개 요 Team Leadership Perspective 팀 리더십의 관점 Team Leadership Model

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2 개 요 Team Leadership Perspective 팀 리더십의 관점 Team Leadership Model
팀 리더십 모델 Leadership Decisions 리더십 결정 Leadership Actions 리더십 조치(개입) Team Effectiveness 팀 효과성 Principled Leadership 원칙중심의 리더십 How does the Team Leadership Model Work? 팀 리더십 모델의 효용

3 팀 리더십의 역사적 관점 Historical Perspective of Team Leadership – 1920s ~1980s 20-30s 40s 50s 60-70s 80s Human Relations movement 인간관계 운동 Collaborative efforts at work 작업상의 협동적 노력 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs Group dynamics 집단 역학 Social science theory 사회과학이론 T group T- 그룹 Leader’s role in T–그룹 내의 리더십 역할 Organizational development 조직개발 Team leader effectiveness 팀 리더의 효과성 Quality teams 품질관리팀 Benchmarking 벤치마킹 Continuous improvement 지속적 개선운동

4 팀 리더십의 역사적 관점 Historical Perspective of Team Leadership – 1999s 90s Parker 1990 Group dynamics 집단역학 Social science theory 사회과학이론 Team-based, technology enabled 팀 중심,기술역량조직 Global perspective 세계적 시각의 전망 Flatter organizational structure 소계층 조직구조 Strategies for competitive Advantage 경쟁적 우위를 위한 전략 Effectiveness research 효과성 연구 The use of teams has led to: 팀을 활용함으로써 : Greater productivity 높은 생산성 More effective use of resources 효율적인 자원 활용 Better decisions & problem solving 더 나은 의사결정과 문제해결 Better-quality products & services 더 질 좋은 제품과 서비스 Increased innovation & creativity 혁신과 창조성이 증진됨. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

5 팀 리더십의 설명 Perspective 관점 Team research 팀 연구
Team Leadership Description Perspective 관점 Team research 팀 연구 (Ilgen, Hollenbeck Johnson & Jundt, 2005) - Focus on team variables 팀 변수(변인)에 초점 - Role of affective, behavioral & cognitive processes in team success 팀의 성공에서 감정(정서)적 과정, 행동적 과정, 인지적 과정의 역할 - Team performance & viability 팀의 업적과 성장발전 - Role of mediating processes such as : 중재(조정)의 역할 ▪ Trusting, bonding, planning, adapting, structuring & learning 신뢰, 결속, 계획, 적응, 구조화 및 학습 Issues 문제들 Difficult to understand the team process because of its complexity 팀 과정은 그 복잡성 때문에 이해하기 어려움. Leader ineffectiveness is major obstacle to overall team effectiveness 리더의 비효과성은 팀 효과성에 중요한 장애물이 됨. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

6 팀 리더십의 설명 Team Leadership Description Objectives 목적 Critical factor in success of organizational teams – understand role of leadership in teams 팀 조직의 성공에 가장 중요한 요인–팀 내의 리더십 역할을 이해하는 것 - Ensure team success & avoid team failure 팀의 성공을 보장하고 팀의 실패를 막아줌. Functions a leader must perform 리더가 반드시 수행해야 기능 - Complexity involved in performing these functions 그 같은 기능들의 수행에는 복합성이 포함되어 있음. - How performance of these complex functions relates to actual team performance 복합된 리더십기능의 수행은 실제적인 팀 성과와 어떻게 연관되는가 Team leadership capacity 팀 리더십의 역량 - Shared or distributed leadership 공유된 혹은 분산된 리더십 - Encompasses entire team 팀 성원 모두를 포괄한다. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

7 팀 리더십의 설명 Description 기술
Team Leadership Description Description 기술 Model provides leader or designated team member with a mental road map to help 모델은 리더나 지정된 팀 성원을 돕기 위해 ‘팀관리의 안내도’를 제시함. - Diagnose team problems, and 팀이 처한 문제점을 진단하고, - Take appropriate action to correct team problems 팀의 문제점들을 해결하기 위한해 적절한 조치를 취하도록 함. * Effective team performance begins with leader’s mental model of the situation 효과적인 팀 업적은 리더의 ‘팀관리의 안내도 모델’로 부터 시작됨. Mental model reflects ‘팀관리의 안내도 모델’ 은 다음을 반영: - Components of the problem 문제점의 구성요소들 - Environmental & organizational contingencies 조직외부 환경이나 조직내부에서 일어나는 만일의 사태 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

8 팀 리더십의 모델 Description 설명 Leadership behavior 리더십 행동
Team Leadership Model Description 설명 Leadership behavior 리더십 행동 - Seen as team-based problem solving 팀과 관련된 문제의 해결 Leader uses discretion 리더는 사려분별력을 발휘하여 - Which problems need intervention 어떤 문제점이 어떤 개입을 필요로 하는지를 판단하고 - Make choices about which solutions are the most appropriate 어떤 해결책이 가장 적절한 지를 선택함. Effective leaders have the ability to determine 유능한 리더는 다음과 같은 결정을 하는 능력을 가짐. - What interventions are needed, if any, to solve team problems 팀의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 어떤 개입이 필요한가 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

9 힐의 팀 리더십의 모델 Hill’s Model for Team Leadership 리더십 결정
▪계속 관찰(감시)인가, 개입(조치)인가? ▪개입은 과업관련인가, 관계관련인가? ▪개입 수준은 내적인가, 외적인가? 내부적 수준의 개입(조치) 외부적 수준의 개입(조치) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs 과 업 ▪ 목표에 초점 맞추기 ▪ 성과를 위한 팀구조 ▪ 문제해결을 위한 토의와 결정 ▪ 훈련 ▪ 기준설정 및 유지 관 계 ▪ 대인관계의 코칭 ▪ 협동적 노력 ▪ 갈등관리 ▪ 헌신성 제고 ▪ 욕구충족 ▪ 원칙의 모형화 환 경 ▪ 연결망 구축 ▪ 옹호∙대변 ▪ 지원을 위한 교섭 ▪ 완충장치 ▪ 측정∙평가 ▪ 정보공유 팀의 효과성 업 적 발전 ∙ 유지

10 리더십 결정 Leadership Decisions 리더십 결정 •관찰(감시)할 것인가 개입(조치) 할 것인가 •과업 또는 관계
•내적 또는 외적 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs 1. Continue monitoring the team or take action based on current information 팀을 계속 관찰(감시)할 것인가 아니면 현재의 정보에 입각하여 조치(개입)할 것인가 2. Determine the general task or relational function of intervention needed 요구되는 개입의 내용이 팀의 일반적인 과업과 관련된 것인가 아니면 관계와 관련된 것인가 3. Intervene at internal level (within team) or external level (team’s environment) 개입이 내적 수준(팀 내부)의 개입인가, 아니면 외적 수준(팀의 환경)의 개입인가

11 리더십 결정 1 Should I Monitor the Team or Take Action?
Leadership Decisions 1 Should I Monitor the Team or Take Action? 팀을 계속 관찰(감시)할 것인가, 개입(조치)할 것인가? Leaders can : 리더는 다음과 같이 할 수 있다. Diagnose, analyze, or forecast problems (monitoring) or take immediate action to solve a problem 진단하고 분석하여 문제점을 예측하고(관찰, 감시), 그 문제를 해결하기 위해 즉각적으로 조치함. - Focus on problems within the group (internal) or 팀의 내부문제에 초점을 맞추거나 혹은 Which problems need intervention 어떤 문제점이 어떤 개입을 필요로 하는지 Make choices about which solutions are the most appropriate 어떤 해결책이 가장 적절한 지를 선택함. Effective leaders have the ability to determine 유능한 리더는 다음을 결정하는 능력을 가지고 있음. What interventions are needed, if any, to solve team problems 팀의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 어떤 개입이 필요한가 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

12 리더십 결정 1 Should I Monitor the Team or Take Action?
Leadership Decisions 1 Should I Monitor the Team or Take Action? 팀을 계속 관찰(감시)할 것인가, 개입(조치)할 것인가? McGrath’s critical leadership functions – two dimensions of leadership behavior : McGrath의 중요한 리더십 기능 – 리더십행동의 두 가지 차원 Monitoring vs. taking action 관찰(감시)과 개입(조치) We can diagnose, analyze, or forecast problems (monitoring) or take immediate action to solve a problem 진단하고 분석하여 문제점을 예측하고(관찰,감시), 그 문제를 해결하기 위해 즉각적인 조치를 취함. Internal group issues vs. external group issues 집단의 내부문제인가, 집단의 외부문제인가 Focus on the problems within the group (internal) or problems outside the group (external) 팀(집단)의 내부적인 문제나 외부적인 문제에 초점을 맞출 수 있음. Two dimensions result in 4 types of group leadership functions 두 가지 차원은 네 가지 유형의 리더십기능을 초래한다. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

13 리더십 결정 1 McGrath의 팀리더십의 핵심기능 감 시 조 치 집단의 문제점 진단 (1) 문제점을 교정하기 위한 조치
Leadership Decisions 1 McGrath의 팀리더십의 핵심기능 감 시 조 치 집단의 문제점 진단 (1) 문제점을 교정하기 위한 조치 (2) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs 집단내부 환경변화의 예측 (3) 새로운 변화에 대한 예방적 대응조치 (4) 집단외부

14 리더십 결정 2 Should I Intervene to Meet Task or Relational Needs?
Leadership Decisions 2 Should I Intervene to Meet Task or Relational Needs? 과업상의 문제를 위해 개입할 것인가,아니면 관계상의 문제를 위해 개입할 것인가 Leaders can : 리더는 다음과 같이 할 수 있다. - Determine if team needs help in dealing with relational issues or task issues 팀이 필요로 하고 있는 도움이 관계상의 문제를 다루는 데 있는가 아니면 과업상의 문제를 다루는 데 있는가를 결정 - Task functions include : 과업기능 : ▪ Getting job done 일을 수행하는 것 ▪ Making decisions 의사결정 ▪ Solving problems 문제해결 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs Adapting to change 변화에 대한 적응 Making plans 계획수립 Achieving goals 목표달성

15 리더십 결정 2 Should I Intervene to Meet Task or Relational Needs?
Leadership Decisions 2 Should I Intervene to Meet Task or Relational Needs? 과업상의 문제를 위해 개입할 것인가,아니면 관계상의 문제를 위해 개입할 것인가 - Maintenance functions include: 유지기능 : ▪ Developing a positive climate 협동적 팀 분위기 조성 ▪ solving interpersonal problems 대인 간의 문제 해결 ▪ Satisfying members’ needs 성원들의 욕구충족 ▪ Developing cohesion 응집성의 개발 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

16 리더십 결정 3 Should I Intervene Internally or Externally? Leader must:
Leadership Decisions 3 Should I Intervene Internally or Externally? 내부적 수준의 개입인가, 외부적 수준의 개입인가? Leader must: - Determine what level of team process needs leadership attention: 리더는 팀 과정의 어떤 수준에서 리더십개입이 필요한가를 결정하여야 함. - Internal task or relational team dynamics, if: 내부적인 과업인가 혹은 팀원들의 역동적 관계인가 ▪Conflict between group members 집단 성원들 간의 갈등 ▪Team goals unclear 팀의 목표가 불명확 - External environmental dynamics, if: 팀 외부의 역동적인 환경인가 ▪Organization not providing proper support to team 조직이 팀의 직무수행에 필요한 적절한 지원을 제공하지 못함. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

17 리더십 조치(개입) Leadership Functions – performed internally or externally
Leadership Actions Leadership Functions – performed internally or externally 리더십기능들의 내부적 혹은 외부적 개입(조치) 내부적 수준의 개입(조치) 외부적 수준의 개입(조치) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs 과 업 ▪ 목표에 초점 맞추기 ▪ 성과를 위한 팀구조 ▪ 문제해결을 위한 토의와 결정 ▪ 훈련 ▪ 기준 설정 및 유지 관 계 ▪ 대인관계의 코칭 ▪ 협동적 노력 ▪ 갈등관리 ▪ 헌신성 제고 ▪ 욕구충족 ▪ 원칙의 모형화 환 경 ▪ 연결망 구축 ▪ 옹호∙대변 ▪ 지원을 위한 교섭 ▪ 완충장치 ▪ 측정∙평가 ▪ 정보공유

18 리더십 조치(개입) Internal Task Leadership Actions 내부적 과업을 위한 조치
Set of skills or actions leader might perform to improve task performance: 과업수행을 개선하기 위해 리더가 수행해야 하는 일련의 조치들 : Goal focusing (clarifying, gaining agreement) 목표에 초점(목표의 명확화, 목표에 대한 합의 도출) Structuring for results (planning, visioning, organizing, clarifying roles, delegating) 성과를 위한 구조화(비전설정,계획,역할 명료화, 조직화, 권한위임) Facilitating decision making (informing, controlling, coordinating, mediating, synthesizing, issue focusing) 의사결정의 촉진(정보,통제,조정,중재,종합,이슈에 초점) Training team members in task skills (educating, developing) 팀 구성원들의 과업기술훈련(교육,개발) Maintaining standards of excellence (assessing team and individual performance, confronting inadequate performance) 우수성 기준의 유지(팀 및 개인업적의 측정, 부적절한 업적에 대한 대응) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

19 리더십 조치(개입) Internal Relational Leadership Actions 내부적 관계를 위한 조치
Set of leadership actions leader needs to implement to improve team relationships: 리더가 팀 내의 관계를 개선하기 위해 실천할 필요가 있는 조치들 : Coaching team members in interpersonal skills 성원들의 대인관계 기술지도(코칭) Collaborating (including, involving) 협동적 노력(참가, 참여) Managing conflict and power issues (avoiding confrontation, questioning ideas) 갈등과 권력이슈의 관리(대립의 회피, 아이디어에 대한 비판의 회피) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

20 리더십 조치(개입) Internal Relational Leadership Actions 내부적 관계를 위한 조치
Set of leadership actions leader needs to implement to improve team relationships, cont’d.: 리더가 팀 내의 관계를 개선하기 위해 실천할 필요가 있는 조치들 : Building commitment and esprit de corps (being optimistic, innovating, envisioning, socializing, rewarding, recognizing) 헌신성 및 집단정신의 제고 (낙관적,혁신적,비전제시,사회화, 보상,인정) Satisfying individual member needs (trusting, supporting, advocating) 구성원 개인의 욕구 충족(신뢰,지원,옹호) Modeling ethical and principled practices (fair, consistent, normative) 윤리적이고 원칙 중심적인 관행의 모형화(공정,일관성,규범적) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

21 리더십 조치(개입) External Environmental Leadership Actions 외부적 환경을 위한 조치
Set of skills or behaviors leader needs to implement to improve environmental interface with team: 리더가 팀과 환경 간의 상호작용을 개선시키기 위해 리더가 실천할 필요가 있는 조치들 : Networking and forming alliances in environment (gather information, increase influence) 환경 내의 연결망 구축 및 제휴 형성(정보수집,영향력의 증대) Advocating and representing team to environment 외부(환경)에 대해 팀을 옹호하고 대변 Negotiating upward to secure necessary resources, support, and recognition for team 팀을 위해 필요한 자원을 확보하고 지원 및 인정을 얻어내기 위해 상부와 협상(교섭) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

22 리더십 조치(개입) External Environmental Leadership Actions 외부적 환경을 위한조치
Set of skills or behaviors leader needs to implement to improve environmental interface with team: 리더가 팀과 환경 간의 상호작용을 개선시키기 위해 리더가 실천할 필요가 있는 조치들 : Buffering team members from environmental distractions 환경적 혼란으로부터 팀 성원들을 보호(완충장치) Assessing environmental indicators of team’s effectiveness (surveys, evaluations, performance indicators) 팀 효과성에 대한 환경적 지표의 측정(조사,평가,업적지표) Sharing relevant environmental information with team 관련된 환경정보를 팀과 공유 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

23 팀 효과성 팀 효과성 업적(과업성취) 팀의 발전(팀의 유지)
Team Effectiveness 팀 효과성 업적(과업성취) 팀의 발전(팀의 유지) Team effectiveness – the desired outcome of teamwork 팀 효과성 - 바람직한 팀워크의 성과 - Team Performance – task accomplishments 팀 업적 - 과업성취 - Team Development – maintenance of the team 팀 발전 – 팀의 유지 Researchers studied organizational work teams & developed 연구자들은 조직의 작업팀을 연구하여 아래사항을 개발함 : - Standard of effectiveness 효과성의 기준 - Criteria of excellence 우수성의 척도 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

24 팀 효과성 집단효과성의 요소와 팀 우수성의 특성 Team Effectiveness 집단 효과성 요소들
(Hackman & Walton, 1986) 팀 우수성의 특성들 (Larson & LaFasto, 1989) ㆍ 명확한 방향을 향해 몰두하는 집단 ㆍ 업무수행을 가능하게 하는 집단구조 ㆍ 업무수행을 가능하게 하는 조직여건 ㆍ 적절한 물적 자원 ㆍ 유용하고 전문적인 지도(코치) ㆍ 명확하고 가치 있는 목표 ㆍ 결과지향적 구조 ㆍ 유능한 팀원 구성 ㆍ 통일된 헌신 ㆍ 협동적 노력의 분위기 ㆍ 우수성의 기준 ㆍ 외부의 지원과 인정 ㆍ 원칙중심의 리더십 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

25 팀 효과성 Team Effectiveness Clear, Elevating Goal 명확하고 가치 있는 목표
Clear so that one can tell if performance objective has been met 모든 성원들이 업적목표가 달성되고 있는지의 여부를 알 수 있도록 매우 명확해야 함. Is motivating or involving so that members believe it is worthwhile and important 구성원들이 그 목표가 가치 있고 중요하다고 믿을 수 있도록 하여 구성원들을 동기부여하고 참여할 수 있도록 함. Results-Driven Structure 결과지향적 구조 Need to find the best structure to achieve goals 목표를 성취하기 위한 최선의 구조를 찾아야 함 : Clear team member roles 성원들에게 분명한 역할 부여 Good communication system 좋은 의사소통 시스템 Methods to assess individual performance 개인업적의 측정방법 An emphasis on fact-based judgments 사실과 실적에 근거한 평가 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

26 팀 효과성 Team Effectiveness Competent Team Members 유능한 팀 구성원
Components 구성요소 Right number and mix of members 적절한 수의 구성원과 적절하게 혼합된 구성원 Members must be provided : 구성원들에게 반드시 다음을 제공 Sufficient information 충분한 정보 Education and training 교육과 훈련 Requisite technical skills 필수적인 기술적 역량 Interpersonal & teamwork skills 대인간 기술, 팀워크 기술 Team Factors : 팀워크를 촉진하는 요인들 : Openness 개방성 Supportiveness 지원성 Action orientation 실천지향성 Positive personal style 긍정적 자세 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs Core Competencies : 핵심역량 : Ability to do the job well 직무수행능력 Problem solving ability 문제해결능력

27 팀 효과성 Unified Commitment 통일된 헌신
Team Effectiveness Unified Commitment 통일된 헌신 Teams need a carefully designed and developed sense of unity or identification (team spirit) 팀은 주의 깊게 설계되고 개발되어 일체감과 정체성, 그리고 통일된 헌신성을 가지고 있어야 함. Collaborative Climate 협동적인 분위기 Trust based on openness, honesty, consistency, and respect 개방성, 정직, 일관성, 그리고 존경에 기반을 둔 신뢰관계 Integration of individual actions 구성원 개인의 활동을 통합 Leaders facilitate a collaborative climate by: 리더는 아래와 같이 함으로써 협동적 분위기를 조성함. Making communication safe 의사소통을 안전하게 함. Demanding and rewarding collaborative behavior 협동적 행동을 요구하고 보상함. Guiding the team’s problem-solving efforts 팀의 문제해결노력을 지도함. Managing one’s own control needs 성원들 자신의 자율욕구를 관리함. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

28 팀 효과성 Standards of Excellence 우수성의 기준
Team Effectiveness Standards of Excellence 우수성의 기준 Regulated Performance 조정되고 규제된 업무수행 Facilitates task completion and coordinated action 과업완수와 협조적 활동이 증대됨. Stimulates a positive pressure for members to perform at highest levels 성원들이 최고의 수준으로 과업을 수행해야 한다는 긍정적인 압력을 느낄 수 있도록 자극함. How Accomplished 수행 방법 Requiring results (clear expectations) 과업성과의 요구(기대하고 있는 성과를 명백히 함.) Reviewing results (feedback/resolve issues) 과업성과의 검토(피드백을 제공하여 문제를 해결) Rewarding results(acknowledge superior performance) 과업성과에 대한 보상(우수한 업적을 인정하고 보상함.) Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

29 팀 효과성 External Support and Recognition 외부의 지원과 인정
Team Effectiveness External Support and Recognition 외부의 지원과 인정 Regulated Performance 통제된 업무수행 ▪ Teams supported by external resources are : 팀에 지원되는 외부적 자원 : Given the material resources needed to do their jobs 직무수행에 필요한 물적 자원을 지원받음. Recognized for team accomplishments 팀의 성취업적을 인정받음. Rewarded by tying those rewards to team members performance, not individual achievement 개인적 업적보다는 팀 구성원 업적에 따른 집단적 보상을 받음. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

30 팀 효과성 Principled Leadership 원칙중심의 리더십 Team Effectiveness
Influences team effectiveness through four sets of processes (Zaccaro et al., 2001) 네 가지 과정을 통해 팀효과성에 영향을 미침. Cognitive - Facilitates team’s understanding of problems confronting them 인지적 과정 – 팀이 당면한 문제가 무엇인지에 대한 이해를 촉구. Motivational - Helps team become cohesive & capable by setting high performance standards & helping team to achieve them 동기부여 과정 – 높은 업적기준을 설정하고, 그것을 달성할 수 있도록 도와 팀의 응집성과 역량을 높임. Affective - Assists team in handling stressful circumstances by providing clear goals, assignments, & strategies 정서적 과정 – 분명한 업적목표, 직무할당, 목표달성을 위한 전략을 제공하여 팀이 모호성에서 오는 스트레스 상황을 해결하도록 도움. Integrative - Helps coordinate team’s activities through matching member roles, clear performance strategies, feedback, & adapting to environmental changes 조정ㆍ통합과정 - 성원들의 역할, 명백한 업적전략, 피드백, 환경변화에 대한 적응 등을 적합시킴으로써 팀의 활동을 조정ㆍ통합하는 데 도움을 줌. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

31 팀 리더십의 효용 팀 리더십의 초점 Strengths 강점 Criticisms 비판 Application 응용
How Does the Team Leadership Approach Work? Focus of of Team Leadership 팀 리더십의 초점 Strengths 강점 Criticisms 비판 Application 응용 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

32 팀 리더십 Team Leadership Focus 초점 Model provides a cognitive map to identify group needs and offers suggestions on appropriate corrective actions 모델은 리더에게 집단의 필요성을 확인하기 위한 인지적 안내도를 제공해 주며, 적절한 수정조치를 어떻게 취하는가에 대한 제안을 제시함. Model assists leader in making sense of the complexity of groups and provides suggested actions to improve group effectiveness 모델은 리더가 집단의 복잡성을 이해 하도록 도와주며, 집단을 더욱 효과적이 되도록 하기 위해 취해야 할 조치에 대한 방안을 제시함. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

33 팀 리더십 Focus 초점 How does the model work? 모델의 효용
Team Leadership Focus 초점 How does the model work? 모델의 효용 1st - Leader engages leader mediation process 첫번째 – 리더는 리더의 중재과정을 결정함. Decides appropriate action - to monitor or take action 적절한 조치가 감시인지 조치를 취하는 것인지를 결정 If team’s function satisfactory – no action 팀 기능이 만족스럽다면 행동을 취하지 않음. If monitoring reveals action needed – which level(s) ▪ internal or external 감시의 결과 조치가 필요하다면, 내부적 수준인지 외부적 수준인지를 결정해야 함. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

34 팀 리더십 Focus 초점 How does the model work? 모델의 효용
Team Leadership Focus 초점 How does the model work? 모델의 효용 2nd – Determining exact intervention needed 두번째 – 정확한 개입의 필요성을 결정 Internal relationship problem 내부적 관계의 문제점 ? Internal task problem 내부적 과업의 문제 점? External environmental problem 외부적 환경문제 ? 3rd – Determine action needed or which level to intervene 세번째 - 조치가 필요한지, 어떤 수준에서 개입할 것인가를 결정 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

35 팀 리더십 Focus 초점 How does the model work? 모델의 효용
Team Leadership Focus 초점 How does the model work? 모델의 효용 4th – Decide to intervene at any or all 3 levels 네번째 –어떤 수준인지, 세 가지 모두의 수준인지에 대한 개입을 결정 Address the individual – internal, relational 구성원 개인에 대한 개입 – 내부적, 관계적 Clarify group roles – internal, task 집단의 역할을 분명히 함 – 내부적, 과업 Negotiate of team with higher up in organization - external 조직의 상부와 팀 교섭(협상) - 외부적 Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

36 강 점 Provides answers to what constitutes excellent teams
Strengths Provides answers to what constitutes excellent teams 우수한 팀 구성이 무엇인지에 대한 해답을 제공함. Provides a cognitive guide that assists leaders in designing and maintaining effective teams 리더가 효과적인 팀을 재설계하고 유지하는데 필요한 ‘인지적 지침’을 제공함. Recognizes the changing role of leaders and followers in organizations 조직 내에서 리더와 구성원들의 변화하는 역할을 고려함. Can be used as a tool in group leader selection 그룹 내 리더를 선발하는 도구로 사용될 수 있음. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

37 비 판 Complete model has not been totally supported or tested
Criticisms Complete model has not been totally supported or tested 전체적으로 입증되거나 검증되지 못하여 완벽한 모델이 되지 못함. May not be practical as the model is complex and doesn’t provide easy answers for difficult leader decisions 팀 리더십모델은 너무 복잡하여 리더가 어려운 의사결정에 대한 해답을 쉽게 제공하지 못하여 실용적이 되지 못할 수 있음. Fails to provide much guidance for handling everyday interactions and complications of team management 일상적인 상호작용과 팀 경영상의 복잡한 문제들의 해결을 위한 지침을 제공하지 못함. More focus required on how to teach and provide skill development in areas of diagnosis and action taking 진단하고 조치를 취하는 기술 개발 을 어떻게 가르치고, 제공하는 가에 대해 더 많은 관심과 집중적인 노력이 필요함. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

38 응 용 Useful in leader decision making 리더가 개입여부의 결정을 내리는데 유용함.
Application Useful in leader decision making 리더가 개입여부의 결정을 내리는데 유용함. Can be used as a team diagnostic tool 팀을 진단하는 도구로 사용 가능함. Leader at center of group change & activity – represents the “will” of the group combo of special traits/characteristics - allows them to affect others to accomplish tasks. 3. Things leaders do that bring about change 4. Leaders have power and use it to cause change 5. In helping group members achieve their goals/meet needs

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