NTOS T & D Co., Ltd. Tel: Fax:

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1 NTOS T & D Co., Ltd. Tel: +82-70-4849-1538 Fax: +82-32-563-1964
Add: 604, #824-6, Wondang-dong, Se-gu, Inchoen, Korea


3 연혁 .1998년 지음데코 설립 ( 풍진아이디, 계선산업 ,민 설계등 1군 인테리어 업체 가구및 인테리어 자재 납품)
.1998년 지음데코 설립 ( 풍진아이디, 계선산업 ,민 설계등 1군 인테리어 업체 가구및 인테리어 자재 납품) 2005년 엔토스 마린코리아 설립 ( 5대 중공업 협력업체, 현대중공업,삼성중공업,대우조선해양 ,한진중공업, STX 조선) 2012년 엔토스 티엔디 설립 ( 각 건축사, 건설, 디자인회사에 건축내외장재 , 가구 및 마감재 납품 시공)

4 납품실적 써머셋 서울 지산 cc 스텐포드 호텔 리츠 칼튼 라마다 서울 동대문 메리어트 호텔 분당 삼성거제호텔 부띠끄 호텔
그외 다수

5 1. Markant(사무용가구) Netherlands 1948
Adjustable Table ( 62~85mm, 62~128mm) Certificates Wishbone Arm(UK) Hyundai Capital

6 1. Markant(사무용가구) Products Reference Myoffice MO4 MARKANT NT MARKANT FX MANIFEST MFX Stream STENA DRILL SHIP Series/ SHI Hyundai Capital HQ Wishbone(UK) Hyundai Capital

7 2. Ultra Office Furniture
A Steelcase company A leading global provider of office furniture and service

8 Products Seating Systems Furniture Freestanding Furniture Accessories

9 Custom made Furniture Commercial furniture Hospitality
Retail furniture

10 3. Desso(카펫) Netherlands 1930 www.desso.com/Desso/home/EN
Carnival group, Royal Caribbean Int., Holland America Line, Princess Cruises, Costa Cruises, P&O Cruises etc. Carnival Cruise , USA

11 Desso(카펫) Products Reference Troso Symphony Symphony A La Carte
Aximinster Aximinster A La Carte RCCL

12 4. Roll carpet Denmark 1938 www.egecarpet.com
Flensburger Schiffsbau, Orient Queen, MV Ocean Village, Ocean Village and etc. MS Kong Harald MV Ocean Village

13 5. Sugatsune(가구&건축 하드웨어)
Japan 1930

14 5. Sugatsune(가구&건축 하드웨어)
Architectural Products Reference Lapcon-Dampers Decorative Hardwares Shelf & Hangers Catches & Latches Locks Concealed Hinges Hinges Stays Stainless Steel Drawer Slides Door Hardwares Folding & Sliding Door Hardwares Miscellaneous Hardwares

15 6. Dorma(하드웨어) German 1908 TS 83/ TS73V

16 6. Dorma(하드웨어) Products Images Door Control
Automatic and Revolving Doors Glass Fittings and Systems Security Systems Room Dividing Systems Modernfold Cranedoor

17 7. FGV(하드웨어) Italy 1947 Runner & Drawer

18 8. FGV(하드웨어) Products Images Hinges Slides Alternative Openings
Wall Hanging Drawers Innerware Slowmotion Onetouch Excel Prime

19 8. Huper Optik(유리 필름) German 1997 Certificates

20 8. Huper Optik(유리필름) Products Reference X3 Ceramics Ceramic Series
Reflektor Series Klassisch Series Klar Series Safety & Security Series RCCL Naval Bases Notfolk, Corpus Christ/The USA (Ceramic 40)

21 9. Promat(불연자재용품) UK An Etex Group www.promat-marine.com
Certificates (Warrington,Lapi) Fire Protection Case Study Deck damage Penetration seals

22 9. Promat(불연자재용품) Products Reference PROMARINE-450 PROMARINE-640
PROMAGUARD PROMAGLAF-WB PROMASOUND - Self-Adhesive Version - 20 Micron Wired Aluminium - PROMAFLEX GM 220 - CL PROMADAMP CL Santa Regina PROMARINE boards

23 10. Alfix (타일 접착제) Denmark 1963 Wall-tile adhesive Floor-tile adhesive
Grout selector

24 Thank you for taking time with us and look forward to working with you in the near future!
Seoul HQ Add: 201, #355-24, Hapjeong-Dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul, , Korea Tel: Tel: Fax: Attn: Ms. Olivia Park Busan branch Add: 4F, #225-1, HackjangDong, Sasang-Gu, Busan City, ,Korea

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