유럽의 도시재생: 가치기반 접근법(VBA)을 통한 지역의 핵심가치 모델링 Feb, 22, 2019 / 세종시

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Presentation on theme: "유럽의 도시재생: 가치기반 접근법(VBA)을 통한 지역의 핵심가치 모델링 Feb, 22, 2019 / 세종시"— Presentation transcript:

1 유럽의 도시재생: 가치기반 접근법(VBA)을 통한 지역의 핵심가치 모델링 Feb, 22, 2019 / 세종시
Arjo Klamer 아르요 클라머 Professor of Cultural Economics Erasmus University / SEC (에라스무스 대학, 네덜란드) Slide 1 Today I am going to talk about impact of cultural capital in the socio-economic context. Before I move on the topic, let me ask a question: Have you ever been to cultural facilities, for instance museums, theaters, or arts centres? (Maybe) yes, then what can we observe in that place? For me, I observe cultural capital and people. Definitely those are visible.

2 What do we see? ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

3 How do we understand the differences?
ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

4 Neighbourhood 가장 기본은 근린생활권에서 시작된다.
Return to the basics Neighbourhood 가장 기본은 근린생활권에서 시작된다. ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

5 Go through VBA (가치기반접근법)
M(시장)+G (정부) + Social sphere (사회영역- 사회적 가치) Cultural sphere (문화영역- 문화적 가치) Oikos (오이코스/ 가정) Market(시장)+ Governance(정부) ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

6 유럽 사례 (통합모델링: 문화/ 사회/ 정부/ 기업/ 시장)
도시의 가치를 재해석한다 Slide 4 The public investment on arts and culture has been relevant for the creative economy. Creativity is inspired and nurtured by cultural capital, and creativity in turn generates innovative implementations, inspiring the local economic prosperity. Then what should a local government take into account in determining public investment? Another impact they may expect is social consolidation of the local area. But how can we identify social network? How do we notice a signal of the change in a macro perspective? Is it by mere numbers? Or are there different ways to detect such a social impact? In this presentation, we gonna look at our surroundings with different lens reflecting the creative economic context, from the economic system, data collection and methodology to the evaluation of impact of cultural capital. In so doing we will look into cases from Seoul, South Korea. 유럽 사례 (통합모델링: 문화/ 사회/ 정부/ 기업/ 시장) ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

7 For key value How to define social and cultural qualities?
사회와 문화의 정성적 가치를 결정하는 것은 무엇인가? The answer can come from a key question of VBA 그 해답은 가치기반접근법의 핵심에 있다. What is important to them? Slide 4 The public investment on arts and culture has been relevant for the creative economy. Creativity is inspired and nurtured by cultural capital, and creativity in turn generates innovative implementations, inspiring the local economic prosperity. Then what should a local government take into account in determining public investment? Another impact they may expect is social consolidation of the local area. But how can we identify social network? How do we notice a signal of the change in a macro perspective? Is it by mere numbers? Or are there different ways to detect such a social impact? In this presentation, we gonna look at our surroundings with different lens reflecting the creative economic context, from the economic system, data collection and methodology to the evaluation of impact of cultural capital. In so doing we will look into cases from Seoul, South Korea. ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

8 새로운 툴(tool) Willingness to contribute (WTC)
instead of Willingness to pay (WTP) 초점: 기여활동의사 > 지불의사 Participation 참여 : 주민주도형 도시재생, 그러나 어떻게? Slide 4 The public investment on arts and culture has been relevant for the creative economy. Creativity is inspired and nurtured by cultural capital, and creativity in turn generates innovative implementations, inspiring the local economic prosperity. Then what should a local government take into account in determining public investment? Another impact they may expect is social consolidation of the local area. But how can we identify social network? How do we notice a signal of the change in a macro perspective? Is it by mere numbers? Or are there different ways to detect such a social impact? In this presentation, we gonna look at our surroundings with different lens reflecting the creative economic context, from the economic system, data collection and methodology to the evaluation of impact of cultural capital. In so doing we will look into cases from Seoul, South Korea. ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

9 같은 그림을 새로운 툴로 다시 보면? 두 풍경의 차이를 결정하는 것은 무엇인가? What makes differences?
ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

10 네덜란드 사례 How to realize urban qualities in the local economy?
실행: 도시 경제의 정성적 가치를 실현하는 방법은? VBA changed cities : 3 strategies for the Labour market VBA 로 지역경제, 일자리 창출을 위한 3 가지 전략 Slide 8 As I mentioned, we will look into cases of Seoul. During the last four years, Seoul metropolitan city government has tried to transform into the creative urban area under the umbrella of the creative economy. Seoul consists of 25 districts, amongst them, Jung-gu is the smallest one, however the district contains a very unique combination. In this area, very old and outdated urban factories and high technological creative sectors coexist. Therefore, the local government has promoted to improve a regional balance through cultural capital. I would like to take two examples, because they are reflecting Korean context as well as follow the creative economic structure. The one is Jeongdong gil project, and the other is Euljiro revitalization project. In the course of analysis, we focus on what they have, and what they can do through the new framework, a value-based approach, and a different methodology. (source: Klamer (2016)) ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

11 핵심을 잡는 평가툴 VBA stresses the evaluation process from the beginning.
가치기반접근법은 시작단계에서 각 프로젝트에 맞는 평가툴을 함께 디자인해서 운영함. Quality evaluator: 세분화된 정성적 가치 평가 Effectiveness: 효율성 평가 Impact: 영향 평가 (Qty+Qlty: 정성적가치+정량적가치) Slide 5 In economics, making value real is important, and in cultural economics, we assume that cultural value is distinguished from economic value. Many studies have indicated that Cultural capital turns out by various kinds of cultural activities, and encourages social interaction. In this diagram proposed by Klamer, and called by a value-based approach, social sphere is centred, whereas Market sphere would be centred in the standard economic framework. Every sphere is connected through Social sphere. In this vein, what social sector matters is significant, let’s say, at stake here is what is important to social sector. (?X) ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

12 성공적인 도시 재생의 초점: 사회적 문화적 퀄러티
성공적인 도시 재생의 초점: 사회적 문화적 퀄러티 Therefore we need to determine the important qualities, VBA designs urban models of those. - 각 지역의 핵심가치를 통합모델링 하는 과정이 필요 - 가치기반접근법은 그러한 모델링을 가능하게 함. To make the sense making of qualities stick, we need to develop ways to evaluate them. - 성공적인 “지역의” 핵심가치 모델링 평가툴(QE)이 프로젝트의 시작과 더불어 과정에서 수반되어야 함. Slide 5 In economics, making value real is important, and in cultural economics, we assume that cultural value is distinguished from economic value. Many studies have indicated that Cultural capital turns out by various kinds of cultural activities, and encourages social interaction. In this diagram proposed by Klamer, and called by a value-based approach, social sphere is centred, whereas Market sphere would be centred in the standard economic framework. Every sphere is connected through Social sphere. In this vein, what social sector matters is significant, let’s say, at stake here is what is important to social sector. (?X) ARJO KLAMER / Klamer.nl

13 For qualitative neighbourhood
Arjo Klamer Professor of Cultural Economics Erasmus University / SEC / Slide 1 Today I am going to talk about impact of cultural capital in the socio-economic context. Before I move on the topic, let me ask a question: Have you ever been to cultural facilities, for instance museums, theaters, or arts centres? (Maybe) yes, then what can we observe in that place? For me, I observe cultural capital and people. Definitely those are visible.

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