Team Project Introduction

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1 Team Project Introduction
(Mobile computing) Mobile Leader

2 Team Introduction  Team Name : Mobile Leader
- Mobile World의 leader 가 되자!  Team Members : 김완태(Team Leader) - 23기 이민태 – 25기 신재은 – 25기 정승현 – 25기 김탁호 – 25기 지세영 – 25기

3 Please Save My Treasure(PSMT)
(나의 보물을 지켜줘!) What is PSMT? - Smart Phone에서 동작하는 증강현실(Augmented Reality) App - Handset user가 지정한 item들을 찾아주는 기능 제공 Who uses it? - 집안 정리를 잘 하지 않아 개인 물건을 찾아 집안을 헤매는 사람 - 기억력이 감퇴되는 사람(치매?) - 집을 나올때 무언가 챙기지 않은 물건이 있는지 항상 찜찜해 하는 사람

4 How do we do that? - 증강현실(Augmented Reality) Application in SmartPhone. . I-Phone, Android, Mobile Windows in GSM / 3G world. - NFC(Near Filed Communication) technology . Defined by the ISO / ECMA 352 / ETSI - Flexible NFC Chip set . Many handset doesn’t support NFC technology. . A flexible PCB board in charge of NFC communication.

5 NFC: Near Field Communication
It operates within the RF band of MHz. 3 modes

6 Flexible NFC chip transforms regular handsets into NFC handsets
iPhone, Nokia, Moto, Samsung, LG, Blackberry, HTC, SonyE… + Flexible NFC chip transforms regular handsets into NFC handsets

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