안중근 의사 Can you introduce our hero 안중근 to John?.

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Presentation on theme: "안중근 의사 Can you introduce our hero 안중근 to John?."— Presentation transcript:

1 안중근 의사 Can you introduce our hero 안중근 to John?

2 안 중 근 Who is this great man ? 1. He is the hero of our country.
2. He was hanged in March 26 in 1879. 3. He was very brave Korean soldier. 4. He fought against Japan many times. 5. He killed a Japanese boss by his gun. 안 중 근

3 안중근 의사 저격 동영상

4 In a prison 안중근 wrote a letter to his mom.
불초한 자식은 감히 한 말씀을 어머님 전에 올리려 합니다. 엎드려 바라옵건대 자식의 막심한 불효와 아침저녁 문안인사 못 드림을 용서하여 주시옵소서 훗날 영원의 천당에서 만나뵈올 것을 바라오며 또 기도하옵니다.

5 His mother answered the letter.
네가 만약 늙은 어미보다 먼저 죽은 것을 불효라 생각한다면, 이 어미는 웃음거리가 될 것이다. 너의 죽음은 너 한 사람 것이 아니라 조선인 전체의 공분을 짊어지고 있는 것이다. 네가 항소를 한다면 그것은 일제에 목숨을 구걸하는 짓이다. 네가 나라를 위해 이에 이른즉 딴 맘 먹지 말고 죽으라.

6 안중근’s mother

7 His Last Day, March 26, 1879 Watch his face! Look at his clothes!
He really wanted Korean Independence from Japan and Asian peace. * independence:독립

8 다음 안중근 의사와 그의 어머니 대사이다. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오 중근: Mom, I'll be hanged soon. I'm very sorry that I'll 1)______ before you. I'm really a 2)_____ son. I'm not 3)______ to you. I didn't 4)________ you as your son. Please forgive me. Please 5)_________ me for my mistakes * forgive;용서하다 보기: life duty against die excuse serve bad right kind sad

9 보기: life duty against die excuse serve bad right kind sad
다음 안중근 의사와 그의 어머니 대사이다. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오 Mom: Son, you're not a bad son. Don't be 6)_____. You did the 7)_______ thing. You fought 8)_______ Japanese for our country. So never say to the Japanese, "Help me! Save my 9)______" Act fair. That is your 10)______. That is the way to be a good son to me *fair: 떳떳하게 보기: life duty against die excuse serve bad right kind sad

10 Check your group answers.
중근: Mom, I'll be hanged soon. I'm very sorry I'll 1)_____ before you. I'm really a 2) ___ son. I'm not 3) _____ to you. I didn't 4) _____ you as your son. Please forgive me. Please 5) ______ me for my mistakes. *forgive: 용서하다 die bad kind serve excuse 보기: life duty against die excuse serve bad right kind sad

11 How many right answers? Count them.
Mom: Son, you're not a bad son. Don't be 6) _____. You did the 7)______ thing. You fought 8)______ the Japanese for our country. So never say to them, "Help me! Save my 9)_____ " Act fair. That is your 10) _____. That’s the way to be a good son to me. *fair: 떳떳하게 sad right against life duty 보기: life duty against die excuse serve bad right kind sad

12 I’m 안중근… You’re his mother.
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