Elementary Korean 2 : Review

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1 Elementary Korean 2 : Review
Hyunsoon Cho-Min (University of Memphis)

2 What we are going to cover today…
Syllabus Grammar and important vocabulary R eview Elementary Korean I

3 Course Introduction: syllabus & schedule
Credits: 3.0 Class Hour / Classroom: M/W 12:40 – 2:05 / Jones Hall 214 Course Website: Instructor: Hyunsoon Cho-Min Office hours: TBA Elementary Korean I

4 Course Materials Textbook : Audio files:
Integrated Korean: Beginning 1, Second Edition, by Youn-mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol Schulz, Ho-min Sohn, Sung-ock Sohn. Univ. of Hawai’I Pr ess, ISBN: Elementary Korean I Audio files: Visit the Sakai course site for listening and grammar exercises, and homework assignments. Download the audio files from

5 Objective Ability to read Korean sentences with confidence.
Ability to introduce your family. Ability to explain daily activities. Knowledge of Korea about cultural practices, polit ics, history, and etc. Elementary Korean I

6 Class structure Textbook Practice : writing /speaking/ reading
Example of language use in real life (ex. Drama, K pop, or other video learning material) Cultural lesson Elementary Korean I

7 Course Grading Class attendance and participation : 15 %
Weekly online homework: 15 % Chapter quiz: 20 % Reading: 10 % Mid-term : 15 % Final Oral Test : 10 % Final exam : 15 % Elementary Korean I

8 Homework & Quiz Chapter Quiz (20%): 2 quizzes in total (Chapter 4, 6)
Online Homework (15 %): Ecourseware (quiz section) questions each week No time limit Unlimited attempts Elementary Korean I Chapter Quiz (20%): 2 quizzes in total (Chapter 4, 6) A large part of questions will be from online homework.

9 Reading homework & Oral Test
Record your voice while reading a paragraph Upload it to ecourseware (folder) Detailed guidelines TBA. Elementary Korean I Oral Test (10 %): Oral evaluation will be given in the form of the interview with the instructor. Detailed guidelines TBA.

10 Written Test Midterm Exam (15 %): Covers Lesson 4 and 5
Includes listening and writing Elementary Korean I Final Exam (15%): Covers everything we will learn Includes listening and writing

11 Study abroad U Of M Program deadline for Summer and Fall : March 1
ISEP Program deadline for Fall : January 15 Study Abroad Fair : Wed. January 24 10 am – 2 pm at Rose Theater Elementary Korean I

12 Review: Grammar & Vocabulary

13 Subject + Object + Verb Word order 제인은 존을 좋아해요.
제인은 존을 좋아해요. Elementary Korean I Word order is not strict. Meaning doesn’t change even though word order is changed. However, verbs need to be place at the end. 존을 제인은 좋아해요. = 제인은 존을 좋아해요.

14 I am eating pizza. 피자 먹어요. Pro-drop language
A “situation-oriented” language in which contextually understood elements are normally omitted. English I am eating pizza. Korean 피자 먹어요. Elementary Korean I

15 Address/reference terms
Korean has a extensive set of address and reference terms. The most frequent used terms: Name + Job +suffix ~nim (lit. honorable). Are you studying? (talking to teacher) 선생님, 공부하세요? Elementary Korean I

16 Verb 이에요. / 예요.: To be 이에요. is used when the preceding word ends in a consonant. 예요. is used when the preceding word ends in a vowel. Elementary Korean I Ex) 토마스예요. 존이에요.

17 안녕하세요? 피카츄예요. Elementary Korean

18 Verb 있어요. : There is, have. 커피 있어요?. Elementary Korean I

19 Verb 없어요. : There is not, don’t have. 빵 없어요. Elementary Korean I

20 Verb 먹어요. : to eat 밥 먹어요. Elementary Korean I

21 Verb 해요: to do (N+해요.) 공부해요. Elementary Korean I

22 Grammar_different ending
있으세요 (Honorific ending). 있어요 (Polite ending). 있어 (Casual ending). Elementary Korean I

23 Subject 이 가 Topic 은 는 Object 을 를 Particles
Particles are used to show the function of the preceding word. Subject Topic Object Elementary Korean I

24 이 은 을 가 는 를 Particles overview Consonant ending Vowel ending
Elementary Korean I

25 Grammar_particles Location, time particle : 에
에 is used before place or time Elementary Korean I 학교에 있어요. [학교: school]

26 Sub Obj Verb 제인이 김밥을 주문해요. Elementary Korean

27 Sub Place Verb Place Sub Verb 제인이 극장에 가요. 학교에 제인이 가요.
Elementary Korean Place Sub Verb 학교에 제인이 가요.

28 WH Q Lesson 3 : Wh-questions 뭐 (what) 누구 or 누가 (who) 어디 (where)
Elementary Korean I

29 WH Questions 뭐 해요? 학교에 있어요. 학생이에요. 어디 있어요? 누구예요? 공부해요.
Elementary Korean I 누구예요? 공부해요.

30 End 끝 Any question? Elementary Korean I

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