Gochang High School Kim, Hyo seop

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1 Gochang High School Kim, Hyo seop
3. I could use some help Gochang High School Kim, Hyo seop

2 Vocabulary (p.60~61) freshman – sophomore – junior – senior
고창고등학교 Vocabulary (p.60~61) freshman – sophomore – junior – senior aptitude n. 적성, 소질 (aptitude test 적성검사) turn out = reveal v. 드러나다, 판명되다 be suited to ~에 적합하다 make up one’s mind = make a decision = decide 결정하다 indicate v. 가리키다, 나타내다 (= show, display, demonstrate, point to) depend on = rely on = count on ~에 달려있다 rather ad. 오히려 relatively ad. 상대적으로, 비교적 give relatively more importance to~ make the most of ~을 최대한 이용하다 keep in mind = bear in mind 명심하다, 마음에 새기다

3 Vocabulary (p.62) mainly ad. 주로, 대개
고창고등학교 Vocabulary (p.62) mainly ad. 주로, 대개 despite=in spite of + 명사(구) : ~에도 불구하고 cf. although (though) + 주어 + 동사 : ~에도 불구하고 at any rate = anyway : 어찌됐건, 어쨌든, 여하튼 A rather than B : B라기 보다는 오히려 A (=would rather A than B) He is a businessman rather than a scholar. I prefer to stay home rather than to go to the movies tonight. = I would rather stay home than go to the movies tonight. I wonder if (I’m wondering if) ~ : ~인지 아닌지 궁금하다 mean a lot = be important : 중요하다 Indeed : 참으로, 사실은 It was bad news indeed. best regards : (안부인사로서) 안녕

4 Vocabulary (p.63) be concerned about : ~에 대해 걱정하다
고창고등학교 Vocabulary (p.63) be concerned about : ~에 대해 걱정하다 external ↔ inner a. 외부의, 외면적인 skin-deep a. 피상적인, 표면적인 = superficial last vi.계속하다, 지속하다 vt. 견디다 The lecture lasted (for) two hours. He could not last out the exercises. cherish vt. 소중히 하다, (추억, 소망 등을) 고이 간직하다 attractive = charming a. 매력적인 (v. attract=charm) strong points = advantages = positive aspects : 장점 as far as : ~에 관한 한 (as far as I know : 내가 아는 한) by the way = however : 그런데 enrich vt. 풍부하게 하다 (n. enrichment) Instead of ~ing : ~대신에, ~하기는 커녕

5 English Proverbs 1 Look before you leap. Beauty is only skin-deep.
고창고등학교 English Proverbs 1 Look before you leap. Beauty is only skin-deep. Every man to his own trade. A friend who shares is a friend who cares. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. It never rains, but it pours. Many a dime makes a dollar. Two heads are better than one.

6 English Proverbs 2 Strike while the iron is hot.
Well begun is half done. Two birds with one stone. The postage costs more than goods. The tailor makes the man. Too many cooks spoiled the broth. Time and tide waits for no man.

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