정전식 터치 (Capacitive Touch)

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Presentation on theme: "정전식 터치 (Capacitive Touch)"— Presentation transcript:

1 정전식 터치 (Capacitive Touch)
Glove sense, Water sense

2 특징/적용 특징: * 물, 기름 묻어도 터치 성능 우수 * 장갑을 착용한 상태에서도 터치 우수 * 소금물, 땀에 터치 우수
* 정전식 터치 단점 + 저항식 터치 단점 보안 * 강화 글라스 적용으로 내구성 매우 우수 * 흔들림, 저온, 고온에 기능 우수 적용: *스마트 폰, 테블릿 PC, 모니터 현재 적용 중 *차량용 네비게이션 및 Car info.  현재 적용 중 *오토바이, 자전거 메시지전달 디바이스 및 네비게이션/GPS  현재 적용 중 *운동 , 헬스 디바이스(땀에 강함)  현재 적용 중 *의료용모니터(혈액 묻어도 터치 우수)  현재 적용 중 *산업용 모니터(내구성우수, 기름 묻어도 터치됨)  현재 적용 중 *산업장비 콘트롤러  현재 적용 중 *군사용  현재 적용 중 *소형 선박, 대형 선박(소금물, 땀에 강함)  현재 적용 중 *바다 장비, 낚시 장비  현재 적용 중 *등산, 스포츠 장비,  현재 적용 중 * 전문가용(스포츠, 산악) 스마트폰, PDA  현재 적용 중 2

3 Water SENSE® / Glove SENSE®
Unique substrates combined with our waterSENSE® and gloveSENSE® technologies make it possible for​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ touchscreens to survive the test of time in the most harsh and demanding environments. 3

4 적용예 스마트폰, Tablet PC, Note Pc, 모니터, 의료 장비 ​ Our Touch can use with Gloves and Waters and work in the outdoor elements, in the presence of sweat. waterSENSE®​​ and gloveSENSE® was the only winning combination.  Our customer is confident their new products will keep them ahead comparing with competitors. *** NOKIA, SONY가 출시한 장갑 터치 가능한 스마트폰 보다 터치 성능 우수. 4

5 적용예 레저. 스포츠 디바이스 및 장비 Fitness Equipment that Runs Circles Around the Competition.​ When a fitness company​ wanted to make GPS devices as tough as the athletes who use these, they needed a touchscreen to match.  A touchscreen that could withstand being thrown around, work in the outdoor elements, in the presence of sweat, and through sports gloves.  Anything less would simply compromise the athletes performance.  waterSENSE®​​ and gloveSENSE® was the only winning combination.  Our customer is confident their new products will keep them ahead of the pack. 5

6 적용예 욕실, 샤워부스, 조리기구, 도어 security Refreshing the Shower Experience.​
A leading household products company is redefining the routine daily practice of showering with a new innovation.  Their design incorporates a touchscreen that can handle years of abuse by water and steam while integrating seamlessly into an high-end, quality aesthetic.   ​ They chose ​waterSENSE® ​because it is ​ the only solution that works in the wet, humid shower environment and delivers on their quality promise. 6

7 적용예 스포츠, 레저장비, 선박 Smooth Sailing with Sonar and Saltwater.​ ​
Difficulty integrating conventional PCap nearly caused a major marine company to drop a product line. They wanted a PCap solution for their fish-finder, but sonar frequency interference and false actuation with saltwater created roadblocks.  Our ​water SENSE® ​ quickly solved their problems.  We customized TOUCH with ​waterSENSE® technology and made slight modifications to the outTOUCH firmware.  Within 2 weeks,   they were able to get the program back on track 7

8 COMPANY LOCATION Address : 서울특별시 광진구 아차산로 78길 44 309호
(광장동, 크레스코 빌딩) (04969) TEL: Fax: Website

9 Thank you

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