Motivation Theories Motivation: direction, intensity, persistence

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1 Motivation Theories Motivation: direction, intensity, persistence
Drives와 Needs(욕구) Drives와 감정이 동기부여의 가장 기본적인 원천 Content (내용) Theories Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory (욕구단계이론), Four-Drive Theory Process (과정) Theories Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, Goal Setting and Feedback Job Design Self-concept, social norms, and past experience Drives (primary needs) Needs Decisions and Behavior 조직행동론 Ch5

2 Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory (욕구단계이론)
하위욕구 충족 시 다음 단계의 상위욕구가 발생 Deficiency(결핍) 욕구와 growth(성장)욕구 Self-actualization (자기실현) Need to know Need for beauty Esteem (존경) Belongingness (사회적) Safety (안전) Physiological (생리적) 조직행동론 Ch5

3 Four Drive Theory of Motivation
Four drives determine which emotions are automatically tagged to incoming information Drives generate independent and often competing emotions that demand our attention Social skill set determines how to translate drives into needs and effort Role of emotional intelligence in employee motivation and behavior Implications: Provide a balanced opportunity to fulfill the drives 모든 사람에게 공통되는 생래적 drive Drives 간 위계가 없음 모든 drives를 포괄

4 Expectancy Theory (기대이론)
P-to-O Expectancy (Instrumentality; 수단성) E-to-P Expectancy (기대성) Valences (가치성) Effort (노력) Performance (성과) Reward (보상) 조직행동론 Ch5

5 목표설정이론 효과적인 목표설정의 조건 효과적인 Feedback 문제점
Specific, Relevant, Challenging, Commitment, Participation, Feedback 효과적인 Feedback Specific, Relevant, Timely, Sufficiently frequent, Credible 문제점 측정 가능한 목표에 치중하다 보면 측정이 힘든 중요 성과 부분을 무시하게 되는 경향 목표를 쉽게 설정하려는 경향 새롭고 복잡한 직무에서는 학습과정을 방해 조직행동론 Ch5

6 Equity Theory (공정성 이론) Outcome / input 비율 Comparison other (비교대상)
공정성 평가 자신과 comparison other의 output / input 비율 비교 불공정성을 느낄 시, Inputs을 줄인다, outputs을 늘린다, 인식을 바꾼다, 비교대상을 바꾼다, 상황을 벗어난다. Procedural justice 강화 조직원 참여, 일관적 적용, appeal 과정, 존중과 설명 조직행동론 Ch5

7 Job Characteristics(직무특성) Model
핵심적 직무 특성 중요한 심리적 상태 결과 Skill variety Task identity Task significance Meaningfulness Work motivation Growth satisfaction General effectiveness Autonomy Responsibility Feedback Knowledge of results 개인차 Job Enrichment (autonomy) Empowerment: Self-Determination, Meaning, Competency, Impact 조직행동론 Ch5

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