Free Talking with Foreigners~~

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Presentation on theme: "Free Talking with Foreigners~~"— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Talking with Foreigners~~
한 박식한 젊은 남자가 그녀가 거기에 앉는 것을 보았고 그녀에게 퀴즈 게임을 하자고 청했다. A learned young man saw her sit there and invited her to play a quiz game.

2 43쪽 2번 Words & Phrases useful 2. local 3. citizen 4. for free
5. feature senior 7. deliver item 9. employment valued 11. respected aimlessly 13. satisfied lifestyle 15. elderly passenger 17. in need of renovation 19. dishonest cheat

3 43쪽 2번 Words & Phrases 유용한 2. 지역의 3. 시민 4. 무료로 5. 특색, 특징 6. 연장자, 손위의
유용한 지역의 3. 시민 무료로 5. 특색, 특징 연장자, 손위의 7. 배달하다 항목, 물품 9. 고용, 일자리 평가된, 귀중한 11. 존경을 받는 목적 없이 13. 만족한, 흡족한 생활양식 15. 어르신네 승객 17. ~을 필요로 하는 혁신, 쇄신 19. 부정직한, 불성실한 20. 속이다

4 2 The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens, especially those over the age of 65, who ride it for free. Some people have turned this feature into a business by hiring seniors over the age of 65. They have the seniors deliver items by subway. This employment gives them the chance to earn money and feel valued. The owner of one such company explains that his workers feel more respected because of their jobs. He got the idea for his business while walking through a park. There, he found many seniors passing the time aimlessly. One older worker said, “The truth is that this job keeps me satisfied with my life.”

5 2(1) The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens, especially those over the age of 65, who ride it for free. Some people have turned this feature into a business by hiring seniors over the age of 65. They have the seniors deliver items by subway. This employment gives them the chance to earn(1) money and feel(2) valued.

6 2(2) The owner of one such company explains that his workers feel more respected because of their jobs. He got the idea for his business while walking through a park. There, he found many seniors passing the time aimlessly. One older worker said, “The truth is that this job keeps me satisfied with my life.”

7 44쪽 3번 Words & Phrases medicine 2. technology 3. breathe 4. remain
5. alive unable 7. suffer terrible

8 44쪽 3번 Words & Phrases 약, 의학, 의술 2. 기술 3. 호흡하다 4. 여전히 ~이다
약, 의학, 의술 기술 3. 호흡하다 여전히 ~이다 5. 살아있는 ~할 수 없는 7. (고통,슬픔을) 겪다 8. 끔찍한

9 3 Should we always help dying people live longer if we can? With new kinds of medicine and technology, we are often able to keep a sick person breathing. But we are not able to make that person healthy again. In some cases, the person never wakes up, remaining alive but unable to think or move. In other cases, the person wakes up but suffers terrible pain while doctors keep him or her from dying. What should be done in such cases?

10 3 Should we always help dying people live longer if we can?
With new kinds of medicine and technology, we are often able to keep a sick person breathing. But we are not able to make that person healthy again. In some cases, the person never wakes up, remaining alive but unable to think or move. In other cases, the person wakes up(1) but suffers(2) terrible pain while doctors keep him or her from dying. What should be done in such cases?

11 Challenge Yourself! They have the seniors (to deliver/deliver) items by subway. There, he found many seniors (passed/passing) the time aimlessly. Should we always help dying people (lives/live) longer if we can? In other cases, the person wakes up but (suffers/suffer) terrible pain while doctors keep him or her from (die/dying).

12 The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens,
서울의 지하철 시스템은 현지 시민들에게 매우 유용하다. 특히나 65세 나이를 넘어선 사람들에게 왜냐하면 그들은 그것을 무료로 타기 때문이다 . The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens, especially those over the age of 65, who ride it for free.

13 숙제 단어 5번씩 쓰기 2. 다음시간에는 4번 5번 단어 및 동사 밑줄 및 해석 예습해 오시오

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