all my questions about science.

22 2. How many books does Sandra take every day?
Listening Mini Test 2. How many books does Sandra take every day? One Two Three Four

23 Listening Exercise 1. From the words listed in the box, circle the ones which were SPOKEN in the dialogue you just listened to. e kind open horror some last active second much music lily 2. After listening to the monologue, complete the sentence which you think would be the best topic and/or main idea. Sandra’s interest in science Sandra’s interest in fiction books Sandra’s best friend’s interest in books

24 Shadow Speaking Sandra is my best friend.
She really loves reading books. She takes two books with her everywhere she goes. Science fiction books are her favorite. She has a great interest in science. She wants to be a scientist when she grows up. She can answer all my questions about science.

25 Homework

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