VistA Internationalization Phase 2 – Menu System l10n

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1 VistA Internationalization Phase 2 – Menu System l10n
By Sam Habiel/Peter Li December 18th 2018

2 Previously (Last week)
Focus was on translating the menu items themselves Placed Menu Item Text and Description into Dialog File OSEP6TRA helped apply the translations to the menu system There were bugs in OSEP6TRA Fixed now

3 This Week Extract literals in routines into the DIALOG file
Figure out how to use some of the existing translations in Fileman for standardized dialogs Yes/No See how much of the Kernel Sign-on needs to be translated

4 Menu System Changes Routine # of Changes XQ 2 XQ2 13 XQHLP 16

5 Translation Strategy Full literals are simple to translate
“Your Secondary Options” Move sentence to DIALOG file and call $$EZBLD^DIALOG Constructed sentences work only in English “Select” + User Name + “’s” + Option Name + “Option” Don’t include punctuations in translations

6 Eg: XQ2 (literals replaced)

7 Eg: XQ (refactored)

8 Fileman Yes/No Dialogs
Must do all of them otherwise yes/no does not get accepted Dialog # Routine English Korean 7003 DIR* y:YES;n:NO y:예;n:아니오 9040 Enter either 'Y' or 'N' 'Y'또는 'N'을 입력하십시오. 7001 DICN Yes^No 예^아니오 8040 Answer with 'Yes' or 'No' '예'또는 '아니오'를 입력하십시오

9 Kernel Dialogs Kernel, unlike Fileman, does not have a lot of extracted literals. Most literals are still embedded Dialog # Routine English Korean XUS Access Code: 사용자 이름: Verify Code: 암호:

10 Menu System Dialogs (1/3)
Routine English Korean 19001 XQ |1| Select |2|'s |3| Option |1| |2|의|3| 옵션 선택 19002 |1| Select |2| Option |1| |2| 옵션 선택 19003 XQHLP Return/^/?OPT etc (long help) 19004 XQHLP/XQ2 Return/^ etc 19005 Option name 옵션 이름 19006 Synonym 동의어 19007 Extended help etc 19008 Sorry, no help text available for this option 죄송합니다.이 옵션에 사용할 수있는 도움말 텍스트가 없습니다 19009 Shall I show you your secondary menus too 내가 보조 메뉴를 보여줄까

11 Menu System Dialogs (2/3)
Routine English Korean 19010 XQHLP Your secondary options 보조 옵션 19011 Would you like to see the Common Options 공통 옵션을보고 싶으십니까 19012 The Common Options, options available to everyone 공통 옵션, 모든 사용자가 사용할 수있는 옵션 19013 XQ2 Out of order 고장난 19014 Not available on 에서 사용할 수 없음 19015 Can't be run on all devices 모든 장치에서 실행할 수 없습니다 19016 Locked with 잠긴 19017 Reverse Lock 역 잠금

12 Menu System Dialogs (3/3)
Routine English Korean 19018 XQ2 You can also select a secondary option 보조 옵션을 선택할 수도 있습니다 19019 Or a Common Option 또는 일반 옵션 19020 Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text 들어가 ?? 더 많은 옵션을 보려면 ??? 간단한 설명을 보려면 도움말 텍스트에 대한? 옵션

13 Demo

14 Next few weeks Roll and Scroll remaining Pharmacy Simple Workflow
KCD Into Lexicon

15 Schedule December 25th – off January 1st – off
January 8th – Back on schedule

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