Technology Innovation - Final Term Paper

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1 Technology Innovation - Final Term Paper

2 Utilization Strategy Development
Technology Innovation - Final Term Paper Introduction Literature Review Utilization Strategy Development Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

3 The Utilization Strategy of Firm’s Website for User Innovation
Introduction (1) The Utilization Strategy of Firm’s Website for User Innovation Research has consistently shown that new products and services must accurately respond to user needs if they are to succeed in the marketplace (Eric von Hippel and Ralph Katz, 2002). User Innovation the successes of major design firms such as IDEO (Kelley 2001) Open Innovation of P&G [004] IBM’s InnovationJam and Intel’s user-driven innovation [000, 004] (now search for more newest cases…) Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

4 Changes of Web Environment
Introduction (2) Changes of Web Environment Appearance of Prosumer and Incensement of User Involvement in web environment App store of Apple and other app stores of mobile manufactures and telecommunication firms Threadless ( Dell’s ideasotrm( Software Developer’s Kit of Google and Apple Open Source such like Firefox, Linux, and other platform Research obejct 현재 변화하는 환경 속에서 User Innovation을 지원 가능한 형태로의 기업 웹사이트로의 변화의 필요성을 인지하고, 이를 위해 user Innovation을 지 원하기 위한 Toolkit 의 요소를 기업 웹사이트로 inserting하여 기술적 난이 도와 참여하는 시간적 Frame을 바탕으로 한 기본 전략 방향 제시 Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

5 User Innovation and Toolkit for User Innovation
Literature Review (1) User Innovation and Toolkit for User Innovation The term user innovation refers to an innovation where users have performed a substantial part of the problem-solving process leading to a solution. Accordingly, a ‘user’ is an actor who expects to profit from an innovation by consuming or using it, while a ‘manufacturer’ expects to profit from selling or licensing an innovation (von Hippel, 2005). To acquire information from (potential) customers about their preferences, requirements, and needs is routinely stressed as a prerequisite for successful new product development (NPD) (Katila and Ahuja, 2002; von Zedtwitz and Gassmann, 2002; Urban, 2005). Toolkits for user innovation are coordinated sets of “user-friendly” design tools that enable users to develop new product innovations for themselves. (Eric von Hippel and Ralph Katz, 2002) Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

6 Literature Review (2) Changes of Web Environment and Role of Firm’s Website 많은 사람들이 웹을 통해 사회의 변화를 감지하고, 새로운 제품을 접하며, 지인들의 소 식을 알게 되는 세상이 되었음. 특히 최근에는 전세계적으로 초고속인터넷 망이 확충 되고, 개인용 컴퓨터 외에도 인터넷에 접속할 수 있는 미디어 기기들이 증가하면서 웹 사용시간이 증가함은 물론, 웹이 실제 삶에 미치는 영향이 크게 증가하였음. (JaeYoung Jung, 2009) The main driver of a broad integration of user input into NPD is the internet. It has enabled larger groups of users to access information that was formerly almost exclusive to firms, to participate in the exchange of ideas (e.g., in online communities), and to share their own developments with others. Better access to information also motivates users to create a solution when existing offerings do not fit their needs. (Eric von Hippel and Ralph Katz, 2002) For manufacturers, internet technology facilitates a direct and rich interaction with their customers, bypassing intermediaries such as retailers or market research firms (Nambisan, 2002; Sawhney et al., 2005). 제조업에서는 기획, R&D 부문에서 참여형 혁신과 외부 역량을 활용한 혁신이 증가 하 고 있음. 보다 진보적인 기업들의 경우 제조, 마케팅, 유통에 이르기까지 가치사슬의 전 부문에서 외부에 대한 개방과 다양한 플레이어들의 참여가 확대되고 있는 상황임. (JaeYoung Jung, 2009) Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

7 Utilization Strategy Development
Now I conducting this part… Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

8 The end of document 감사합니다. Seminar on Technology Innovation 2011

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