Progress Seminar 2018.07.03 권순빈.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Seminar 2018.07.03 권순빈."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Seminar 권순빈

2 연구 진행 상황 보고서 2주전 계획 연구 결과 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 CPF 정형외과 낙상 혈당센서
Data 자동 추출 코드 전달 추가된 Data로 Modeling Data 받음 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 논문 Sensor 개발

3 정형외과 Current gold standard of knee OA diagonsis: KL grade via X-ray image Provides structural information Most individuals over age 50 will have signs of OA seen on an x-ray but no symptoms  Does not provide functional or mechanical information Poor inter-rater reliability (0.63~0.83) No single test can definitively diagnose OA of the knee

4 정형외과 Gait analysis has become an important methodology in the study of knee OA Analysis kinetic and kinematics variables  Provides functional or mechanical information Alternative test for knee OA diagnosis Provides useful information during rehabilitation

5 정형외과 Classification 환자 507명 Control, Mild, Severe, 3 그룹으로 진행 Control
KL 0 KL 1 KL 2 KL 3 KL 4 Total Left 106 87 81 99 134 507 Right 108 62 85 167 503 214 149 166 180 301 1010 Control Mild Severe 184 28 2 33 368 94 1 63 237 AUC (control) 0.97 AUC (Mild) .87 AUC (Severe) 0.90

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