대학가서 영어발표 잘 하삼~~ 시간이 흐르면서 / 에린은 깨닫는다 그녀의 학생들이 더 힘든 삶을 살고 있다는 것을 그녀가 생각했던 것보다 Over time, Erin realizes her students have more difficult lives than she thought.

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Presentation on theme: "대학가서 영어발표 잘 하삼~~ 시간이 흐르면서 / 에린은 깨닫는다 그녀의 학생들이 더 힘든 삶을 살고 있다는 것을 그녀가 생각했던 것보다 Over time, Erin realizes her students have more difficult lives than she thought."— Presentation transcript:

1 대학가서 영어발표 잘 하삼~~ 시간이 흐르면서 / 에린은 깨닫는다 그녀의 학생들이 더 힘든 삶을 살고 있다는 것을 그녀가 생각했던 것보다 Over time, Erin realizes her students have more difficult lives than she thought. 에린은 그녀 자신의 돈을 써서 그 학생들에게 새 책을 사주었다. 그리고 그 책들은 학생들이 읽기와 쓰기에 관심을 가지도록 도와주었다. Erin spent her own money and bought the students new books, which helped them become interested in reading and writing.

2 대학가서 영어발표 잘 하삼~~ 1. 시간이 흐르면서 / 에린은 깨닫는다 그녀의 학생들이 더 힘든 삶을 살고 있다는 것을 그녀가 생각했던 것보다 2. 에린은 그녀 자신의 돈을 써서 그 학생들에게 새 책을 사주었다. 그리고 그 책들은 학생들이 읽기와 쓰기에 관심을 가지도록 도와주었다.


4 p. 178 Erin: I want each of you to come up(1) /and take(2) one of these bags, / which contain the four books / we’re going to read / this semester. They’re very special books, / and they each remind me, in some way, of each of you. Before you take the books, / I want you to take one of these cups of juice, / and I want each of you / to make a toast / for change. What that means / is, from this moment on,/ every voice that told you “You can’t” / is silenced.

5 p. 178 Every reason that tells you / things will never change / goes away. The person you were before this moment — that person’s turn is over. Now it’s your turn. Okay? Are you ready to get this party going? (The party starts, and two girls toast. Right after that, a boy appears from the crowd.) Darell: Ms. Gruwell? Can I read something from my diary? Erin: That would be great.

6 p. 179 Darell: This summer was the worst summer in my life.
It all started with a phone call. My mother was crying, / asking for more time. She told me / we were being evicted. I thought, “I have no home.” On the morning of the eviction, / there was a hard knock / on the door. A police officer was there / to do his job. Why bother coming(1) to school or getting(2) good grades if I’m homeless? I’m wearing clothes from last year, some old shoes. I kept thinking / I’d get laughed at.

7 p. 179 Instead, I’m welcomed / by a couple of friends / who were in my English class / last year. And it hits me. Ms. Gruwell, my crazy English teacher from last year, is the only person / that made me think of hope. Talking with friends / about last year’s English and our trips, / I began to feel better. I receive my schedule / and the first teacher is Ms. Gruwell in Room 203. I walk(1) into the room / and feel(2) / as though all the problems in life are not so important anymore. (After a pause) “I am home.” Erin: Yes, you are.

8 p. 179 Scene 5 - Though every student wanted Erin to teach them again in the upcoming junior year, / it isn’t allowed / by school regulations / because she is in charge of first and second grade students. Erin suggests one final project / for the students / to wrap up the semester.

9 Quiz I want each of you to come up and take one of these bags, ( ) contain the four books we’re going to read this semester. Every reason that tells you things will never change (go / goes) away. (Talk / Talking) with friends about last year’s English and our trips, I began to feel better.

10 영어 말하기 달인 도전! 나는 너희 각각 나와서 이 가방들 중 하나를 가져가기를 바래 그리고 그것들은 4권의 책을 담고 있어
우리가 이번 학기에 읽으려고 하는 I want each of you to come up / and take one of these bags, / which contain the four books / we’re going to read / this semester.


12 p. 179 Erin: Listen to me, all of you.
Don’t use me / as another reason / for why you can’t make it. You made it / to your junior year. Think about how you did that. Everyone in this room / has a chance to graduate. For some, you’ll be the first in your family. The first with a choice to go to college. You did that. Not me. Now, I have one final project in mind.

13 p. 179 Eva: (monologue) Ms. Gruwell wanted us to put our diaries together in a book. She told us / we have something to say to people. We weren’t just kids in a class anymore. We were writers / with our own voices, our own stories. Even if nobody else read it, / the book would be something / to leave behind / that said / we were here, /this is what happened, / and we mattered. Following some of her students, / Erin left Wilson / to teach at California State University, Long Beach. The Freedom Writers Diary was published in Erin Gruwell and her students started the Freedom Writers Foundation, devoted to recreating their success in classrooms throughout the U.S.


15 스페셜 단어시험

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