교수학습개발 수업참고자료 Attack on WTC Tuesday, 11th September, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "교수학습개발 수업참고자료 Attack on WTC Tuesday, 11th September, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 교수학습개발 수업참고자료 Attack on WTC Tuesday, 11th September, 2001

2 학습목표 에 발생한 미국 뉴욕 세계무역센터(WTC) 테러사건에 대한 상식을 학습하고 이해한다.

3 Tuesday. Manhattan

4 Night View of New York City

5 It was a bright late summer day in New York City.


7 AAL Flight hits World Trade Center 08:42 a.m.

8 UAL Flight strikes the other World Trade Center.

9 Attack on World Trade Center



12 10:05 a.m. : World Trade Center collapses

13 10:29 a.m. : World Trade Center collapses

14 Terrible Disaster

15 Fire Fighters

16 Fire Engines

17 Tragedy in New York

18 Flame on WTC

19 What remains after the terror…

20 Pentagon : The Department of Defense



23 Osama bin Laden


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