Value proposition? Intro Concept Explanation of our model Basic concepts and Values of our model Customer Needs Analysis, Value proposition of our model.

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Presentation on theme: "Value proposition? Intro Concept Explanation of our model Basic concepts and Values of our model Customer Needs Analysis, Value proposition of our model."— Presentation transcript:


2 Value proposition? Intro Concept Explanation of our model Basic concepts and Values of our model Customer Needs Analysis, Value proposition of our model Users: Quality, Price Diagram Firms: Advertise to more targetted people Interact with customers in a deeper way, new ways of promoting their products and services Need of Market information Explanation of our ‘place’ Location: Hong-ik University Exterior: Interior: 1st floor: Café & Restaurant 2nd floor: Casual Bar 3rd floor: Exhibition Hall Story of a person using our ‘place’ (smartphones, bracelets) Profit model Analysis Advertisement LCD Monitors, Ad movies, etc : Revenue creation Product sponsorship: Cost reduction Market Information Sell to individual firms, Ad companies: Revenue Creation Use it to negotiate food price: Cost Reduction Exhibition Hall Lending Profitability Analysis Wrap-up and KSF

3 Intro Concept Explanation of our model Basic concepts and Values of our model Value proposition 두가지 니즈를 링크해주는 건데, 한가지는 기업의 입장에서 보다 구매력 있고 유행에 민감한 소비자층 즉, 기업들이 타겟하고 잇는 소비자 층에 대해 심도 있는 홍보를 하는 것이고, 다른 한가지 니즈는 소비자들이 좋은 품질의 서비스를 저렴한 가격에 이용하고 싶다는 것이다. 따라서, 우리가 제공하려는 모델은 구매력이 있고 유행에 민감한 소비자들에게 양질의 서비를 저렴하게 (무료로) 제공해 줘야 한다. 특히, 주의해야 하는 것은 기업이 원하는 소비자군과 반응하는 소비자군의 차이가 있을 수 있는데, 그 차이를 완화해야 한다. (기업이 홍보를 하고 싶어 하는 소비자군 = 구매력 High) (‘무료’ 서비스에 민감하게 반응하는 소비자군 = 구매력 Low) Explanation of our ‘place’ Location: Hong-ik University Exterior: Interior: 1st floor: Café & Restaurant 2nd floor: Casual Bar 3rd floor: Exhibition Hall Story of a person using our ‘place’ (smartphones, bracelets) Profit model Analysis Advertisement LCD Monitors, Ad movies, etc : Revenue creation Product sponsorship: Cost reduction Market Information Sell to individual firms, Ad companies: Revenue Creation Use it to negotiate food price: Cost Reduction Exhibition Hall Lending Promotion Strategy Magazine, product, Profitability Analysis Wrap-up and KSF

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