IYF ENGLISH VILLAGE Name (이름) English: 한글: Address (주소): Mobile:

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Presentation on theme: "IYF ENGLISH VILLAGE Name (이름) English: 한글: Address (주소): Mobile:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IYF ENGLISH VILLAGE Name (이름) English: 한글: Address (주소): Mobile:
English Instructor Application IYF ENGLISH VILLAGE For Office Use Only ___________________ Membership Number 서울시 서초구 양재동 183 Tel: / Fax; Name (이름) English: 한글: Last : First : Middle Address (주소): Mobile: 주민등록번호: Home: Birthday (생년월일): / / YYYY MM DD Sex (성별): If Student, then: Student School (학교) : Major (학과): Occupation (직업): Available Work Period (근무 가능 시간): Teaching Experience (지도 경력) Certificates (자격 증) Overseas Experience (해외 경험) References (추천인) Relationship:

2 Hobbies (취미) Interests (관심사)
What do you hope to gain by participating as an IYF English Instructor? (IYF English Instructor 로 활동하면서 무엇을 얻고 싶습니까?) Please briefly tell us of any specific goals you may have for the future. Date (날자): / / YYYY MM DD

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