Food Court – Ordering Food

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1 Food Court – Ordering Food
Lesson 5 Food Court – Ordering Food Overview Language Level: Easy Learning Area: Situational Conversations Related Topics: Food, Order, Price Conversation Place: Food Court, Fast Food Restaurant Dialogue Cashier: What would you like? Customer: I’ll have a hamburger, please. Cashier: Okay, do you want anything to drink? Customer: Coke, please. Cashier: Sure, do you need anything else? Customer: I’ll get small size fries and green tea ice cream. Cashier: Would you like a cup or cone for your ice cream? Customer: Cone, please. Cashier: Is that for here or to go? Customer: To go. Cashier: Okay, that will be 17 dollars. Cashier: 무엇으로 하실래요? Customer: 햄버거 주세요. Cashier: 알겠습니다, 마실 것도 드릴까요? Customer: 콜라로 주세요. Cashier: 네, 더 필요하신 것 있으세요? Customer: 감자튀김 작은 것과 녹차 아이스크림 주세요. Cashier: 아이스크림은 컵에 드릴까요 아니면 콘에 드릴까요? Customer: 콘에 주세요. Cashier: 여기서 드실 건가요 아니면 가지고 가실 건가요? Customer: 가지고 갈 거예요. Cashier: 네, 17달러입니다. *오잉글리시>상황 대화>푸드코트>초급>레슨 7, 13, 14 Oh!English Voice Chatting Lesson 5

2 Food Court – Ordering Food
Lesson 5 Food Court – Ordering Food Practical Use You are in a fast food restaurant to order a cheeseburger, strawberry milkshake, 5-piece chicken nuggets, and vanilla ice cream in a cup. You want to eat them in the restaurant. Use the expressions you’ve learned today to create a new dialogue. Free Talk Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants? How often do you eat at fast food restaurants? Do you prefer fish or meat? What kind of food do like to eat when you are angry? What kind of food that you think is the most healthy? Do you like to eat dessert? What’s your favorite dessert? Which do you eat more often, rice, bread, or potatoes? What is the strangest food you have ever tried? Are there any foods that bring back special memories for you? What are they? Where is the best place to eat in your? Why is it so good? Have you ever gone on a diet to improve your healthy or lost weight? How well did it work? Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you eat now? Oh!English Voice Chatting Lesson 5

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