공지사항 이번 주 목요 퀴즈 다음 주 수요일 (27일) 교과서 9장 정당개혁 관련 세미나 저자들과의 대화 (서정건 교수 포함)

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Presentation on theme: "공지사항 이번 주 목요 퀴즈 다음 주 수요일 (27일) 교과서 9장 정당개혁 관련 세미나 저자들과의 대화 (서정건 교수 포함)"— Presentation transcript:

1 공지사항 이번 주 목요 퀴즈 다음 주 수요일 (27일) 교과서 9장 정당개혁 관련 세미나 저자들과의 대화 (서정건 교수 포함)
저자들과의 대화 (서정건 교수 포함) 법학관 401호: 4시 30분 참여시 extra-credit!

2 대통령과 미디어 (미국 사례) The Seduction of “Soft News”
Traditional “hard news” begins to fade (ABC, CBS, NBC) Entertainment-based “soft news” attracts much larger and younger audiences 60 Minutes, Oprah Winfrey Show, Daily Show, Tonight Show with Jay Leno, etc Focus on human interest stories Continues to focus on good and evil dichotomy like hard news Appeals to wider range of audiences less education, lower income, and young people “The Daily Show Phenomena”

3 대통령 선거 Presidential Election
The “chief factors” influencing how people vote in presidential elections Party Orientation (Partisan Identification: Party ID) Campaign Promises (선거공약)/ Policy Preferences (정책선호) Retrospective judgments on the performance of the incumbent or their political party (회고적 투표) The way people perceive the integrity, character, and judgment of the candidates 이념, 지역주의, 세대론 등 (독립적인 변수인가?)

4 박원호(2013) “18대 대선과 세대론” “silver democracy” vs. “youth democracy”?

5 연령군별 정책선호: 해석?

6 18대 대선: 세대별 투표참여율

7 “Do Campaigns Matter?” 투표 후보자 결정시기: 연령별

8 미국 사례: Identity 선거 vs. Idea 선거?
서정건 교수 한국경제신문 칼럼

9 Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
Presidential systems have clearest separation of power between executive and legislative branches President is elected by the people, has much power, and cannot easily be removed from power by the legislature In a parliamentary system, the executive is selected from the legislature by the majority party or majority coalition.

10 Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
In parliamentary systems, the prime minister chooses cabinet members from the legislature; presidents choose their cabinet from any able individuals who share their policy from outside the legislature Prime ministers are answerable to parliament and can be removed from office by a “no confidence” vote Presidents serve a fixed term of office; the branches of government cannot dissolve or control one another

11 Advantages of Parliamentary Systems
No executive-legislative deadlocks as the majority party controls both branches If governing party members disagree with their cabinet leaders, they can vote “no confidence” and the government must be replaced by new leadership; though this rarely occurs People must wait until the next election before they can change president and cabinet When a different party wins an election, the old cabinet resigns and is replaced by leaders of the winning party

12 Disadvantages of Parliamentary Systems
Party discipline is so strong that individual members must vote as instructed by their party’s whips; members are rubber stamps Passage of legislation is rational, speedy, and efficient, but parliament cannot make independent inputs to the legislation approved by the cabinet Parliamentary systems may have several parties with none having a majority – coalitions are needed to govern; when coalition partners quarrel, governments fall

13 Presidential and Parliamentary Systems

14 한국 대통령제의 내각제적 요소 국무총리제도 행정부가 법률안 제출권 보유 각료와 의원의 겸직이 가능
국무총리 임명에 국회의 동의 국회의 국무총리, 국무위원에 대한 해임건의권 행정부가 법률안 제출권 보유 각료와 의원의 겸직이 가능 국회의 국무총리, 국무위원 해임건의권 국회의 국무총리, 국무위원, 정부위원에 대한 국회출석요구 및 질문권 대통령의 국회 출석 및 의사표시권

15 Executives vs. Legislatures
Example) Making Laws in the U.S. Congress Congressional rules and structures – the parties and committee systems – are designed to enable majorities to make laws. The lawmaking process, however, presents opponents of a bill with many opportunities to sidetrack or kill legislation. U.S. Congress in comparative perspective 국회방송 특별기획: “세계의회를 가다” (17:25)

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