Principles of Archaeology

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Archaeology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Archaeology
Week 1: Introduction to the course Chuntaek Seong Kyung Hee University

2 Principles of Archaeology (고고학연구기초) 강의 시간: 4:330 – 5: 45 pm, Tue & Thu
Week 1: Introduction to the course Principles of Archaeology (고고학연구기초)  강의 시간: 4:330 – 5: 45 pm, Tue & Thu 308 Humanities 담당교수: 성춘택 연구실: 313 Faculty Hall ( , )

3 강의 목표 <Principles of Archaeology> outlines how archaeologists work and accumulate knowledge about the past by analyzing and interpreting material remains. This course provide fundamentals of archaeological methods and theory for students of archaeology and history major. Starting with history of archaeology, it describes data collecting strategies, diverse analytical methods, interpretation and explanations of human culture.

4 강의 진행 방법 본 강좌는 주로 강의를 중심으로 진행될 것이지만, 가능하면 주제별로 진행함으로써 수강생들의 참여를 권장하여 비판적인 논리를 개발하도록 유도한다. 학습 과제와 발표를 통해서 강좌에 참여하는 기회를 가질 것이다.

5 야외 조사: 공주 석장리 64년

6 평가 방법 * presentations and homework
Mid-term exam (Quiz): 30%, Final exam: 40%, Presentation/homework: 20%, 출석 및 수업 참여: 10% * presentations and homework –   Group presentations or 고고학 조사(지표조사, 발굴) 또는 실내 작업에 하루(5시간) 이상 참여 보고서 제출 –  Homework 1: C-14 Calibration Homework 2: Seriation

7 Projects and presentations
박물관 또는 유적 답사 보고서 Discovery and research of Iceman Jeongok-ri and the Korean Paleolithic Amsa-dong and the Korean Neolithic Bronze daggers and early Korean civilization Goindols and World cultural heritage The Hanseong baekje (Pungnaptoseong, Monchontoeseong, Baekje burials) Goguryeo in the northern Hangang area (Achasan, Yongmasan) Maya civilization Homework 1: C-14 Calibration Homework 2: Seriation

8 주교재 및 참고문헌 주교재: Lecture Notes (강의 자료)
Ashmore, Wendy and Robert Sharer, Discovering Our Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology (6th ed.) McGraw-Hill. 참고도서 <현대고고학 강의> (Colin Renfrew 지음, 이희준 옮김, 사회평론) Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. (Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn, 2012, 6th ed. Thames and Hudson) <현대고고학의 이해> (이희준 옮김) Archaeology: The Basics. (Clive Gamble, 2003, Routledge)

9 Weekly lecture schedule
Week 1: Introduction to the course, What is archaeology? Week 2: A brief history of archaeology, Emergence of archaeology as a scientific discipline, Modern development of archaeological method and theory Week 3: The nature and scope of archaeological research, Material culture and human behavior Week 4: The archaeological record, Concepts and terminologies of archaeological research Week 5: The formation of archaeological record, Cultural and natural processes Week 6: Introduction to the fieldwork, Surface survey Week 7: Archaeological excavation, Data processing Week 8: Mid-term exam

10 Weekly lecture schedule
Week 9: Archaeological stratigraphy, Geoarchaeological interpretation Week 10: Chronometric dating methods, Radiocarbon dating, Geochronology, OSL dating Week 11: Relative dating methods, Classification and typology Week 12: Seriation, cross-dating and chronology building Week 13: Scientific analyses in archaeology Week 14: Reconstructing the past: theories, analogy and ethnoarchaeology Week 15: Understanding the culture change: culture history, processual archaeology, and interpretative archaeology Week 16: Final examination

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