Industrial Organic Chemicals

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1 Industrial Organic Chemicals
Introduction 1) Process Engineering & Economy (1) Bench Scale  Pilot Scale Scale-Up - Reactor Deign: Temp Control : Heating Mantle  Steam 사용 가열 (150℃) Rxtor Size : 1L  1 루베(1000L), 8 루베 for 500Kg product, <70-80% charge Material : RB Flask  Carbon steel - GL for acidic condition Stainless steel for basic condition Cooling vs. Reactor Vol : Vol.증가 vs cooling efficiency (surface증가)

2 - Process Design : 안전성 문제: LAH, NaBH4  H2 환경 문제: Friedel Craft 촉매 (FeCl3) 인건비 : Continuous vs. Batch

3 문제 1: 수소를 값싸게 얻는 방법 문제 2: 99.9%의 Abs. 에탄올을 얻는 방법
문제 1: 수소를 값싸게 얻는 방법 (물 + e, 물 + C, HC reforming ,..) 문제 2: %의 Abs. 에탄올을 얻는 방법 문제 3. 페놀의 공업적 제법: 메커니즘?  ? 1. Cummen Process 의 Mechanism??

4 (2) Yield 와 Conversion (3) 다음의 경우 일반적으로 high cost
- Labor cost 는 multi stage reaction 비례 - 고온, 고압 반응 (Energy cost) - Highly acidic reaction - Extensive separation steps - Pollution control

5 (4) Terminology Filtration, Heat Transfer, Distillation,...
     -Unit Operation (단위조작) : "Physical Change"                     Filtration, Heat Transfer, Distillation,...                     Heating is simple, But how about in scaling up? Filtration is simple. But how about in scaling up?                     (예): Ethambutol pilot 생산      -Unit Process (단위공정): “Chemical Change"                      Nitration, Chlorination, Hydrogenation, Amination,.. Oxidation, Alkylation,         -Chemical Conversion : used in Petroleum Industry                      Unit Process 와 병행 사용

6 - Batch Process (회분식) Lab process 와 유사 Reaction mixture in one reactor
        More labor cost         Fine Chemical 합성 시: 고가의 의약, Explosive 등           -Continuous Process (연속식)          Flow processing         Automation-computer control         Energy saving process,         Short Reaction Time control:           (예) acetylene 합성, rxn time, sec at 1600 C         Gas Phase Reaction  

7 (6) Process Economics High Cost Factors - Labor : multi-step reactions
- High Temp, High Press (high energy) - Acidic reaction: corrosion need special equipment - Complicate separation steps eg) Filtration step : crystal form is important - Pollution control Low Cost : Scale Up Plant Design : Technology and Economy (예) Phenol Plant Filtration step : Crystal structure (alpha from, beta from, etc)가 매우 중요

8 2) Carbon Source: Where organic chemicals come from?
(1) Coals : acetylene, water gas, BTX 등 aromatics - WWII 이전 Chemical Industry (2) Natural Gas & Petroleum : major source (~95%) since 1975 7 major chemical building blocks - Ethylene : C2-Chemicals : Naphtha (Jpn, EU), Natural Gas(USA) - Propylene : C3-Chemicals - Butylene : C4-Chemicals - Benzene, Toluene, Xylene : BTX - Methane : C1-Chemicals

9 (3) Fats, Oils & Carbohydrates
- Fatty acids (Palm oil, 우지(牛脂), Lad, ..) - Sugars - Cellulose - Fermentation Product: 에탄올, 식초 (4) 기타 Sterols (대두 폐기물), Alkaloids, Phosphatides (egg york,.. ), Gums 등 - 값비싼 고급 정밀화학제품 제조 원료 - highly specialized field

10 Petroleum Refining (석유정제)
A. Introduction 어원 : Petro…  (Latin: Peter,바위),  Crude oil:  배사구조에서만 발견 2) 성분 : C : 84-87%, H : 11-14%, N : 0-1%, S : 0-5%, O : 0-1%          Complex mixture   HC 》S, O, N, (tr.metal) (파라핀계)   Alkanes : straight HC, branched HC, > CH4 (나프텐계)   Cycloalkanes : 5, or 6 (방향족계) Aromatics : > C6H6 (올레핀계) Olefines

11 3) Classifications of Petroleum
(1) 성분 분포에 따라 Paraffin base crude oil - open chain HC major Naphtha base crude oil - cyclic HC major Intermediate base crude oil (2) M.W. 분포에 따라 ~ 가격 Light Crude : light M.W. major Heavy Crude : high M.W. major (3) 생산지에 따라 : 두바이산, 텍사스 중질류, 북해산 등

12 B. Petroleum Refining Process
Fractional Distillation: first op in refining process by b.p. differences  50 Cracking :  A. C5-C12 from large size molecule              B. Ethylene (or propylene) from sat’d HC (1) Thermal cracking (for B) : so called steam cracking (2) Catalytic cracking (for A) :    also produces branched HC, aromatic (3) Hydrocracking : " catalytic cracking + H2 "    prevents coking of catalyst    S, N, O 제거 → H2S, NH3, H2O (예; S- oil)

13 3. Polymerization - low M.W. HC → gasoline-range molecule (via H+ catalyst) - not widely used today 4. Alkylation - olefine + paraffin → branched HC - HF, or H2SO4  catalyst 사용 - very important process for premium gasoline  high O.N. 5. Catalytic Reforming - dehydrogenation of straight-chain, cyclic aliphatic HC  aromatic HC (BTX) - very important for high O. N - most widely used refinery reaction

14 6. Dehydrogenation : - During Cracking, Reforming process - For making Others eg) Butane → Butadiene, PhCH2CH3 → PhCH=CH2 7. Isomerization : - straight chain → branched chain eg) n-pentane → i-pentane (for alkylation) eg) ethyl benzene, xylenes  p-xylenes  TPA

15 1) Fractional Distillation  47
(1) Gases (b.p 〈 20℃) : CH4 (LNG), C2H6, C3H8 + C4H10  (LPG)     - Refinery gas - similar to Natural Gas : for fuels and chemical feed stock - mostly flared because of recovery problem (2) Light Naphtha (b.p ℃): C5-C9 straight run gasoline (3) Heavy Naphtha   (b.p ℃)  - C7-C9 aliphatic, cyclo-aliphatic + some aromatic      - For fuels, chemical feed stock

16 (4) Kerosine (등유.석유) (b.p 175-275℃) : C9-C16
   - first used as lightening, solvents         - Fuel for Jet, tractor, home heating (5) Gas oil  ( b.p ℃) : C15-C25       - for diesel and heating fuel         - raw material for cracking to oletines (6) Lub oil   ( b.p〉350℃)       - used for lubrication         - maybe cracked to lighter fraction

17 (8) Asphalt : for paving, coating etc...
(7) Heavy (Fuel) oil (중유) ( b.p >350℃) - Boiler fuel (bunker oil)        - Ship, Industrial furnace - Visocity 에 따라 : 경질 중유, 벙커 A, 벙커 C (8) Asphalt : for paving, coating etc... * Knocking vs O.N. * Block-Flow Diagram of Typical Petroleum Refinery

18 2) Cracking: catalytic cracking
- Thermal cracking ( )  - Catalytic cracking (1940-  ) : Si2O3/Al2O3, of Zeolite (1) 목적 : - Increase gasoline yield : straight run gasoline (직류 가솔린) 만으로 수요부족     eg) heavy gasoline 으로부터 gasoline생산, 총 gasoline 생산량의 > 50% 차지 - Increase O.N.

19 (2) 반응 : See  - Condition : ℃(vaporize) → 수초간 catalyst 위로 통과 C7H15-C15H30-C7H15 → C7H C6H12=CH2 (High O.N. gasoline)       (Heavy G.O)         (gasoline)                             C14H28=CH2 (recycle) (Endo, + H) - Products : from middle east Oil (G.O.) Gasoline  36% Residue  23% G.O       15% *Coke     6%        … 고분자의 탄화된 물질: 촉매를 inactivation 시킴 Propane  4%          (촉매재생 process가 필요  → Fluidized - Bed Reactor) Etc (no ethylene) !     

20 촉매에 deposit 되어 있는 tar 와 coke를 태워서 촉매를 재생시킴.
- Orthoflow Convertor (see  675 ) 촉매에 deposit 되어 있는 tar 와 coke를 태워서 촉매를 재생시킴. (3) Mechanism : carbocation (R+ ) mechanism - Catalyst의 Acidic site에 의해 R+ 형성 C16H R+ → C5H11-CH +-C10H RH                "CH2" vs 6 "CH3" - β-Scission C5H11 CH+ -CH2-CH2C8H17 → C5H11CH=CH2 +                               CH2 C8H17 (1° R+)     C8H17 CH → C4H9CH2- CH + - CH2CH3 (C9+)   

21 ※ β-scission해서 얻는 가장 작은 단위는 “propene"
    RCH2-CH2 CH → R CH CH2=CH2 : less possible    low conc. of 1° R+ → low conc. CH2=CH2  - Further β-scission until C3+ - Hydride ion abstraction → new R+ (chain rxn)      C5H C16H34 → C5H12 + C16H33+

22 (4) 기타 반응 - Carbon skeletal rearrangement → branched HC - Alkyl aromatics → reverse F.C. alkylation Alkyl Benzene → Benzene + Alkene ※ no change on aromatic ring itself under cracking condition (vs hydro cracking) - Double bond migration → increase O.N         (terminal → internal) (5) Side Reactions - H+ transfer : propylene t-butyl + → propane + i-butene - Polymerization of alkene :

23 3) Hydrocracking (1) combination of "cracking + hydrogenation"
  - Cond : ℃, atm, over dual-function catalyst            Cracking : Silica-Alumina, or zeolite            Hydrogenation : Ni, W, pt, pd,    - 특징: less side rxn, no coke formation no need for catalyst regeneration   (2) 반응   C7H15-C15H30-C7H H2 → n-C7H16 + i -C7H16 + C15H32 (recycle)                   Exo, -  H : need cooling      

24 (3) Application - Catal Cracking 이 안 되는 polynuclear aromatic HC 등의 cracking 에 보조수단 - For production of low S containing jet fuel, diesel fuel (3) 장단점 - High press, large H2 consumption   - More expensive process than catalytic cracking - Rather low O.N → need Catal Reforming

25 ※ Octane Number 1) 2 major quality of gasoline - 휘발성 : bp 30-190℃
         < 30 ℃ 휘발로 연료 손실 > 190℃ fuel line locking    - Burning property : smooth 하게 연소해야      → high O.N. (90-100℃)    2) Scale of O.N.     n-heptane(0) ↔ i-octane(100)     Burning property 를 i-octane 의 함량 %로 표시

26 (eg) n-pentane 62 2,2-dimethyl butane 92
    n-hexane                Benzene, Tolune   >100    cyclohexane    83              2-methyl butane  92 3) Structure Requirement for high O.N    - Chain branching    - Unsaturation    - Aliphatic or Aromatic Ring 

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