English Communication 1

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1 English Communication 1
EC1 Low Lesson 1 – Orientation English Communication 1 The aim of this course is to: improve students’ oral and written communication skills in the global business world. 

2 What to expect from an EC class Classroom rules Required textbook
Today What to expect from an EC class Classroom rules Required textbook Course objectives Grading criteria

3 What’s the difference? The communicative language classroom
In the 1st picture………, but in the 2nd picture………

4 A few classroom rules ** Please be on time. If you are not present you are late.* Being late for class will negatively affect your grade. Absences may affect your attendance grade AND your participation grade. Submit homework on time or lose points. **If you are absent when assignments are due, you should send it by to: There should be no excuse. Please go to the bathroom before coming to class. Please be positive and respectful. (When Nina is speaking to the whole class, you are listening.) Bring your pen / pencil, and book to every class. (No used books are allowed)

5 Attendance / Punctuality
**Classes will start on time – if you are not present you are late* Being late for class will negatively affect your grade. If you are 5 or more minutes late, you are marked late. Please know, if you are 20 minutes late or more you will be marked ABSENT. (1 absence = -1%, Lateness = -0.5%, 11 absences = a course fail) If a student is late, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor to be marked ‘late’, and not ‘absent’. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up to date with class materials, content and assignments should a class be missed.

6 Participation You are responsible for checking my website.
Not participating in classroom activities and small groups will lower your grade. Please come prepared with your student book and other materials, be prepared for class, work hard and have a positive attitude. Please do not chat on your phone in my class. Please try to sleep at home and not in my class. Students lose points for participation: if they are absent; they do the minimum speaking possible; use their phone for reasons other than this class; do not bring their textbooks or other necessary items; and are generally not engaged in class time.

7 Excused absences If student provides an official excused absence form, within one week, then the absence may be excused. However, if the student is absent for whatever reason, then this will drop the student’s participation grade. Any absence (excused or unexcused) may lower the participation and attendance grade. If the student is absent from the class, then they cannot participate in the class. The more times you are absent, the lower your grade.

8 Textbook and other essential information
International Express Elementary, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, by Keith Harding and Rachel Appleby *No used books allowed. Office: Building 4 Website:

9 Grading Criteria Attendance 10% Participation 20% Formal email 10%
Written midterm (20%), and speaking (10%) 30% Presentation (20%), written part (10%) 30% Total 100%

10 University Grading Policy
A+ ~ A 30% of students B+ ~ B 40% of students C+ ~ C 30% of students

11 University Curving Policy
성적에 대해서 이메일 보내지 않기 이 수업은 절대평가가 아닌 상대평가를 원칙으로 합니다. 여러분의 최종성적에 따라 등위가 매겨지며 등수에 따라 컴퓨터가 성적을 배정합니다. 탑 30%의 학생들은 A나 A+를 그 다음 40%의 학생들은 B나 B+를 받고 하위 30% 학생들은 C나 C+를 받게 됩니다. 예를 들어, 수업에 25명의 학생이 있다면 다음과 같이 성적이 주어집니다. 탑 30%는 1등에서 8등까지, 그 다음 40%는 9등에서 18등, 마지막 30%는 19등에서 25등 그러므로, 학기말에 여러분의 성적을 모두 합산해서 등수를 매길 겁니다. 여러분의 등수에 따라 컴퓨터가 위와 같이 성적을 매깁니다. 저는 여러분의 등수를 결정하지 성적을 결정하지 않습니다. 상대평가이기 때문에 한 학생의 성적을 B에서 A로 올리면 이것은 즉 A를 받은 학생이 B로 내려가게 됩니다. 이것은 다른 학생들에게 피해가 가기 때문에 공평하지가 않습니다. 그러니까 성적 올려달라고 이메일 절대 보내지 마세요. “저 장학금 받아야 하는데 성적 좀 올려주시겠어요?”라거나 “중간고사 잘 봤는데 왜 성적이 이래요?”라는 이메일 절대로 보내지 마세요. 성적에 관해서 이메일 보내지 말아야 하고 만약 기대했던 성적을 못 받았다면 그것은 다른 학생들이 더 잘해서 더 나은 점수를 받은 것입니다. 컴퓨터가 등수에 입각해서 낸 성적은 절대 바뀔 수 없음을 명심하세요.

12 - a review section for each unit - a DVD and CD
Outside the classroom Your book consists of: - a review section for each unit - a DVD and CD answers for all activities * Some self-study may be required

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