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Presentation on theme: "1-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-6

2 2-6

3 3-6

4 4-6

5 5-6

6 6-6

7 1-1

8 1-2

9 1-3

10 1-4

11 1-5

12 1-6

13 1-7

14 1-8

15 주의 자비가 내려와 주의자비가내려와내려와주의자비가봄비같이 주의자비가내려와 나를덮네- 1-2

16 Hey ho 주의 자비하심과Hey ho주의은혜로Hey ho나는영원히춤추리 2-2

17 일어나라 찬양을 드리라 일어나라찬양을드리라우릴구원하신주께 일어나라찬양을드리라우릴구원하신주께 1-2

18 마음열고주님앞에기뻐해 마음열고주님앞에기뻐해
마음열고주님앞에기뻐해주님은우리왕 2-2

19 주의 이름 높이며 주를 찬양 주의이름높이며 주를찬양하나이-다 1-3

20 나를구하러오신 주를기뻐하나이-다 하늘영광버리고 이땅위에 - 2-3

21 십자가를지시고죄사했네무덤에서일어나 하늘로올리셨네주의이름높이리- - 3-3

22 1-7

23 2-7

24 3-7

25 4-7

26 5-7

27 6-7

28 7-7

29 1-12

30 2-12

31 3-12

32 4-12

33 and oh my soul so - weary - -
When I am down and oh my soul so - weary - - 5-12

34 And my heart burdened be
When troubles come And my heart burdened be 6-12

35 and wait here in the silence
Then I am still and wait here in the silence 7-12

36 Until - you come and sit a while with me 8-12

37 so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up - so I can stand on mountains 9-12

38 You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 10-12

39 when I am on your shoulders
I am strong - when I am on your shoulders 11-12

40 You raise me up to more than I can be 12-12

41 1-10

42 2-10

43 3-10

44 4-10

45 5-10

46 6-10

47 7-10

48 8-10

49 9-10

50 10-10

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