Elevator Pitch “The elevator pitch is a brief description that takes no longer than an elevator ride to deliver. It neatly sums up what you want to offer.

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Presentation on theme: "Elevator Pitch “The elevator pitch is a brief description that takes no longer than an elevator ride to deliver. It neatly sums up what you want to offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elevator Pitch “The elevator pitch is a brief description that takes no longer than an elevator ride to deliver. It neatly sums up what you want to offer (your business), capturing the excitement and potential of your idea.” Describe, in only 400 words and 60 seconds, everything most prospective investors would want to know before asking to see your business plan: Your company Your product Your market Your market/product differentiation; that is, “why us?” Your revenue model Your personal qualifications How much money you need What you would do with the money if you get it? 1

2 사업계획수립, 무엇을 고민해야 하나? 무엇을 팔 것인가? – 제품 누구에게 팔 것인가? – 시장
잘 팔리겠는가? - 경쟁분석/핵심역량 어떻게 팔 것인가? - 마케팅 어떻게 운영할 것인가? - 개발/구매/생산/판매/AS 누가 운영할 것인가? – 경영진 과연 돈이 될 것인가? – 재무예측 언제 사업이 자리를 잡을 것인가? - 자금회수

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