Lecture 2: Preparing for an Engineering Career

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1 Lecture 2: Preparing for an Engineering Career
EEE2032: 공학입문설계 서강대학교 전자공학과 2012학년도 1학기

2 Objectives Think about how you can adapt the strategies offered here to get the optimum benefit from your college years.

3 2.1 College Life Keep in mind that what you do for college will affect you for the rest of your life. You must take the responsibility for learning; nobody can make you learn. In high school, most of your learning took place in class. In contrast, in college, larger portion of your education takes place outside the class.

4 2.2 Budgeting Your Time Your education is an expensive investment, one that requires your responsible management. How much time do you invest your class for a week? Budgeting your time is very important. a week = 24 hours X 7 days = 168 hours 2~3 hr for 1 hr class

5 An Example of Weekly Schedule for a Freshman Student
1 CHEM1001 PHY1001 EEE2032 2 COR1001 COR1003 3 STS2005 PHY1101 4

6 2.3 Daily Studying and Preparation
Read before the class and study the material after the class on the same day. 책 읽는 방법, 즉시 시행 Attend Your Classes Regularly You can ask questions to clarify any misunderstanding. Get Help Right Away When you need some help, don’t wait till the last minute to ask! Take Good Notes Listen carefully and write down notes regarding the important concepts that you did not understand when you read the book.

7 Select a Good Study Place Form Study Groups
Find a comfortable place with good lighting. Form Study Groups A good way to learn something is to form discussion groups where you explain ideas and concepts in your own words to others in the group. Be an active learner not a passive learner! Prepare for Examinations The night before the exam is the time for review only. 쉬운 문제부터, 최선의 답안 작성

8 2.4 Get Involved with an Engineering Organization
Organization offers the followings: Conferences and meeting to share new ideas and findings. Technical journals, books, reports, and magazines to help engineers in particular specialties keep up-to-date. Short courses on current technical developments. Create, maintain, and distribute codes and standards. Networking mechanism which you get to know people from different companies and institutions.

9 2.5 Your Graduation Plan What is your goal?
What is your graduation plan? 이수학점, 필수과목, 선수과목 진학? 대학원, 유학 취업? 대기업, 중소기업, 벤처, 공기업, 연구소 벤처? CEO

10 List all of the classes that you need to take in order to obtain your degree in college years.
전자공학과 홈페이지 ‘교과목안내’ 참조

11 교과계통도

12 설계계통도


14 * : 2010부터 개설학기 변경 이수구분 교과목 개설 학년 - 학기 실험/ 실습/ 설계 구분 과목명 학점 이론 실험 인 증
31 공학 설계 공학입문설계* 3 1-2 입문설계 디자인 프로젝트 4-2 종합설계 전공 필수 회로이론Ⅰ* 2-1 회로이론Ⅱ* 2 1 2-2 발전설계 디지털회로설계 기초설계 전자장론Ⅰ 물리전자공학Ⅰ 전자회로Ⅰ 3-1 기초전자공학실험 실험 디지털논리회로실험 전자회로실험 고급전자회로실험 3-2 * : 2010부터 개설학기 변경

15 반도체 IC 물리전자공학 II 3 3-1 전자회로 II 2 1 3-2 발전설계 반도체공학 I 반도체공학 II 4-1 전자재료부품 광전자공학 메모리회로설계 산학협력 메모리설계 및 테스팅기술 RF IC 공학 4-2 RF 통신 전자장론 II 2-2 통신전자회로설계 초고주파 공학 기초초고주파회로해석 안테나공학 통신공학개론 디지털통신 데이터통신시스템 이동통신공학

16 정보 시스템 신호및시스템 2 1 2-2 발전설계 랜덤프로세스 3 3-1 자동제어개론 디지털제어 3-2 디지털신호처리개론 4-1 디지털신호처리응용 4-2 디지털영상처리개론 디지털영상처리응용 고급디지털회로설계 마이크로프로세서개론 마이크로프로세서 시스템설계 컴퓨터 인터넷 HDL을 이용한 시스템설계 컴퓨터아키텍쳐 임베디드시스템 설계 VLSI 시스템설계 컴퓨터통신 인터넷통신망

17 실험 실습 설계 마이크로프로세서 응용실험 2 4-1 전자공학현장실습 3 방학 현장실습 기초디자인프로젝트 2-2 발전설계 TI DSP를 이용한 디지털 신호처리 응용 1 4-2 공학프로그래밍 2-1 기초설계

18 2.6 Other Considerations Doing Volunteer Work
Volunteering could also help develop communication, management, or supervisory skills that you may not develop by just attending school. Get to Know Your Classmates Get to Know an Upper-Division Engineering Student Becoming acquainted with junior and senior engineering students can provide you with valuable information about their engineering education experience and campus social issues.

19 Summary Transition from high school to college.
Start studying and preparing from the first day of class, attend classes regularly, get help right away, take good notes, select a good study place, and form study groups. Joining an engineering organization. Become an active participant

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