10 Listening TOEIC® 공식입문서 <Part 3> Unit 3 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화.

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1 10 Listening TOEIC® 공식입문서 <Part 3> Unit 3 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화

2 · PART 3 · 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.184 출장 준비 및 출장 경비 정산, 고객과의 계약, 회사 야유회 등과 관련된 내용 business trip (=business travel) accounting department on business travel reimbursement go away on business reimburse be out of town get reimbursement travel expense (=get the money back) accommodations (=lodging) reimbursement form cover expenses receipt get back (=return)

3 · PART 3 · 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.187 2. Why does the woman want to reschedule her meeting? (A) She cannot get to the meeting location this week. (B) She is going on vacation for two weeks. have trouble / difficulty / fun Ving get transportation

4 · PART 3 · 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.187 2. Why does the woman want to reschedule her meeting? (A) She cannot get to the meeting location this week. (B) She is going on vacation for two weeks. W I’m having trouble getting transportation to Kyoto for our meeting this week. Can we change it to sometime next week?

5 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.187 · PART 3 · 3. What does the woman want to do?
(A) Prepare an accounting report (B) Ask a coworker to give a presentation (C) Reschedule an upcoming seminar (D) Hire some new staff members 4. What are the speakers concerned about? (A) The lack of preparation time (B) The availability of a meeting room (C) The ability of a presenter (D) The location of a seminar available

6 · PART 3 · 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.187 W I’d like to ask James to make a presentation at the corporate (would like to V / want) accounts seminar. We still need more presenters and I think he’d do a good job. M Sure, I agree. His presentation at last month’s staff development meeting was great. But I’m worried he might not have enough time to prepare. W Yeah, I’m worried about that, too. The seminar’s in less than two weeks. M Well, let’s give him a call and see what he thinks.

7 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.187 · PART 3 · 3. What does the woman want to do?
(A) Prepare an accounting report (B) Ask a coworker to give a presentation (C) Reschedule an upcoming seminar (D) Hire some new staff members W I’d like to ask James to make a presentation at the corporate accounts seminar.

8 · PART 3 · 대외 업무 및 행사 관련 대화 p.187 4. What are the speakers concerned about? (A) The lack of preparation time (B) The availability of a meeting room (C) The ability of a presenter (D) The location of a seminar M But I’m worried he might not have enough time to prepare. W Yeah, I’m worried about that, too.

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