Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge

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1 Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge
제 7 장 동기부여 이론의 응용

2 이 장을 읽고 나면, 당신은 직무특성모델을 설명하고, 직무환경을 바꾸어 동기부여하는 방법을 제시할 수 있다.
직무특성모델을 설명하고, 직무환경을 바꾸어 동기부여하는 방법을 제시할 수 있다. 업무를 재설계하는 방법을 비교하여 설명할 수 있다. 직원 참여의 예를 들 수 있으며, 그것이 어떻게 동기부여 하는지 설명할 수 있다. 다양한 변동급여 프로그램이 어떻게 직원을 동기부여하는지 제시할 수 있다. 유연한 복리후생의 동기부여 효과를 설명할 수 있다. 내적 보상의 동기부여 효과를 설명할 수 있다.

3 직무환경의 변화를 통한 동기부여: 직무특성모델
직무는 다섯 차원으로 설명할 수 있음. 기술 다양성 과업 정체성 과업 중요성 자율성 피드백 The job characteristics model looks at describing any job in terms of five core job dimensions. These job dimensions include skill variety which is the degree to which the job incorporates a number of different skills and talents. Task identity is another dimension that looks at the degree to which the job requires a completion of whole and identifiable piece of work. Task significance is included and looks at how the job impacts the lives of others. Autonomy, the fourth dimension, identifies how much freedom and independence the worker has over their job. And finally, feedback is how much the job generates direct and clear information about the worker’s performance.

4 직무특성 모델 Much evidence supports the JCM concept that the presence of a set of job characteristics—variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback—does generate higher and more satisfying job performance

5 직무특성모델: 직무의 재설계 내적 보상을 느낄 수 있는 직무 설계 개인의 성장 욕구가 조절 변수 동기부여 효과가 있는 직무는,
자율성이 있고 피드백이 제공되며, 의미를 주는 세 요소 중 하나라도 있어야 함. JCM creates motivational jobs as they are designed to give internal rewards. Positive outcomes are moderated by individual growth needs as each individual will respond differently. In order for the jobs to increase motivation there should be a high degree of autonomy, feedback and a least one meaningfulness factor such as significance, identity or variety.

6 직무재설계 방법 직무 순환 직무 충실화 주기적으로 과업을 바꾸어 줌
직무 수행에서 자율적인 측면, 예를 들면 계획 수립, 실행, 평가 등의 자율권을 부여함. There are some helpful ways to redesign a job to increase the motivation of the employees. Two common practices are job rotation and job enrichment. In job rotation an organization will shift the employee to different tasks with similar skill requirements but all in the same organizational level. In job enrichment a manager will expand an employees job by increasing the level of control the worker has in planning their job, executing it or evaluating the work.

7 충실화도가 높아지면 이직은 줄고 만족도는 높아짐.
직무특성이론에 토대를 둔 직무충실화 방법 Job enrichment is helpful in keeping the worker engaged in their work. There are many actions a manager can take to help the worker. These actions help to achieve core job dimensions. For example if the manager combines tasks for the worker it can help the worker increase the amount of skills they are utilizing and help them to identify tasks that need to be completed. This action can help the worker to have a better understanding of their job and how it helps the organization complete its goals as well as help the worker enjoy their work more because they are using more of their skill set. 충실화도가 높아지면 이직은 줄고 만족도는 높아짐.

8 대안적 근무형태 유연시간 근무제 직무 공유 재택근무 근무하는 시간대를 선택하게 함.
둘 이상의 사람이 하나의 직무를 시간대별로 나누어 수행함. 재택근무 일주일에 2일 이상을 직장 밖에서 근무함. There are some alternative work arrangements that have been successful in helping increase the motivation of workers. These arrangements give the worker more control over their work and thereby can increase their level of motivation. An example of this is Flextime. Flextime is short for flexible work hours and allows the workers to choose what hours they work within a set time period. So for example, if the worker needs to work 8 hours a day the manager may say you can choose 8 hours between 6am and 8pm. That may allow a mom to be home when her kids are coming home from school. Another example is job sharing where two workers split a job and each work part-time. Telecommuting is another alternative work arrangement that has been utilized. This is when workers work from home at least 2 days a week.

9 사회적 및 물리적 상황 직무 성과를 높여주는 사회적 특성: 성과에 영향을 미치는 작업 환경: 상호의존성 사회적 지원
직장 외 사람과의 상호작용 성과에 영향을 미치는 작업 환경: 온도 소음 수준 안전도 There is both a social and a physical context to work. The social context can help to improve job performance by creating a sense of interdependence, social support and interactions with people outside of work. The physical context can also impact job satisfaction by creating a pleasant and safe environment.

10 종업원들을 조직에 참여시켜 조직성과를 높이는 과정 두 형태: 경영 참가 대의 참가
종업원 참여 종업원들을 조직에 참여시켜 조직성과를 높이는 과정 두 형태: 경영 참가 대의 참가 Employee involvement is defined as a participative process that uses employees’ input to increase their commitment to the overall success of the organization. Some examples of programs that help with employee involvement are participative management and representative participation.

11 경영 참가 근로자들에게 경영의사결정에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 부여 전제 조건:
근로자들에게 경영의사결정에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 부여 전제 조건: 의사결정 주제의 적절성 조직구성원은 능력과 지식이 있다. 쌍방이 선의를 갖고 행동한다. 생산성, 동기부여, 직무 만족에 미치는 영향은 미미하다. Participative management is when managers include employees in the decision-making process. In order for participative management to be successful there must be issues that are relevant, employees who are knowledgeable and competent and all parties must be acting in good faith. This type of employee involvement program has shown to have limited impact on productivity, motivation and job satisfaction.

12 대의 참가 소수의 근로자 대표가 근로자에게 영향을 미치는 의사결정 문제에 참여함 조직 안에서 권력을 배분하려는 시도
소수의 근로자 대표가 근로자에게 영향을 미치는 의사결정 문제에 참여함 경영협의회 근로자이사 조직 안에서 권력을 배분하려는 시도 동기부여 효과가 크지는 않다. Representative participation tries to redistribute power by putting labor on a more equal footing with the interest of managers and stockholders. They do this by letting the workers be represented by small groups of employees who participate in decisions.

13 보상 보상과 관련된 결정: 무엇으로 보상할 것인가? 개별 종업원에게 어떻게 보상을 줄 것인가?
개별 종업원에게 어떻게 보상을 줄 것인가? 복리후생에는 무엇을 담을 것인가? 어떻게 종업원 인정프로그램을 운영할 것인가? As we saw in previous chapters money is not the primary driver for job satisfaction. However, it does motivate individuals and companies often underestimate its impact in keeping top talent. It is critical to figure out what to pay and to establish a pay structure that makes sense for your industry and organization. Then it is imperative that an organization utilizes this pay system and applies it to the pay of individual employees.

14 1. 무엇을 지급할 것인가? 보상 구조의 설계 균형이 필요하다: 상충관계가 존재하는 전략적 결정사항임.
내부적 형평성 – 직무에 대해서 조직이 부여하는 가치 외부적 형평성 – 산업 내 다른 업체와 비교한 전반적인 급여 수준 상충관계가 존재하는 전략적 결정사항임. Setting pay levels can be complex and requires a balance of internal and external pay equity. Internal equity looks at the worth of the job to the organization and compares it with what others are making within the organization. External equity looks at external competitiveness of an organization’s pay relative to pay elsewhere.

15 2. 어떻게 지급할 것인가? 변동급 프로그램 성과의 수준에 따라서 급여에 차등을 둔다.
단순 성과급 – 생산단위 하나당 일정액을 지급 업적급 – 성과평가 등급에 따라서 급여를 지급 상여금 – 최근의 성과에 따라서 보상을 지급 직능급 – 근로자가 수행한 직무의 등급이나 직책이 아니라 보유한 기술에 따라서 급여를 지급하는 것으로, 성과의 수준을 반영하지 않음. Some types of variable-pay programs include piece-rate, merit- based, bonuses and skill-based pay. Piece-rate pay plans pay a fixed amount of money for each unit of production. Merit-based pay plans are similar where they pay based on performance. However, it is not necessarily tied to production because in some jobs output is not as easy to measure. Bonuses is another method that is becoming increasingly popular. Bonuses are a lump sum at the end of a set period of time. The amount of the bonus is typically dependent upon the performance of the individual or the organization or some combination of both. Skill-based pay will add compensation to workers as they gain more skills and the ability to do additional jobs. It rewards the employees for continuous improvement.

16 급여가 생산성에 영향을 미치는 것은 분명해 보 이지만, 모든 사람이 변동급 체계에 동일한 반응을 보이는 것은 아니다.
성과 배분 제도들 이윤분배제도 – 조직의 이윤에 대해서 일정한 공식을 적용하여 분배액을 결정하는 제도 개선성과분배 – 생산성 향상으로 인한 개선 성과를 분배하는 제도 종업원 지주제도 (ESOPs) – 시가보다 유리한 가격으로 종업원이 회사의 주식을 보유할 수 있도록 허용하는 제도 Other types of variable pay programs include: profit-sharing plans, gainsharing and employee stock ownership plans. Profit-sharing plans are organizational wide programs where some of the profits of the company are shared with all workers. Gainsharing is a group incentive where a department or unit will earn additional income if they improve group productivity from the previous period. ESOPs are a method used to motivate the employees towards the organizational goals. As part of their benefit package they are able to earn or purchase company’s stock, often at below-market rates. This encourages them to work towards the overall profitability of the organization as they have ownership in it and will gain as the company gains. It is important to remember that while it is often thought that pay does increase productivity it is not true that everyone responds positively to variable-pay plans. 급여가 생산성에 영향을 미치는 것은 분명해 보 이지만, 모든 사람이 변동급 체계에 동일한 반응을 보이는 것은 아니다.

17 종업원이 자신의 필요와 상황에 맞는 볼리후생패키지를 구성한다.
3. 유연한 복리후생패키지 종업원이 자신의 필요와 상황에 맞는 볼리후생패키지를 구성한다. 모듈 계획 – 특정 집단의 필요에 맞추어 미리 구성 핵심 플러스 – 필수적인 기본 항목에 추가하여 선택할 수 있는 형태 신축 비용 계획 – 정해진 금액 한도 안에서 선택을 허용하는 형태 Flexible benefits allow employees choices between different benefits. This allows them to customize their options and create a plan that best meets their needs and situation. This increases their motivation because they realize the organization has their best interest in mind. Some types included modular plans, packaged plans that meet the needs of the group, care-plus plans, a set of core benefits that most need and then some additional options to choose from and flexible spending plans where there is a menu of options to choose from.

18 Thank you! 4. 근로자 인정 프로그램 내재적 보상
단순하고 즉각적인 언어 표현 공식화된 프로그램도 운영 가능 인정은 가장 강력한 동기부여 프로그램이다 – 게다가 비용이 많이 들지 않는다! A method of motivation that has been highly successful is employee recognition programs. This idea recognizes the importance of coupling extrinsic and intrinsic methods to help motivate employees. Recognition is an intrinsic motivation technique that can range from giving an employee the proverbial pat on the back to a more public recognition ceremony. Recognition programs are highly effective and cost very little to administer. There are critics of such programs, however, who say that they can be politically motivated and if the perception is that they are applied unfairly they can cause more harm than good. Thank you!

19 세계적 시사점 문화에 따라서 동기부여 방식이 달라져야 하는가?
직무 특성/충실화: 집단 주의 문화에서는 다르게 받아들여질 수 있다. 재택근무, 변동급, 신축적 복리후생: 전세계적으로 확산되고 있지만, 결론을 낼 수 있을만큼 연구가 충분히 이루어지지 않았다. 종업원 참여 : 국가 문화에 맞추어 방식을 수정해야 한다. There is some application of these various theories to other cultures. However, there has not been a lot of research to support common assumptions and understandings. It would make sense that these ideas apply across the globe, but more research needs to be done.

20 경영자에게 주는 시사점 개인차를 인정하고 허용하라. 구체적 목표를 제시하고, 피드백 하라. 근로자들을 의사결정에 참여시켜라.
개인차를 인정하고 허용하라. 구체적 목표를 제시하고, 피드백 하라. 근로자들을 의사결정에 참여시켜라. 보상을 성과와 연결시켜라. 보상시스템의 공정성을 점검하라. The motivational theories presented in this chapter and the last chapter set forth the following overarching ideas. It is important to recognize individual differences when designing and applying motivational programs. Managers will get better results if they use goals, feedback and allow employees to participate in the decisions that impact them. Finally, by linking rewards to performance and making sure the system is equitable better results will follow.

21 기억하라… 대부분의 사람은 내재적 만족을 주는 직무를 좋아한다.
대부분의 사람은 내재적 만족을 주는 직무를 좋아한다. 종업원 참여가 효과적인지는 분명하지 않다. 그러니 조심해서 사용하라! 변동급 플랜에 동기부여 효과가 있다. It is important to keep in mind that intrinsic rewards work and this is supportive of the JCM. However, employee involvement programs are less clear on their benefits so organizations should use caution when implementing these programs. Variable-pay programs fall in the middle and can enhance motivation, but not in all cases.

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