Search Engine: Course Overview

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1 Search Engine: Course Overview

2 Course Introduction Search engine is the most prevalent method of finding information today. To understand how search engines work, this course examines basic information retrieval (IR) theory and discusses how IR theory may be applied to practice. After learning about such topics as IR models, automatic classification, clustering, Web IR, and fusion IR, students will explore how these IR technology can be employed in working IR systems such as Web search engines to improve the search results. 오늘날 정보를 찾을때 쓰는 가장 일반적인 방법은 검색 엔진이다. 어떻게 검색 엔진이 작동하는지를 이해하고 또한 어떻게 그들이 강화될수 있는지에 대한 통찰력을 얻기를 위해, 과정은 기본적인 정보검색 (IR) 이론을 소개하고 정보 검색 이론을 실천에 적용할 수 있는 방법들을 연구한다. IR 모델, 자동 분류, 클러스터링, 웹사이트 내용 검색, 통합 정보 검색등의 주제에 대한 학습 후, 이러한 정보 검색 테크놀러지들을 어떻게 웹 검색 엔진과 같은 정보 검색 시스템에 응용하여 검색 결과를 개선할수있을지 모색한다. Search Engines

3 Course Requirements Grading Prerequisites Homework Assignments (20%)
Course Blog(30%) Midterm Assignment (10%) Final Assignment (10%) Group Project (30%) Participation (Extra Credit) Prerequisites Basic computer skills (e.g., know how to use PC and Web browser) Technical background is not required. There are no requirements for the course except for the willingness to ask questions, investigate existing solutions, and explore new possibilities. Search Engines

4 Course Policy Students are expected to be active participant in class discussions, where they will ask questions, provide insights, and explore ideas. This class advocates an open book policy of allowing students to consult textbooks, Internet resources, and classmates when working on assignments to facilitate learning and promote collaboration. The Honor Code is in effect.  With the open book policy, it is especially important to clearly indicate in submitted work any materials used from other sources. Full citation information should be given for such sources. Search Engines

5 Course Objectives Study the fundamentals of Information Retrieval.
Learn basic IR theory. Consider IR questions. Understand search engines. How do they work? How can they be improved? Learn how to think What questions to ask How to find answers Search Engines

6 Course Resources Homepage Required Readings Supplemental Readings
Required Readings Lecture material and online contents Supplemental Readings Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines by Stefan Buttcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack September 2010, The MIT Press Search Engines

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