12주 실습강의 RSS Reader Iis에서 속성 들어가서 디렉터리 보안에 가서 익명 접속 해제 닷넷 플랫폼과 연결시키기

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Presentation on theme: "12주 실습강의 RSS Reader Iis에서 속성 들어가서 디렉터리 보안에 가서 익명 접속 해제 닷넷 플랫폼과 연결시키기"— Presentation transcript:

1 12주 실습강의 RSS Reader Iis에서 속성 들어가서 디렉터리 보안에 가서 익명 접속 해제 닷넷 플랫폼과 연결시키기
C:\windows\microsoft\.net//// C:\Inetpub\ 폴더에서 폴더옵션에서 동일한 폴더 공유권한을 지정 체크 해제 고정 아이피 필요하다.

2 Intelligent Systems Lab
What is RSS ? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Web contents syndication format To share their contents with other applications in a standard way No one standard (0.91, 1.0, 2.0, ATOM) RSS provides a convenient way to syndicate information from a variety of sources, including news stories, updates to a web site or even source code check-ins for a development project. Regardless of the purpose for which the RSS file is being used, by watching this XML file, you can quickly and easily see whenever an update has occurred. Of course, viewing the RSS feed in Internet Explorer and hitting F5 every few minutes is not the most efficient use of your time, so most people take advantage of some form of client software to read and monitor RSS feeds. ㅡㅡㅡㅡ Rss에서 읽어오면 편하다. 자기 정보도 rss로 만들면 다른 사람들이 가져가기 편하다. Xml형식을 따르며 쉬운 표준 Intelligent Systems Lab

3 Intelligent Systems Lab
What is RSS ? RSS provides a convenient way to syndicate information from a variety of sources, including news stories, updates to a web site or even source code check-ins for a development project. Regardless of the purpose for which the RSS file is being used, by watching this XML file, you can quickly and easily see whenever an update has occurred. Of course, viewing the RSS feed in Internet Explorer and hitting F5 every few minutes is not the most efficient use of your time, so most people take advantage of some form of client software to read and monitor RSS feeds. ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ Rss리더나 모으는 걸로 받아 본다. Intelligent Systems Lab

4 Intelligent Systems Lab
Why RSS ? Content Provider vs Content User Easy  Save Times No Spam Easy to implement, manipulation Access point for web sites Personalize MSDN provides RSS Feeds for many of its developer centers and for other areas of the site such as the MSDN Subscriber Downloads. Through these feeds, you can be notified when new content has been published within the areas of MSDN that you are interested in. If you're interested in subscribing to the feeds and using RSS to access content on MSDN, please read the What is Rss section on this page. If you're interested in doing development with RSS, please check out our new RSS for Developers Page. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the feeds, and please let us know if anything seems unusual or out of place as you use them. ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ 제공자는 자기 사이트에 안오니까 짱난다. 정보만 낼름 빼간다. 시간적 절약과 다루기 쉽다. Intelligent Systems Lab

5 Intelligent Systems Lab
Where is RSS ? Get RSS feeds Rss제공 링크 그림 Intelligent Systems Lab

6 Intelligent Systems Lab
RSS 2.0 Specification RSS is a dialect of XML. All RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification, as published on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website. At the top level, a RSS document is a <rss> element, with a mandatory attribute called version, that specifies the version of RSS that the document conforms to. Subordinate to the <rss> element is a single <channel> element, which contains information about the channel (metadata) and its contents. The <channel> element usually contains one or more <item> elements. Each <item> element defines an article or “story” in the RSS feed. An RSS Channel is a container for a number of items of a similar type, meaning that they share the same potential metadata signature. If the Channel is "Jim's News Stories," then it should only contain news stories by Jim. By trying to place one of Jim's stories into another channel named "Alice's Sports Report" would lose the meaning of the container. A RSS channel item would be one of these items in the channel. For example, one of Steve's stories. Reference: ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ 루트에 <rss>가 들어가고 attribute로 버전정보가 들어가야한다. <channel>에 누가 만든 뭔 이야기다… <item> 말그대로 아이템.. Intelligent Systems Lab

7 Required channel elements
Description Example title The name of the channel. the applied laboratory class for Thursday link The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the channel. description Phrase or sentence describing the channel. The latest news from Thursday Applied Lab Web site. Adding the description of the title element - It's how people refer to your service. If you have an HTML website that contains the same information as your RSS file, the title of your channel should be the same as the title of your website. Intelligent Systems Lab

8 Optional channel elements
language, category, docs, rating copyrightpubDate, lastBuildDate generator, managingEditor, webMaster docs skipHours, skipDays image, cloud, ttl, textInput //These elements have sub-elements Intelligent Systems Lab

9 Intelligent Systems Lab
Item elements Element Description Example title the title of the item the final exam for applied lab. link the URL of the item description the item synopsis This document contains the sample final exam questions. author address of the author etc … category, comments, enclosure, guid, pubDate, source All elements of an item are optional, however at least one of title or description must be present. 위에 4개가 필수 아이템 Intelligent Systems Lab

10 Intelligent Systems Lab
RSS 2.0 Sample Reference: Intelligent Systems Lab

11 Intelligent Systems Lab
실습과제 - RSS Reader 실습과제 Layout 실습대상 RSS feed Intelligent Systems Lab

12 Intelligent Systems Lab
실습과제 - RSS Reader 실습과제 실행결과 Intelligent Systems Lab

13 Intelligent Systems Lab
Load remote xml file Import following namespaces using System.IO; using System.Net; Using a Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) to identify the requested Internet resource and communications protocol for the request and response. Using HttpWebRequest class, which contains a request for the resource; and HttpWebResponse class, which provide a container for the incoming response. 원격지에서 읽어올때 아이오랑 넷 유징하고.. 유알아이를 집어오는 거 해도 되고 스트링으로 해도 되고 웹 리퀘스트랑 리스폰스.. Intelligent Systems Lab

14 Intelligent Systems Lab
Load remote xml file private void LoadFromUrl(string Url)     { HttpWebRequest request; string responseText = ""; request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(949)); responseText = reader.ReadToEnd();         response.Close(); reader.Close(); Document.LoadXml(responseText); // XmlDocument } 스트링으로 받고 리퀘스트 선언… 2주차 taeyo의 강의에 rss짜리 2주차 강의에 rss reader 만들기 강의가 있으니 이걸 참고하시오 소스 코드가 다 있다. 3주차 write에 멋지게 클래스를 이용하여 xml문서를 만들기 쉽다. 리더 역으로 만들면 쉽다. Intelligent Systems Lab

15 Intelligent Systems Lab
Class Architecture Reader Class Channel Class Items Collection Item Class Reader class 밑에 채널…. 그리고 아이템들을 엮어주는 컬렉션이 필요.. Intelligent Systems Lab

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