The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens,

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Presentation on theme: "The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens,
서울의 지하철 시스템은 현지 시민들에게 매우 유용하다. 특히나 65세 나이를 넘어선 사람들에게 왜냐하면 그들은 그것을 무료로 타기 때문이다 . The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens, especially those over the age of 65, who ride it for free.

2 44쪽 4번 Words & Phrases reasonable 2. explanation
3. reputation rather 5. stick rescue 7. have to do with claw 9. hooked direction 11. when it comes to...

3 44쪽 4번 Words & Phrases 타당한 2. 설명, 이유
타당한 설명, 이유 3. 평판 오히려, 약간, 다소 5. 끼다 구조하다 7. ~와 관련 있다 발톱 9. 굽은 방향, 지시 11. …에 대해서라면

4 4 Among some people, cats have a reputation of being rather silly animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees. For instance, cats often become frightened of something, run up a tree, and then cry sadly until they are rescued. However, there is a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior. It has to do with the shape of the cat’s claws. A cat’s claws are hooked in a direction that makes climbing up a tree an easy task. However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very helpful.

5 4(1) Among some people, cats have a reputation of being rather silly animals (that are always getting themselves stuck in trees). For instance, cats often become frightened of something, run up a tree, and then cry sadly until they are rescued.

6 4(2) However, there is a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior. It has to do with the shape of the cat’s claws. A cat’s claws are hooked in a direction (that makes climbing up a tree an easy task). However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very helpful.


8 45쪽 5번 Words & Phrases steal 2. vary 3. theft 4. vs. versus
5. complex engage 7. shoplifting risky 9. independence self-image 11. acceptance vulnerable 13. temptation pressure 15. unworthy depressed 17. unattractive unaccepted

9 45쪽 5번 Words & Phrases 훔치다, 도둑질하다 2. 여러 가지이다 3. 절도, 도둑질 4. ~대
훔치다, 도둑질하다 2. 여러 가지이다 3. 절도, 도둑질 ~대 5. 복잡한, 복합의 약속하다, 관여하다 7. 들치기 위험한 9. 독립 자아상 11. 수락, 용인 상처 입기 쉬운, 취약한 13. 유혹 압력, 압박 15. 가치 없는, 하찮은 우울한 17. 매력 없는 받아들여지지 않은

10 5 “The reasons why teens steal vary,” explains Peter Berlin in the national report on theft. “It’s not an issue of good vs. bad or rich vs. poor.” These days, in fact, the factors behind teen theft are becoming more complex. Some teens engage in shoplifting out of a desire to impress their friends with risky behavior, while others use theft as a way to prove their independence from the adult world.

11 5 However, many teenagers engage in stealing because they have a poor self-image and see bad behavior as their only way to gain attention or acceptance. “Interestingly,” Berlin goes on to say, “when teens become too stressed, they become vulnerable to temptation and pressure from friends that can lead to stealing. This is especially true when they feel unworthy, angry, depressed, unattractive or unaccepted.”

12 5(1) “The reasons (why teens steal) vary,” explains Peter Berlin in the national report on theft. “It’s not an issue of good vs. bad or rich vs. poor.” These days, in fact, the factors behind teen theft are becoming more complex. Some teens engage in shoplifting out of a desire to impress their friends with risky behavior, while others use theft as a way to prove their independence from the adult world.

13 5(2) However, many teenagers engage in stealing because they have(1) a poor self-image and see(2) bad behavior as their only way to gain attention or acceptance. “Interestingly,” Berlin goes on to say, “when teens become too stressed, they become vulnerable to temptation and pressure from friends (that can lead to stealing). This is especially true when they feel unworthy, angry, depressed, unattractive or unaccepted.”

14 Challenge Yourself! Among some people, cats have a reputation of being rather silly animals (who/that) are always getting themselves stuck in trees. These days, in fact, the factors behind teen theft (is/are) becoming more complex. Some teens engage in shoplifting out of a desire (impress/to impress) their friends with risky behavior, while others use theft as a way (prove/to prove) their independence from the adult world.

15 However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree,
하지만 다시 나무 아래로 내려오는 것에 관해 말하자면 이 발톱들은 그다지 도움이 되지 않는다. However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very helpful.

16 1. 단어 5번씩 쓰기 2. 4과 수행평가(단어, 동사 밑줄) 3. 퀴즈 콘테스트

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