공지사항 5월27일 (수) “정당개혁: 저자와의 대화” 행사 5월 28일 (목) 4시 30분 법학과 401호

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1 공지사항 5월27일 (수) “정당개혁: 저자와의 대화” 행사 5월 28일 (목) 4시 30분 법학과 401호
extra-credit 부여 + 협조전 발행 (안내 데스크) 5월 28일 (목) 교과서 11장 (선거와 투표행태) (No Quiz!) 특강: 안규백 의원 (새정치민주연합, 동대문갑, 원내수석부대표) 제목: “한국의회정치 복원의 길“ (기말고사 출제) 2015/ ?onid=210121#vc210121=1

2 Legislature as a frustrating place? (미국 의회 사례)

3 Legislature as a frustrating place: Why?
Congress’s performance ratings are almost always below those of the president and the Supreme Court: Why? Legislative process itself = “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” by Otto von Bismarck Gridlock/stalemate Corruption and scandals

4 The Functions of Legislatures
1. Representation The main representative body in democracies Sorting out and representing the main clusters of public opinion (“interest aggregation”)  “electoral connection” Expressing political demands in order to influence public policy (“interest articulation”) Truly representative of society?

5 한국 국회 초선의원과 비율: 17대-19대 국회

6 “First-term Members (초선의원) & Turnover” 미국 의회 사례: 1789-1965

7 미국 하원 재선비율 (평균 90% 정도) Swing Districts (경합지역구 노란색) 감소
Q) 왜 미국 의회와 한국 의회의 초선의원 비율은 큰 차이를 보이며, 어떤 영향이 있을까? 미국 하원 재선비율 (평균 90% 정도) Swing Districts (경합지역구 노란색) 감소

8 The Functions of Legislatures
2. Lawmaking Ironically, most legislatures do not initiate bills A complex set of rules governing the passage of bills through parliament before they become law Filibuster in the U.S. Senate & the Korean National Assembly Parliamentary system = mutual dependency of executive and legislative branches of government

9 Lawmaking Processes Introducing Bill Assignment to Committee
Hearings & Markup Reporting a Bill Scheduling Debate Debate & Amendments Voting Conference To the President

10 The Functions of Legislatures
3. Legitimation Elected legislatures giving governments their democratic legitimacy and helping stabilize the political system “Power transition” through elections “Democratic deficit” within the European Union (EU) the idea that institutions of the European Union lack democratic accountability and legitimacy, compared to the national governments of its member states.

11 The Functions of Legislatures
4. Legislative Oversight Keeping a close watch on the executive Veto powers Approving executive appointments Question time Vote of no confidence or impeachment Committees

12 The Dilemma of Parliaments
To get things done, power must be concentrated in the hands of a powerful executive (EFFICIENCY) To keep things democratic, however, power must be dispersed, that is, divided between an executive and a legislature (DEMOCRACY)

13 9장 정치과정과 정당 Public opinion – citizens’ reactions to current, specific issues and events different from political culture Many different factors help shape public opinion in different countries and cultures No social category is ever 100 percent for or against something. 60 or 70 percent is often quite high. “Salience” = the degree to which categories and issues affect the public opinion of a country

14 동성결혼 (same-sex marriage) 법적 허용에 대한 찬반 미국 vs. 한국

15 US public opinion on Same-sex marriage: historical trend

16 동성결혼에 대한 여론조사 (한국): What shapes public opinion?

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