Festival for Christmas Eve

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Presentation on theme: "Festival for Christmas Eve"— Presentation transcript:

1 Festival for Christmas Eve
성탄절 전야 축하잔치 Festival for Christmas Eve

2 큰 기쁨의 좋은 소식 Good News of Great Joy
성탄전야 메세지 큰 기쁨의 좋은 소식 Good News of Great Joy

3 지극히 높은 곳에서는 하나님께 영광이요 땅에서는 기뻐하심을 입은 사람들 중에
평화로다 하니라' Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. (누가복음 LUKE 2:14)

4 Merry Christmas. Let us celebrate Joyful Christmas
Merry Christmas! Let us celebrate Joyful Christmas! First of all I wish this blessing of Christmas fully be with your family and you. Clearly Christmas is to receive the baby Jesus who was in manger and celebrate his birth on the earth. Christmas means to worship Christmas as "Christmas + Mass".

5 Why people celebrate Jesus' birth for over 2,000 years on 24th and 25th December? Jesus Christ is a son of God. He is only son of God. This son was sent to us. He came to us being in Karma and sufferings for saving us and giving happiness. How dear he came to us?

6 He was born by a virgin Mary who possessed strong faith
He was born by a virgin Mary who possessed strong faith. Naturally a boy or girl was born by sleeping with a man and a woman. But Mary gave a birth Jesus by Holy Spirit. So his birth had a holy mysterious secrete by the plan of God. However, he was not a son of kings, not a son of nobles but a son of a poor carpenter Joseph in this world.

7 He came to here as the lowest one
He came to here as the lowest one. In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. Joseph and parturient Mary had to come down the hometown Bethlehem. On the way to there, Mary had a contractions but there was no place to enough rooms for them. So an innkeeper permitted them to stay in a stable.

8 There was a warm place but the place where were horses and some kinds of livestock, smelling animals' shit. Such a place, Jesus was put in the manger. Jesus Christ as a king of Kings was born in the lowest stable, not a splendid place and noble house. Nevertheless, he was heartfully celebrated by Magi from the east who followed by a holy star and shepherds who follows the words of angel in the fields of the midnight.

9 Yes! it is! Jesus Christ is the only son
of God and a King of Kings. Nevertheless he came to the lowest, and then was born in a worse conditions than the poor and the lower. In the background he was celebrated by all the people who need him in this world.

10 You know kim jungil who was dead
few days ago, he was born in the absolute powerful condition of his father Kim ilsung in North Korea. However his birthday celebration is almost finished by these days and only North Koreans who do not know well about the world. On the other hand, Jesus Christ who came to the lowest had been celebrated by all the people till now.

11 This is the grace of Christmas.
True grace exists in the place where the Lord Christ came, that is to say, the poor stable. Moreover, the grace is shown by shepherd, Magi from the east, Mary and Joseph who believe in God's words at the lowest place. However, today we can see that many people are leaving from the grace and casing useless greed and constructing aimless Babel which can not be climb.

12 Now we are standing in front of
a new Christmas grace in 2011. God Almighty gave us Christmas grace in this year and confirm his love to us. By the grace we can have a life again. His only son was sent to us for saving this world. The love is now with us. The grace is now with us. In this grace of Christmas, we have to love God, love each other, and recover this world which God love so much.

13 Today, let us confess together the love to the Lord; "Merry Christmas
Today, let us confess together the love to the Lord; "Merry Christmas! we love you to come here" Also let us receive Jesus Christ who save us from our sins and deaths. Jesus came to here as the light. The light eliminates the darkness. If anyone receive Jesus Christ who was born in the poor stable, they can gain the light of life saving from sins and deaths. This is the unchangeble truth which God Almighty promised us.

14 May the grace and the blessing
of Christmas be with all and me.

15 Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star 사무엘 조경숙 최연아 최영인 오동욱 오유림 최세린 송광호 송하나
주일학교 율동 Sunday School Dance 반짝반짝 성탄별 Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star 사무엘 조경숙 최연아 최영인 오동욱 오유림 최세린 송광호 송하나

16 함께하는 성탄 성구 Scripture Reading for Christmas Together
조영숙 김이슬 Romel 김동희 장항량 오유림 최상희 Dieter&Jen 오경수&박혜경 이경진 한희정 조영광&양수봉 김단비 송광호 곽영일

17 Singing Christmas Carols 필리핀 형제 자매들 Filopino & Filipina
크리스마스찬양 Singing Christmas Carols 필리핀 형제 자매들 Filopino & Filipina

18 It came upon a midnight clear
워십댄스 Worship dance 그 맑고 환한 밤중에 It came upon a midnight clear 박금연목사 한희정 김이슬 김단비

19 A Biblical Play for Christmas
성극 A Biblical Play for Christmas 아기별의 기쁨 A Joy of Baby Star

20 참 반가운 성도여 O Come All Ye Faithful 워십댄스 Worship dance 박금연 목사 조영숙 이완주
장항량 곽영일 김동희 양수봉 박혜경 오경수

21 사무엘 조경숙 최연아 최영인 오동욱 오유림 최세린 송광호 송하나
주일학교 율동 Sunday School Dance 캐롤 메들리 Carol Medley 출연진 사무엘 조경숙 최연아 최영인 오동욱 오유림 최세린 송광호 송하나

22 산타 할아버지와 함께 With Santa Claus

23 Exchange of Christmas presents
크리스마스 선물뽑기 Exchange of Christmas presents

24 Announcement & Carol songs Journey
광고와 캐롤송 돌기 Announcement & Carol songs Journey

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