“Grammar to Explain” as ∼ as any+(명사) : 어느 ... 만큼 ∼한, 어느 ...에도 못지 않게 ∼한 : 최상급의 의미 She plays the piano as skillfully as any student in our school. (그녀는.

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Presentation on theme: "“Grammar to Explain” as ∼ as any+(명사) : 어느 ... 만큼 ∼한, 어느 ...에도 못지 않게 ∼한 : 최상급의 의미 She plays the piano as skillfully as any student in our school. (그녀는."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Grammar to Explain” as ∼ as any+(명사) : 어느 ... 만큼 ∼한, 어느 ...에도 못지 않게 ∼한 : 최상급의 의미 She plays the piano as skillfully as any student in our school. (그녀는 우리 학교의 어느 학생 못지 않게 피아노를 잘 친다.) He is as diligent as any. (그는 누구 못지 않게 근면하다.) as ∼ as ever+동사 : 이제까지 ...한 만큼 ∼한, 지금까지 ...에 못지 않게 ∼한 : 최상급의 의미 He is as great a playwright as ever lived. (그는 지금까지 있었던 어느 극작가 못지 않게 위대한 극작가이다.) as+형용사[부사]+as ever : 여전히 ∼한[하게] His father is as generous as ever. (그의 아버지는 여전히 후하다.) I study as hard as ever. (나는 여전히 열심히 공부한다.) as ∼ as possible = as ∼ as one can : 가능한 한 ~하게) Tell them the news as soon as possible [you can]. (가능한 한 빨리 그 소식을 그들에게 알려 주세요.) The professor read the report as fast as possible [he could]. (그 교수는 가능한 빠른 속도로 그 보고서를 읽었다.) not so much A as B : A라기 보다는 B이다[하다] ( B한 만큼 A하지 못하다) She is not so much as a novelist as a poet. (그녀는 소설가라기 보다는 시인...) not so much as : ∼ 조차도 못하다 He cannot so much as write his name. (그는 자기 이름조차 못쓴다.) as good as : almost (=no better than) The prince was as good as a beggar. (그 왕자는 거지나 다름없었다.)

2 Maxims Introduced by Teacher
With many similar parables Jesus spoke the words to them, as much as they could understand. from Mark (마가복음) 4 : 33 In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other Voltaire, French author Life is a mystery as deep as ever death can be. Mary Mapes Dodge, American author Man, we may say, appears to be not so much a rational animal as an ideological animal. from Karl. R. Popper's “The Myth of the Framework”

3 Maxims Translated by Student
The greatest pleasure when I started making money was not buying cars or yachts but finding myself able to have as many freshly typed drafts as possible. Gore Vidal, American novelist, playwright, & essayist To stand at the edge of the sea ... is to have knowledge of things that are as eternal as any earthly life can be. from Rachel Carson's “Under the Sea-Wind” I find the great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. from “Autocrat on the Breakfast” by O. W. Holmes A man's word is as good as his bond.

4 “My Maxim” Activity as good as(=almost; little [no] better than)을
써서 다음 문장들과 유사한 문장을 만들어 보세요. 1. A miss is as good as a mile. 2. The smile proved to be as good as a miff. 3.

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