AGENDA June 25 (Thurs), 8:20PM – 10:30PM in Choir’s room

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Presentation on theme: "AGENDA June 25 (Thurs), 8:20PM – 10:30PM in Choir’s room"— Presentation transcript:

1 AGENDA June 25 (Thurs), 8:20PM – 10:30PM in Choir’s room
Greeting – Fr. Hwang Overview for Youth Ministry (YM) YM structure and 2:30 Mass attendance – Paul Lim Overview for JHSS*: teachers and students – Philip Suk JHSS issues (EXCEL data) Understand the issues POC to follow up with the issues Feedback by Sr./Mr. Kim (pastoral council chair) Closing – Fr. Hwang (JHSS* : Jr. High-High Sunday School)

2 Structure of Youth Ministry Division (Nov 08)
교장 (신부님) 사목 회장 수녀님 보좌 신부님 청소년 부회장 기획부 초등부 주일학교 교감 중고등부 주일학교 교감 한국학교 교감 티앗회 회장 교무 1 교무 1 교무 1 교무 2 교무 2 교무 2 교무 3 교무 3 교무 3 …… …… ……

3 산호세 본당 연령별 등록학생/ 청년 분포 본당 연령별 분포 (as of 2007-2008) 청년 대학생 초등부 (225)
10 20 30 40 50 5 15 25 35 연령 (years) 사람 ( ) 청년 초등부 (225) 대학생 중고등부(85)

4 산호세 본당 오후 미사 참석자

5 7th Grade Teachers 2 teachers, 1 assistant Students
In regular attendance : 18 Total registered: 22 5

6 8th Grade Teachers 1 teachers, 2 assistant Students
In regular attendance : 13 Total registered: 17 6

7 Confirmation Teachers 1 teachers, 1 assistant Students
In regular attendance : 14 Total registered: 20 7

8 9/10th Grade Teachers 2 teachers Students In regular attendance : 6
Total registered: 14 8

9 11/12th Grade Teachers 1 teachers Students In regular attendance : 6
Total registered: 10 9

10 GUIDELINES Don’t look at the PAST; Just look for the FUTURE
Explain about each list in the EXCEL data; Identify POC if an action is needed Will it help achieve goals for catechists as well as parents?

11 Catechist’s Goal from Diocese of San Jose homepage
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” — Matthew 28:19-20 – 그러므로 너희는 가서 이 세상 모든 사람들을 내 제자로 삼아 아버지와 아들과 성령의 이름으로 그들에게 세례를 베풀고, 내가 너희에게 명한 모든것을 지키도록 가르쳐라. -- 마태오 28:

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