제출일: 과목명: 임상생체역학실습 지도 교수님: 황 성수 교수님 발표자: 김 진

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Presentation on theme: "제출일: 과목명: 임상생체역학실습 지도 교수님: 황 성수 교수님 발표자: 김 진"— Presentation transcript:

1 제출일: 2008. 05. 08 과목명: 임상생체역학실습 지도 교수님: 황 성수 교수님 발표자: 김 진
사례보고서 제출일: 과목명: 임상생체역학실습 지도 교수님: 황 성수 교수님 발표자: 김 진

2 General information Name: 조 o o Age: 7세 Sex: M
General impression: OPD로 내원하던 환아로서, 유모차 타고 엄마와 함께 들어옴. Well adaptaion

3 Subjective information
Dx: Lowel syndrome Delivery: early del. 36 weeks, C/sec Medical history: Bwt. 3.8kg brain MRI(02.7.9)상 frontal lobe atropy 소견.

4 Objective information
Ability elbow support, rolling, come to sit sit alone without hand support, stand with hand support on furniture Inability creeping, crawling, pull to stand, independent walking

5 Objective information
Postural tone: hypotonus Contracture & Deformity: Lt. club foot Associated problem speech: ‘엄마’, ‘맘마’ 정도의 단어 구사 vision: double blindness oromotor: drooling breathing: shallow auditory: deafness

6 Objective information
Postural pattern Deafness, Blindness, MR Sensory deficit Decreased motivation Decreased experience of movement Hypotonus Delayed dvelopment Poor head control Inactivetrunk

7 Objective information
Main problem poor general condition sensory deficit decreased experience of movement poor head control inactive trunk

8 Assesment Short term goal good head control
maintainance of trunk good extension without support while 30 second Long term goal maintainance of trunk good extension without support increase of general condition

9 Treatment A : patient B : abdominal activation C : position – curl up
D : 2~3min

10 Treatment A : patient B : experience of pevis movement
C : position - bridging to buttom up D : 2~3min

11 Treatment A : patient B : trunk lateral part wt. bearing, elongation
C : position - side lying D : 2~3min

12 Treatment A : patient B : trunk extension
C : position - prone on hand support D : 2~3min

13 Treatment A : patient B : come to sit C : position - sitting
D : 2~3min

14 Treatment A : patient B : head control through righting reaction
C : position - sitting D : 2~3min

15 Treatment A : patient B : head control through righting reaction
C : position - sitting D : 2~3min

16 Treatment A : patient B : trunk good extension C : position - sitting
D : 2~3min

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