ACAD BASIC CURRICULUM NUCLEAR SCIENCE Chapter 1 - Components, Structure, and Identification of the Atom.

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1 ACAD BASIC CURRICULUM NUCLEAR SCIENCE Chapter 1 - Components, Structure, and Identification of the Atom

2 OBJECTIVES 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron 2. DEFINE the following terms: a. Atomic Mass Unit (AMU) b. Nucleons c. Nuclide d. Isotope 3. STATE the two terms that represent the method by which atoms and subatomic particles are measured. 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. 5. Given a standard notation for an electrically neutral atom, DETERMINE the following: a. Number of Protons b. Number of Neutrons c. Number of Electrons ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

3 Light, electromagnetic wave, radiant rays
Definition Quantum Proton : p Neutron : n Neutrino : v Beta-ray Electron : e Ion Gamma-ray, X-ray Light, electromagnetic wave, radiant rays  Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Tbl 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

4 Trans Uranium? (Uranus 천왕성 발견기념 명명)
Definition Natural Radioisotope : RI 지구나이 45~50억년인데 자연 방사성핵종 존재이유 반감기 짧은 핵종이라도 붕괴계열이루면서 계속 생성 우주선과 핵과의 상호작용으로 생성 H-3 우주선의 핵반응으로 생성되어 아주적은 양이 자연에 존재 반감기 : 12.3년 K-40, C-14, Ra-226, V-50 등 Trans Uranium? (Uranus 천왕성 발견기념 명명) Atom Number 93~105, 13EA 원자번호 93이상은 불안정하여 자연계에 존재않음, 모두 인공핵종 원자번호 큰 핵종은 전기적 반발력있어 중성자 조사로 핵에 근접 93Np(해왕성), 94Pu(ploto, 명왕성), 96Cm(퀴리움), 98Cf(캘리포늄), 100Fm(페르미늄) Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Tbl 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

5 핵물리의 역 사 음극선관의 음극선 1895년 뢴트겐의 X-선 발견 1896년 베크렐의 방사능 발견 1897년 톰선의 전자 발견
전자 : 음전하의 기본단위(물질의 전하량은 전자전하량의 정수배) 전자의 전하량 : e = 1.6 * C Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Tbl 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

6 핵물리의 역 사 1906~8년 러드포드 알파선 산란시험 / 원자모형 제시 핵물리학의 아버지
핵의 존재가능성 제기 : 원자에는 핵이 있어야 핵이라는 아주 적은 중심에 집중된 질량 있어야 강한 전기적 반발력 있어야, 전하량이 집중되어있어야 핵주위의 전자는 운동하는 모델 (궤도전자가 운동, 돌지 않는 다면 핵으로 끌려감, 핵-전자의 구조가 태양계와 비슷한 원자모형 제기 1931년 채드윅의 중성자 발견 Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Tbl 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Nucleon? 핵종, 원자핵을 구성하는 입자, 핵의 구성요소 Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Coulomb force? 양성자와 전자의 정전기력 작용 Neutralize Atom? 양성자 수 = 전자수(안정상태 유지, 궤도이탈 방지) Tbl 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Electron Orbit(Shell)? Maximum electronNumber in one Orbit = 2n2 Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Fig 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Nucleus : 핵(내) Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: b. Nucleon – Any particle that is part of the nucleus of an atom; neutrons and protons. Tbl 1-2 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Atomic Mass Unit(AMU, 원자질량단위)? C-12원자 1개 질량의 1/12, (12g/6.023*1023개)/12 = 1g/6.023* 1023= 1.66*1024g Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: a. Atomic Mass Unit (AMU) – 1.      The unit of measure for mass is the atomic mass unit (AMU). The AMU is based on the mass of the carbon-12 atom and is equal to 1/12 of the carbon-12 atom resulting in a value of 1.66 × 10–24 grams. Obj 3. STATE the two terms that represent the method by which atoms and subatomic particles are measured. – mass and energy 전자의 질량은 양성자 질량의 1/1837, 원자질량계산시 무시 가능 Tbl 1-3 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

11 NUCLEAR ENERGY UNIT 1eV Meaning? 전자 1개(e)가 1 volt의 전위차를 받을때 얻는 에너지
Electron Volt (eV) 에너지의 SI 단위 : J (joule) 원자나 핵에너지를 다룰때는 J 단위가 너무 큰 단위 전자 1개의 전하 : 1.6 * C 에너지 = 전하 * 전위차 1eV = 1.6 * C * 1 volt = 1.6 * joule Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: a. Atomic Mass Unit (AMU) – 1.      The unit of measure for mass is the atomic mass unit (AMU). The AMU is based on the mass of the carbon-12 atom and is equal to 1/12 of the carbon-12 atom resulting in a value of 1.66 × 10–24 grams. Obj 3. STATE the two terms that represent the method by which atoms and subatomic particles are measured. – mass and energy Tbl 1-3 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

12 NUCLEAR ENERGY UNIT 핵의 실질적인 에너지 단위 1 AMU = 1.66 * 10-27kg = 931MeV
원자에서 궤도전자의 결합에너지 및 화학변화에 의해 발생되는 에너지는 수 ~ 수십 Ev 핵의 결합에너지나 핵에서 방출되는 에너지는 백만배 정도 MeV 단위 사용 1KeV =103eV, 1MeV= 106eV, BeV 1 AMU = 1.66 * 10-27kg = 931MeV E = MC2 = 1.66 * 10-27kg * (3 * 108 m/s)2 (J) = * (J) * (MeV/J) = 931 MeV Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: a. Atomic Mass Unit (AMU) – 1.      The unit of measure for mass is the atomic mass unit (AMU). The AMU is based on the mass of the carbon-12 atom and is equal to 1/12 of the carbon-12 atom resulting in a value of 1.66 × 10–24 grams. Obj 3. STATE the two terms that represent the method by which atoms and subatomic particles are measured. – mass and energy Tbl 1-3 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

13 Definition Nucleus? Shell? Nuclear? Excited? Ionization?
Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Tbl 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

14 EXAMPLE 1-1 Complete the table for the properties of an atom.
Particle Charge Mass Location (AMU) Proton Nucleus Neutron Nucleus Electron – Shell Ex 1-1 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

15 EXAMPLE 1-2 The mass of an electron is: a. equal to a proton ANSWER
b. equal to a neutron c. greater than a proton d. less than a neutron ANSWER d. less than a neutron Ex 1-2 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Where: A = atomic mass number (protons and neutrons) X = element symbol Z = atomic number (protons) =양성자수=전자수 = 핵의 전하량 원자번호는 무슨 원소인가를 의미 Obj 5. Given a standard notation for an electrically neutral atom, DETERMINE the following: a. Number of Protons b. Number of Neutrons c. Number of Electrons Fig 1-2 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: c. Nuclide –   There are many different possible combinations of protons and neutrons within the nucleus.   Each unique combination is referred to as a nuclide. Tbl 1-4 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

18 ISOTOPES OF OXYGEN Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms:
d. Isotope – Atoms of the same element (those with same number of protons) with different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes of the element. Fig 1-3 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

19 Definition Isotope : Proton, 양성자수 같음, 동위원소들간의 화학적 성질은 같음
Isobar : Atomic mass, 질량수 같음 Isotone : Neutron Isomer : Meta-stable, 핵이성체, 준안정상태에 있는 핵종 Atom : 화학적 성질을 잃지 않는 물질의 최소입자 Molecule : 그 물질의 성질,특성을 유지하고 있는 최소단위 Element : 원소는 원자번호가 같으면 질량수가 달라도 같은 원소임 C-12, C-14는 같은 원소이지만 다른 핵종임 Nuclide : 핵종, 핵의 종류 핵의 구성요소인 양성자와 중성자수에 따라 핵종이 구별 양성자나 중성자의 숫자중 어느 하나만 달라도 다른 핵종임 Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: d. Isotope – Atoms of the same element (those with same number of protons) with different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes of the element. Fig 1-3 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

20 EXAMPLE 1-3 Define the following Nuclear Science terms: a. Nucleon
Isotope Any particle that is part of the nucleus of an atom; neutrons and protons. A nucleus of the same element (same number of protons) with a different number of neutrons. ANSWER Ex 1-3 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

21 EXAMPLE 1-4 How many neutrons are in an atom of ? ANSWER A–Z = N
ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

22 EXAMPLE 1-5 State the name of the element and the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in the nuclides listed below. Symbol Name Neutron Proton Electron ANSWERS Hydrogen Boron Nitrogen Cobalt Plutonium Ex 1-5 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Obj 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. Fig 1-4 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

Ar : argos 비활성이란 그리스에서 따옴 Ex) Ar-40 , 안정원소 But, Ar n -> Ar-41 방사성동위원소 됨 동중원소 Obj 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. 방사성동위원소란? 12.3a, 반감기 12.6년 Fig 1-4 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

25 z N BETA STABLE CURVE p/n Ratio
Obj 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. N Fig 1-4 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

26 BETA STABLE CURVE In case of Neutron deficiency
Positron Emission : +1 Emission 핵의학에서 양전자 단층촬영(PET)에 이용 양전자 소멸섬광을 측정하여 위치 추적 Alpa Emission : +2 Emission 원자번호 줄이기(핵자당 결합에너지 줄이기) 라듐 Electron Capture : Charge Neutralization In case of over Neutron Negatron Emission Obj 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. Fig 1-4 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

27 BETA STABLE CURVE Isomeric Transition : IT Gama ray Emission
Last Destination : stable nucleon 원자번호 84이상, 질량수 209 보다 큰 핵은 불안정한 핵 즉, 방사성동위원소가 됨 안정한 핵이 되는 방법(알파 붕괴, 베타붕괴, 감마붕괴 및 핵이성체 전이)을 거침 Obj 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. Fig 1-4 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

28 EXAMPLE 1-6 Using Figure 1-4 Portion of the Chart of the Nuclides
a. How many elements are identified? b. How many isotopes of Lithium are identified? Five; hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, and boron Five; Li–5, Li–6, Li–7, Li–8, and Li–9 ANSWERS Ex 1-6 ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

29 Q&A Obj 1. STATE the characteristics of the following atomic particles, including relative mass, charge, and location within the atom: a. Proton b. Neutron c. Electron Obj 2. DEFINE the following terms: a. Atomic Mass Unit (AMU) b. Nucleons c. Nuclide d. Isotope Obj 3. STATE the two terms that represent the method by which atoms and subatomic particles are measured. Obj 4. Given a sample Chart of the Nuclides, IDENTIFY elements and isotopes. Obj 5. Given a standard notation for an electrically neutral atom, DETERMINE the following: a. Number of Protons b. Number of Neutrons c. Number of Electrons OBJ ABC / Nuclear Science / Chapter 1 / TP / Rev 02

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