기후변화협약 제9차 당사국총회 결과와 산업계 대응 과제

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Presentation on theme: "기후변화협약 제9차 당사국총회 결과와 산업계 대응 과제"— Presentation transcript:

1 기후변화협약 제9차 당사국총회 결과와 산업계 대응 과제
기후변화협약 제9차 당사국총회 결과와 산업계 대응 과제 김 정 관 산업자원부 자원정책과장 Distinguished guests, it is indeed a great pleasure for me to make a presentation concerning Korea's energy policies at this prestigious gathering. My name is Il-Hwan Oh, the director of energy and resources policy division, Ministry of commerce, industry and energy, Korea

2 목 차 I. 기후변화협약 진행경과 II. COP 9개요 III. 주요 쟁점 및 회의결과 IV. 정부대표단 활동
` I. 기후변화협약 진행경과 II. COP 9개요 III. 주요 쟁점 및 회의결과 IV. 정부대표단 활동 V. 관찰 및 평가 Ⅵ. 산업계 대응 과제 As you see in this slide, my presentation today consists of several parts. First, the energy demand & supply in Korea will be described, followed by introducing Korea energy industry. Then I will give a brief description of the past energy policy and the on-going restructuring plan in Korea.

3 I. 기후변화협약 진행 경과 2000년까지 1990수준으로 온실가스 감축 기후변화협약 개도국은 감축의무 없음 (미정 상태)
(‘92.6, 리우) 베를린 위임사항(Berlin Mandate) 채택 - 2000년 이후 감축목표에 관한 부속의정서를 COP 3(쿄토회의)에서 채택 제1차 당사국총회 (‘95.3, 베를린) I'd like to begin with the overview of energy supply and demand of Korea. Energy consumption increased sharply during the past 20 years to support Korea's rapid economic growth. The average annual growth rate of energy consumption is about 7.5% in the 1990s. The primary energy consumption is 198 million TOE, in which petroleum covers 51%, coal 23%, nuclear 14%, LNG 10% and others. As you might know, Korea strongly depends on overseas energy supply due to it's poor endowment of energy resources. Nearly 97 % of primary energy consumption is supplied from oversea countries. Therefore, the Korea government has put its policy priority on enhancement of energy security by the diversification of energy resources and oil stockpiling. 제2차 당사국총회 (‘96.7, 제네바) 각료선언(Ministerial Declaration) 채택 - IPCC 제2차 평가보고서 공식 인증 등

4 I. 기후변화협약 진행 경과 제3차 당사국총회 (‘97.12, 쿄토) 쿄토의정서(Kyoto Protocol) 채택
~2012년까지 ‘90년 수준의 평균 5.2% 감축 부에노스아이레스 실천계획 채택 - COP 6까지 쿄토의정서의 세부 이행방안 확정 등 제4차 당사국총회 (‘98.11, 부에노스) 제5차 당사국총회 (‘99.10, 본) 제6차 당사국총회 준비회의 ※ 우리나라 : 2018부터 자발적 감축 참여 발표 I'd like to begin with the overview of energy supply and demand of Korea. Energy consumption increased sharply during the past 20 years to support Korea's rapid economic growth. The average annual growth rate of energy consumption is about 7.5% in the 1990s. The primary energy consumption is 198 million TOE, in which petroleum covers 51%, coal 23%, nuclear 14%, LNG 10% and others. As you might know, Korea strongly depends on overseas energy supply due to it's poor endowment of energy resources. Nearly 97 % of primary energy consumption is supplied from oversea countries. Therefore, the Korea government has put its policy priority on enhancement of energy security by the diversification of energy resources and oil stockpiling. 제6차 당사국총회 (‘00.11, 헤이그) 쿄토의정서 이행방안 합의 실패 ※ 우리나라 : 2002년도 쿄토의정서 비준예정 발표

5 I. 기후변화협약 진행 경과 쿄토의정서 이행방안 기본합의 도출 제6차 당사국총회 속개회의(‘01.1, 본)
- 재정 및 기술지원, 의무준수체계, 조림부문의 4개 의제에 대한 합의 도출(“Bonn Agreement”라 명명) 제6차 당사국총회 속개회의(‘01.1, 본) 쿄토의정서 이행방안 최종 합의 도출 - 쿄토메카니즘, 의무준수체계, 흡수원(산림원) 등 3개 의제에 대한 합의 도출 제7차 당사국총회 (‘01.10, 마라케시) 델리선언(Delhi Declaration) 채택 - 기후변화에의 적응과 지속가능발전 강조 미타결 쿄토의정서 운영 규정 합의 제8차 당사국총회 (‘02.10, 뉴델리) I'd like to begin with the overview of energy supply and demand of Korea. Energy consumption increased sharply during the past 20 years to support Korea's rapid economic growth. The average annual growth rate of energy consumption is about 7.5% in the 1990s. The primary energy consumption is 198 million TOE, in which petroleum covers 51%, coal 23%, nuclear 14%, LNG 10% and others. As you might know, Korea strongly depends on overseas energy supply due to it's poor endowment of energy resources. Nearly 97 % of primary energy consumption is supplied from oversea countries. Therefore, the Korea government has put its policy priority on enhancement of energy security by the diversification of energy resources and oil stockpiling.

6 II. COP 9 개요 2003. 12. 1 ~ 12. 12 이탈리아 밀라노 (의장 : 헝가리 환경부장관)
기 간 ~ 장 소 이탈리아 밀라노 (의장 : 헝가리 환경부장관) 167개국 정부, 국제기구, NGO 등 5천여명 (각료급 수석 대표 : 95명) 참 가 정부 : 산자부, 외교부, 국조실, 환경부 등 32명 (수석대표 : 환경부장관) 산업계 : 18명, NGO : 22명 참석 우리나라 대 표 단 Now, I would like to introduce Korea energy industry. After having a look at the main policy for energy industry, each sector of energy industry will be presented. In order to stabilize energy supply and demand, the Korea government has implemented three policy targets; to decrease oil dependency; and to expand environment friendly energy sources & economical energy sources; lastly, to stabilize energy supply to support economic growth. Speaking of industrial policy, the early 1990s’ energy policy can be characterized as “support and regulation”, in which the government controlled the energy industry by granting fiscal fund. However, following the world-wide trends of liberalization and privatization since late '90s, restructuring of the energy industry has been promoted to introduce market economy into the energy industry.

7 III. 주요쟁점 및 회의결과 (총괄) 개도국의 의무부담 방안 논의 예상 선진국-개도국간 협력 등 현실적 사항이 논의
COP 6~8에 걸쳐 쿄토의정서 세부 이행방안에 대한 합의 타결 COP 9에서는 개도국의 의무부담 방안 논의 시작 예상 선진국-개도국간 협력 등 현실적 사항이 논의 쿄토의정서의 발효 전망에 대한 불확실성 지속 쿄토의정서의 미래나 새로운 의무부담 관련 논의 보다는 선진국-개도국간 협력 등 현실적인 관점에서 진행  청정개발체제(CDM) 있어서 조림 및 재조림의 방식 등 합의 Lets’ look into each part of energy industry. The first is Petroleum industry. In Korea, five private oil companies including SK and LG import crude oil. And the Korea National Oil Coporation(KNOC) is in charge of oil stockpiling and development at home and abroad. The government's intervention in the oil market has been reduced since the introduction of market-opening policy in 1992. The government’s policy focuses on the enhancement of oil security and the promotion of market competition. In case of LNG industry, KOGAS monopolizes imports and supplies of LNG. Nationwide pipelines have been established to meet the increasing LNG demand, which is scheduled to be completed in this year. Restructuring and privatization of the gas industry is also planned to introduce market competition.

8 III. 주요쟁점 및 회의결과 (주요결과) 청정개발체제(CDM)하에서의 조림 및 재조림
조림 및 재조림을 CDM(Clean Development Mechanism) 사업에 포함시키기 위한 적정 방식 및 절차 등에 관한 합의 도출 IPCC의 기후변화에 관한 제3차 평가보고서 활용 차기 과학기술자문부속기구회의(SBSTA 20)에서 기후변화의 과학적·기술적 및 사회경제적 측면의 영향과 과학·기술적 및 사회적 완화에 관한 작업을 시작하기로 결정 ※ IPCC 제1차 보고서(‘90) 검토후 기후변화협약(‘92) 채택, 제2차 보고서(‘95) 에 근거하여 쿄토의정서 채택  제3차 보고서의 활용 동향 파악 필요 In power industry, the Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO), a state owned company, was divided into six generation companies, in 2001, and the privatization and restructuring of the 5 Generating companies(Gencos) excluding nuclear and hydro sector are on progress. The capacity of power generation is over 50,000MW. The composition of each energy resource is as noted. Anthracite is mainly used for household fuels. As demand for high-quality energy increases, the industry has been under continuing restructuring since 1988.

9 III. 주요쟁점 및 회의결과 (주요결과) 기술이전(Technology Transfer)
기술이전전문가그룹(EGTT)의 2004년 사업계획 승인 2005년 사업계획 수립시 공공기술의 이전 촉진 관련활동 포함 협약 재정체계(Financial Mechanism) 제7차 당사국총회에서 설치하기로 결정한 기후변화특별기금 (SCCF: Special Climate Change Fund) 및 최빈국(LDC: Least Developed Countries) 기금의 운용 방안 타결 ※ 개도국의 입장을 반영하여 SCCF는 기후변화 적응 및 기술이전 분야에 지원 LDC Fund는 최빈국의 기후변화 적응 프로그램에 지원 The last industry is the bituminous coal. Any bituminous coal is not produced in Korea at all. Therefore, all amount of consumption, 63.7 Mt in 2001, has to be imported from overseas. Bituminous coal is imported from China, Australia, Canada and Indonesia. Korean companies actively participates in the direct investment of overseas coal mines; for exemple, the Pasir coal mines in Indonesia.

10 III. 주요쟁점 및 회의결과 (주요결과) 차기(제10차) 당사국 총회 개최 기간 : 2004.11.29~12.10
장소 : 아르헨티나(부에노스아이레스) The last industry is the bituminous coal. Any bituminous coal is not produced in Korea at all. Therefore, all amount of consumption, 63.7 Mt in 2001, has to be imported from overseas. Bituminous coal is imported from China, Australia, Canada and Indonesia. Korean companies actively participates in the direct investment of overseas coal mines; for exemple, the Pasir coal mines in Indonesia.

11 IV. 정부대표단 활동 제2차 국가보고서 제출 수석대표(환경부장관) 총회 발언
우리나라의 온실가스배출량, 온실가스 감축 정책의 이행 등에 관한 제2차 국가보고서 제출 (제1차보고서, ‘98년) 수석대표(환경부장관) 총회 발언 기술이전을 위한 여건개선 마련 및 공공기술의 이전에 있어서 정부의 주도적인 역할 강조 기술이전을 위한 현실적인 방안으로 선진국-개도국간의 공동 R&D 추진의 중요성 역설 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance oil stockpiling, natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. At first, lets’ move the topics on oil stockpiling. During the first and second world oil crises, Korea did not hold any strategic oil stockpile and the commercial oil stock was no more than 30 days of domestic oil consumption. The oil supply shortage inflicted a severe damage to the Korean economy. Besides, our high dependence on the Middle East in oil supply sources made the situation much worse. Just after the second oil crisis, the Korean government decided to make preventive measures to cope with oil supply disruptions. The main focus was placed on early securing of enough oil. The government started oil stockpiling in 1980 and launched international joint stockpiling project with Norway in 1999. As of '01, Current national oil stockpiling maintains 137 MMB corresponding to 67 sustainable days of oil consumption. The target of government's oil stockpile is 141 MMB in 2007.

12 IV. 정부대표단 활동 다자 및 양자 회의 개최 부대행사 개최 및 홍보
환경협력그룹(EIG)간 협상관련 연대 지속(총회전 의견 조율) ※ EIG(Environment Integrity Group) : 한국, 멕시코, 스위스, 모나코, 리히텐스타인 등 5개국으로 구성, 2000년에 공식협상그룹으로 결정 한국-멕시코 양국간 기후변화 대응 협력 방안 논의(‘ ) 부대행사 개최 및 홍보 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance oil stockpiling, natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. At first, lets’ move the topics on oil stockpiling. During the first and second world oil crises, Korea did not hold any strategic oil stockpile and the commercial oil stock was no more than 30 days of domestic oil consumption. The oil supply shortage inflicted a severe damage to the Korean economy. Besides, our high dependence on the Middle East in oil supply sources made the situation much worse. Just after the second oil crisis, the Korean government decided to make preventive measures to cope with oil supply disruptions. The main focus was placed on early securing of enough oil. The government started oil stockpiling in 1980 and launched international joint stockpiling project with Norway in 1999. As of '01, Current national oil stockpiling maintains 137 MMB corresponding to 67 sustainable days of oil consumption. The target of government's oil stockpile is 141 MMB in 2007. “에너지절약전문기업의 온실가스 감축을 위한 역할 제고 방안” 주제로 부대행사 개최(에관공, 미국·멕시코와 공동) 홍보부스를 설치, 대한상의 등 산업계 홍보자료 배포 지원

13 V . 관찰 및 평가 교토의정서(Kyoto Protocol) 발효 전망 새로운 의정서 체제 준비 동향
당사국들은 쿄토의정서 발효 기대 및 러시아의 조기 비준 촉구 러시아의 비준 여부는 금년 대통령 선거(‘04.3말) 이후에 윤곽 새로운 의정서 체제 준비 동향 쿄토의정서를 대체할 새로운 의정서 체제(Beyond Kyoto)에 대한 심도 있는 공식적 논의는 이루어 지지 않음 ※ 다만, IGES(日환경성 산하 연구소), WBGU(독일정부 기후변화자문기관), Pew Center(美기후변화관련 NGO) 및 IEA(국제에너지기구) 등은 각각 “Beyond Kyoto”를 주제로 부대행사 또는 고위급 비공식 협의 개최 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance oil stockpiling, natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. At first, lets’ move the topics on oil stockpiling. During the first and second world oil crises, Korea did not hold any strategic oil stockpile and the commercial oil stock was no more than 30 days of domestic oil consumption. The oil supply shortage inflicted a severe damage to the Korean economy. Besides, our high dependence on the Middle East in oil supply sources made the situation much worse. Just after the second oil crisis, the Korean government decided to make preventive measures to cope with oil supply disruptions. The main focus was placed on early securing of enough oil. The government started oil stockpiling in 1980 and launched international joint stockpiling project with Norway in 1999. As of '01, Current national oil stockpiling maintains 137 MMB corresponding to 67 sustainable days of oil consumption. The target of government's oil stockpile is 141 MMB in 2007.

14 V . 관찰 및 평가 개도국의 적응 지원 강화 방안 마련 기술개발 및 이전의 역할 강조
선진국의 온실가스 감축 노력 강화 및 선진국의 對개도국 적응 지원의 필요성 강조 ※ 기후변화특별기금(SCCF) 및 최빈국 기금(LDC Fund)의 운용방안 합의 기술개발 및 이전의 역할 강조 기술개발 및 기술이전이 기후변화 문제 해결을 위한 핵심적인 과제라는 공통 인식하에 관련 합의사항 이행의 중요성 강조 ※ 우리나라 대표단도 고위급라운드테이블, 기술이전협상그룹회의 등을 통해 기술이전의 중요성을 강조 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance oil stockpiling, natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. At first, lets’ move the topics on oil stockpiling. During the first and second world oil crises, Korea did not hold any strategic oil stockpile and the commercial oil stock was no more than 30 days of domestic oil consumption. The oil supply shortage inflicted a severe damage to the Korean economy. Besides, our high dependence on the Middle East in oil supply sources made the situation much worse. Just after the second oil crisis, the Korean government decided to make preventive measures to cope with oil supply disruptions. The main focus was placed on early securing of enough oil. The government started oil stockpiling in 1980 and launched international joint stockpiling project with Norway in 1999. As of '01, Current national oil stockpiling maintains 137 MMB corresponding to 67 sustainable days of oil consumption. The target of government's oil stockpile is 141 MMB in 2007.

15 Ⅵ. 산업계 대응 과제 대외 환경 쿄토의정서 발효 전망 불확실  ‘04년중 불확실성 해소 예상
기후변화 문제를 해결하려는 선진국의 국제적 노력 강화 대내 환경 향후 경제성장에 따른 온실가스 배출 증가 불가피 ※ ‘01년 배출량(148백만TC) 은 전년대비 2.6% 증가(‘90~’01 연평균 5.2% 증가) 온실가스 대부분이 에너지(83.5%)·산업공정(10.6%)부문에서 발생 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. To enhance natural gas & electricity supply stability, the government has expanded gas supply infrastructure, constructed power generation facility and prepared several measures for electricity supply stability following the electric power industry restructuring. To encourage energy resource development, the government has developed domestic gas and oil field including the East Sea gas field and the continental shelf in joint development zone with Japan, and participated in foreign resource development. 종 합  에너지·산업부문의 우선적인 기후변화협약 대응

16 Ⅵ. 산업계 대응 과제 적극적인 온실가스배출 감축 추진 온실가스 배출 통계의 체계적인 관리
노후설비 교체, 에너지절약형설비 도입 등 에너지절약시설 투자 개별공장 및 기업차원에서 에너지 사용관련 주기적 모니터링 자발적협약(VA) 체결 또는 에너지절약전문기업의 투자 유치 온실가스 배출 통계의 체계적인 관리 업종별, 기업별 온실가스의 기준배출량(baseline) 작성 및 관리 온실가스 조기 감축실적의 등록 및 관리 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. To enhance natural gas & electricity supply stability, the government has expanded gas supply infrastructure, constructed power generation facility and prepared several measures for electricity supply stability following the electric power industry restructuring. To encourage energy resource development, the government has developed domestic gas and oil field including the East Sea gas field and the continental shelf in joint development zone with Japan, and participated in foreign resource development.

17 Ⅵ. 산업계 대응 과제 시장메카니즘의 활용 대비 산업계의 기후변화협약 공동 대응 방안 수립
자체 온실가스 감축노력 뿐만 아니라 시장메카니즘을 통한 비용-효과적인 온실가스 배출 감축 방안 모색 필요 선행학습 차원에서 배출권거래제, 청정개발체제 등 국내외 온실가스감축 프로그램에 적극 참여 산업계의 기후변화협약 공동 대응 방안 수립 개별기업 차원을 넘어 업종별 및 산업계 전체 대응방안 수립 필요 ※ 日경단련: Voluntary Action Plan on Environment(‘97) (36개산업 주축) 발전, 정유, 철강 등 에너지다소비업종의 업종별 대책반 적극 참여 This chapter is given for explanation of energy policy. The supply stability is one of the important issues. In order to achieve this goal, the government has tried to enhance natural gas and electricity supply stability and to encourage energy resource development. To enhance natural gas & electricity supply stability, the government has expanded gas supply infrastructure, constructed power generation facility and prepared several measures for electricity supply stability following the electric power industry restructuring. To encourage energy resource development, the government has developed domestic gas and oil field including the East Sea gas field and the continental shelf in joint development zone with Japan, and participated in foreign resource development.

18 Thank you for your attention.

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