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Presentation on theme: "BYSTANDER EFFECT."— Presentation transcript:


2 INDEX 01 Definition 02 Cause 03 Solution 04 Closing

3 Part 1 Definition

4 <Bystander effect>
<Bystander effect> To become paralyzed, or not really knowing what to do, being scared and just watching

5 Part 2 Cause

6 <Causes of bystander effect>
Ambiguity(애매모호함): witnesses are unsure whether events are bad enough to warrant intervention Diffusion of responsibility(책임감 분산): assuming that someone else will intervene OR it's someone else's job to intervene Fear of social disapproval(사회질책에 대한 두려움): given no one else has intervened, witnesses fear social disapproval if they intervene

7 Part 3 Solution

8 <Solution> To address ambiguity, be explicit, loud, and repetitive about what bad behaviour looks like.  Make sure everyone knows and agrees on what bad behaviour is. To address diffusion of responsibility, make sure that each person feels personally obligated to deal with problems independent of what others do or don't do. In other words, it's always "how can I help?" and never "is this my job?“ To address fear of social disapproval, make sure bad behaviour is not normalised.

9 Part 4 Closing

10 <Closing> Good Samaritan law
응급처치를 하다 본의 아닌 과실로 인해 환자를 사망에 이르게 했거나 손해를 입힌 경우 책임을 감경 또는 면제한다는 내용 역지사지 희생자가 본인이나 자신의 가족이 될 수 있다는 생각을 갖고 적극적으로 도움을 주기

11 Q&A

12 Thank you

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