English Communication R/W

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1 English Communication R/W
Unit 2-2


3 Translation Practice 1. Because I grew up with a terrible stutter and was not comfortable talking, I learned to observe as a way of understanding social rules.  자랄 때 말을 심하게 더듬었고 말을 하는 것을 불편해했기 때문 에 사회적 규칙을 배우는 한 방편으로 관찰하는 법을 배웠다. 2. They remain the same as they were some 120 years ago.  그들(큰 창문들)은 약 200년 전과 동일한 모습을 하고 있다. 3. Throughout modern times, different factors have changed the way pedestrians walk in busy urban areas. 현대를 통틀어 상이한 요소들이 보행자들이 붐비는 도시 지역에 서 걷는 방식을 바꿔왔다. (붐비는 도시지역에서 보행자들의 보행 법을)

4 4. He observed that because traffic lights are timed for the speed of cars, people pile up on street corners as they wait for the light to change.  그는 신호등이 차의 속도에 맞추어져 있기 때문에, 사람들이 도로의 모 퉁이에서 신호등이 바뀌길 기다리면서 무리를 이루는 것을 보았다. 5. They must be simple enough so that the products can be clearly identified, and they must be creative enough to catch the busy pedestrian’s eye. 그들(창문들)은 상품들을 분명하게 알아볼 수 있도록 충분히 단순해야 하고, 바쁜 보행자들의 눈을 끌만큼 창의적이어야 한다. ~~ so that ~~(in order that) ~ so ~~~ that ~ <-> enough to Nathan is so young that he cannot start preschool.  Nathan is not old enough to start preschool.

5 6. As busy as I might be as I walk down the street, his windows make me stop.
 도로를 걸어 내려가며 아무리 바쁘더라도 그의 창문들은 나를 멈추게 한다. (그의 창문들 때문에 나는 멈추게 된다.) As 의 양보도치  Though you may be smart, you just can’t predict the future. Smart as you may be, you just can’t predict the future. As smart as you may be, you just can’t predict the future. 그는 비록 가난하지만, 이웃의 존경을 받았다. As poor as he was, he was respected by his neighbors.

6 Collocation(연어) I do exercise. I make exercise.
A fast train / a quick train A fast shower / a quick shower

7 Collocations are words that often occur together
Collocations are words that often occur together. While there are no rules, it is important to pay attention to the patterns of words in a text. These patterns are clues that show you which words collocate. Adjective + noun Verb + noun/noun phrase Preposition + noun

8 Soft drink, voice Dry accent Hard work, question Heavy wine, weather strong traffic, rain, smokers

9 These nouns collocate with make or do. Write the correct verb.
______ an attempt _______ a connection ________ business ________ a choice ________ a favor _______ plans ________ suggestions _________ research

10 Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.
Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do. DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. For example, if you “make breakfast,” the result is an omelet! If you “make a suggestion,” you have created a recommendation



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