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“Grammar to Explain” 1. Every form of art is good for everyone. It is felt, enjoyed, and experienced. ※Every form of art를 앞 문장의 주어로 썼기 때문에 뒤 문장에서도 주어를.

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Presentation on theme: "“Grammar to Explain” 1. Every form of art is good for everyone. It is felt, enjoyed, and experienced. ※Every form of art를 앞 문장의 주어로 썼기 때문에 뒤 문장에서도 주어를."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Grammar to Explain” 1. Every form of art is good for everyone. It is felt, enjoyed, and experienced. ※Every form of art를 앞 문장의 주어로 썼기 때문에 뒤 문장에서도 주어를 일치시키기 위하여, 능동태 <We feel, enjoy, and experience it>를 피했음. 2. A: Were many great men born in this town? B: No, only babies were born here. [관용적인 경우 또는 수동태 주어에 초점] 3. Our house was broken into. 우리 집에 누군가가 침입해 들어왔었다. [행위자 불분명]

2 Maxims Introduced by Teacher
Democracy is the highest form of political government, but on the cultural side it is exposed to grave weakness. from Sir Richard Livingstone's “The Meaning of Civilization” What is done in a hurry is never done well. The good seaman is known in bad weather. Laziness is often mistaken for patience. French proverb

3 Maxims Translated by Student
The mouse that has but one hole is easily taken. A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits. Richard M. Nixon ( ) the 37th President of USA The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Victor Hugo ( ) French novelist

4 “My Maxim” Activity 역경(逆境)에서 된 사람의 가치는 더욱 빛납 니다. 그것을 표현해 보세요.
1. The good seaman is known in bad weather. 2. The good fireman is known in a big fire. 3. <학생영작사례> A good soldier is known in a fierce battle.

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